Transformers Crossovers 741 members · 331 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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I had no knowledge this here group existed. Not one bit. The reason why I am putting this in the forum is because I have an idea. A brilliant idea. Well, it may not be brilliant. But it is cool. A Decepticon lands on Earth, in a large mine in Germany. Why Germany? Because there is a machine called the Bagger 293, formerly known as the TAKRAF RB293. This machine is massive. I'm talking 31.3 MILLION pounds. That's about 15.6k tons, if I remeber correctly. Now, this machine of death makes its way to Chicago after laying dormant.

Here's where you folks come in. Should I make it smaller? Like how about the 570 foot long LeTourneau TC-497 Overland Train? I'm leaning more towards the latter. And how this works is that it operates like Prime's trailer in DoM, where each car cpntains weapons. Now, my phone is getting laggy due dueto the storm that is currently going on, which is interfering with the Wi-Fi that this place has. I will post more Saturday. Or Friday, of I remember.

I misspelled Sharkbear. Whoops.

Just a question, what does it have to do with mlp? The story has to be related mlp in someway otherwise you won't be able to post it on this site.

Also welcome to the group.

1411063 I was going to address that, but my phone started to fail. That is one thing I nedd help with. He is going to be transported there, or or fly, or something. Help on that factor would be appreciated.

I'm sure we can find a way to help you. That's pretty much what we are here for:twilightsmile:

Is this machine the Awesome, But Impractical tank Hitler had his people build? The one that was too heavy to be any good to the Nazis?

I looked it up and its nothing more but a mining vehicle. It was used to mine brown coal near Hambach, Germany.
Link -> Bagger 293

The tank you're talking about is the Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte AKA Rat.
Link -> Rat Super Tank

1411008 Kinda like Cybertron Metroplex?

Sort of, but I was thinking it to have wheels, like the Overland Train.

Maybe the main body tows four or five other segments, and uses them to make it bigger. Like a combiner of some sort...

But yeah, he's huge.

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