Queen Chrysalis's Feeding Grounds 1,422 members · 1,393 stories
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Hey, I figured I'd join since I am in the process of writing two fanfictions, each one will involve changelings :). I was hoping to preemptively join this group so I know I can put it up when I make both fics.

Hello hello hello, greetings, and welcome! I hope you've made yourself at home. :twilightsmile: Always looking forward to reading changeling fics, so you've came to the right place.

Oh, and if any of them involves Chrysalis, consider me willing to contribute art towards it. :raritywink:


Any involving transformations into changeling queens?


Well, the first story has changelings holding a bigger role than the future fic.

The future fic would probably involve chrysalis, but in all honesty it'd be for some obligatory sex-scene- not gonna lie.

Welcome to the queens lair. More changeling fics are always awesome also should you ever find yourself in need of an editor i am always willing to help

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