Proof-reading, Pre-Reading And Editing 960 members · 11 stories
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Title: I wander this world, this strange land, alone
Tags: Drama, Gore, Mature
Summary: A story about a unicorn pony who has a severe case of insomnia. Who constantly wanders the life barren expanse of Equestria fighting off creatures that shouldn't exist like the Pattern Screamers. A side effect of experiments done during war. Trying to find information about what happened to him and the world. up to and including infiltrating government buildings.

Takes place in an alternate FOE where the bombs never fell but Everypony but one (for now) disappeared. Kind of like Life After People. Takes place after the attempt on Celestia's life.

Kind of help needed: Editor, Proof reader and pre reader

Communication preferred; Fimfiction PMs, Skype chat.

For as long as this post stays up I am still looking

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