
Viewing 21 - 40 of 76 results

Alicornae Ch. 39 Posted! · 4:13am Nov 18th, 2019

Boy did a lot of stuff happen last chapter! How about we take a break from all that mess and see what Rainbow and Sun are up to? Enjoy this next chapter, I think you'll find some fun stuff in there :pinkiehappy:


Alicornae Ch. 38 Posted! · 11:30pm Nov 13th, 2019

One massive writing session under my belt (2600 words in one shot!), and now we finally get to something I have had planned for over a year! Tell me what you think, and always be sure to comment and share if you enjoy my story! Nearly halfway done with NaNo!


Alicornae Ch. 37 Posted! · 4:24am Nov 12th, 2019

Another couple of days, another chapter, and 18,000 words and counting for NaNo! This one went through a couple of revisions as I was writing it (mostly to make sure I was being consistent with stuff I wrote over a year ago), so eat me know if you notice any inconsistencies and I'll address that after NaNo is over! Enjoy y'all, and thanks for the support as always!


Alicornae Ch. 36 Posted! · 11:06pm Nov 8th, 2019

Reunions and whatnot, something poetic about that, more Alicornae! Sorry if this blog post seems a little terse, it's just that all my creative juice is going to the story right now. Speaking of which, enjoy!


Alicornae Ch. 35 Posted! · 12:20am Nov 7th, 2019

Do you want feels and lore? Because I've got some feels and lore for you in this next installment of Alicornae! Enjoy, don't forget to comment, and here's to getting over 10,000 words into NaNo!


Alicornae Ch. 34 Posted! · 8:28pm Nov 4th, 2019

NaNo is chugging along just fine, so here's your next injection of Alicornae! I'm past 6,000 words, and I'm gonna probably get another 1000 out today, so heees to more writing! :pinkiehappy:


Alicornae Ch. 33 Posted! · 6:38pm Nov 2nd, 2019

Howdy-do, everyone! It's November, and you know what that means? More writing! And with god as my witness, I am going to hammer through Alicornae this November until it is done or as close to it as possible, so prepare for a lot more story incoming this month!

In the meantime, enjoy the next chapter, have a whale of a time with it, and I'll see you again presently :pinkiehappy:


Alicornae Ch. 32 Posted! · 8:06am Aug 26th, 2019

I'm not gonna spend a ton of time apologizing for this since you all probably know what I'm about by now, but thanks for your patience once again and let it be known that even with the show coming to an end this story will get finished! I'm gonna be working on it intermittently until November roll as along since I'm gonna be using this year's NaNoWriMo to finally bang the rest of this story out and get my first actual, novel-length- story completed!

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Alicornae Ch. 31 Posted! · 11:15am Feb 20th, 2019

After a year and a day, I finally have some new gritty pony for all of you! Shocking, I know. I'll wait for everyone to pick up their dropped monocles and rescue their jaws from the floor.

Done? Good.

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It's been a while... · 5:40am Oct 29th, 2018

So, here's my update on stuff; I'm in a bit of a quandary over which story I'm gonna be working in for NaNoWriMo this year. On the one hand, I haven't really touched Alicornae since MARCH, which I deeply apologize for (school, family, and social obligations being what they are plus some good ole fashioned procrastinating). On the other, I have a full head of steam for an original story that I've been writing in Tapas (find Portaljumper339 there if you wanna check it out) and I don't want that

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Update on stuff · 11:58pm May 2nd, 2018

So, school kicked my ass WAY harder than I thought it was going to (Principles of Entrepreneurship and Financial Management will do that to ya), but now that the semester is over I'm gonna get back to the writing. I may start over on the next chapter of Alicornae since the reason I kind of dropped off there was simply because I felt like I'd written myself into a corner on that chapter and it needs a bit of retooling to fix it. I was only about 1k into it anyway, so no huge loss.

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Report PortalJumper · 339 views · #Update #Non-Story

News on next chapter · 12:31pm Mar 19th, 2018

So, sorry for dropping off the radar, but a confluence of my friends from Canada eating up my time and creative energy for two weeks followed by the commencement of my college classes has caused some considerable delay in the next chapter. I plan on finishing Alicornae by next November, or be on the way to finishing it by then, so I can focus on my original works for NaNoWriMo, so once I get into a better flow with college I'll get back to writing.

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Alicornae Ch. 30 Up! · 10:03am Feb 19th, 2018

A score and a half of chapters? Good grief, I may be an author yet! Come and get more of our frosty friends as they brave the Crystal Empire, and remember that comments and critiques are always welcome and appreciated!


Alicornae Ch. 29 Up! · 1:19am Feb 12th, 2018


So yeah, the first chapter of Part IV for Alicornae is out and ready for reading! Comment, critique, thanks for all the support, y'all know the drill. I should have a new chapter for y'all by next week, so stay tuned!


Alicornae Ch. 28 Up! · 7:59pm Feb 6th, 2018

Another week, another chapter! I've been keeping track of my word count on NaNoWriMo's website, and having an imminent threat of failure hanging over me like the Sword of Damocles has been doing wonders for my motivation, so look forward to having more chapters to read as the weeks wear on.

As always, thanks for the comments, critiques, and readership! :pinkiehappy:


Alicornae Ch. 27 Up! / Part III Finished! · 7:32am Jan 31st, 2018

So wow, this ones been a long while coming huh? Sorry for the delay, especially after the glut of content during NaNoWriMo and especially especially at the very end of the Part, but a lot of life stuff got in the way compounded by my own burn-out after NaNo. That being said, we are now at the end of Part III, which means that the next Chapter is gonna be an Interlude followed by the opening for Part IV!

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Alicornae Ch. 26 Up! · 8:02am Dec 2nd, 2017

And at last, the last of my NaNoWriMo work is done and ready for reading. I probably worried over this more than any other chapter I've written yet, but I feel like the result is well worth it! Also, this isn't the end of Part III, that will come next chapter, and then I'm gonna take me a well-deserved break and do some editing to this part to make everything flow better. So, in the meantime, enjoy this big, beefy chunk of story, and don't forget to comment! Thanks again for reading, and all

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I WON NANOWRIMO!! · 1:33am Dec 1st, 2017

God, that feels good to say, but after a whole month and 50,080 words I can say that I am officially a NaNoWriMo winner! Now I'm going to Disney!

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Alicornae Ch. 25 Up! / Primer On Next Chapter · 5:09am Nov 28th, 2017

That's right, the first half of the climax for Part III is up, and I say that intentionally. I wanted to do a sort of double-packed chapter for Part III's climax like I did for Part II, but I feel that the way a section of Ch. 25 ends serves a good breaking point, and it gives me some more freedom to make Ch. 26 a bit longer so as to get all that good revealing in. If you feel the need to hold off on 25 until I post 26 then feel free to, I won't cry (much). Thanks again for reading, and

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Alicornae Ch. 24 Up! · 7:04pm Nov 25th, 2017

Hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving, and what better way to kick off the holiday bonanza season than with more gritty pony? I'm at 39,291 words for NaNo, and on the home stretch! Don't forget to comment, although I won't be able to answer for a bit because I'm in a place with spotty WiFi right now. Thanks again for reading! :pinkiehappy:

Viewing 21 - 40 of 76 results