Living the Dream fan-club 148 members · 8 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Yo I just got Resident Evil ORC anypony want to play, if so look me up on Xbox, name's Lighthdragonhog and I've got an mic. Also please mind the cursing from me. This is the first Res Evil I've played where they are Zombies. No Really wouldn't play Res Evil before, but then I started to play Res Evil 5, and why cause they didn't act like zombies :twilightblush::twilightblush: But I'm going to try my best at Res Evil ORC, but well want to play with back up first and we may and we not be able to talk to My Little Pony, remember bronies only if you want to talk MLP FIM.

ill add you if you want me to my gamertag is cow224

296599 Ok, and I've beaten the game, just looking for others to play it with now, also on Res Evil ORC I'm Lupo in the USS campain or Dee-ay on the Echo-Six campain levels, as they are both the Assault class, but if I can't be them then I'll go with Vector on the USS or Willow on the Echo Six, and they are the recon expert class. I'll be sure to add you.


oh well i don't have orc yet but i'm going to get it do you have left for dead

296933 Yeah I have L4D and L4D2, you know, L4D2 is very well liked game by us broniews, also I live in the UK, so it'll be hard for us to play on a school day, but friday and saturday or when its the school holidays, we're fine, also I'll help you out on Res Evil ORC.

297018 Crap I would play with you it's just that my L4D2 keeps crashing my computer everytime I play it, can you give me any help with that?

297256 Not sure if I can help, and I have L4D2 on the Xbox, but sometimes you just need to clean the disk or install the game into your xbox hardrive, but you still need the disk unless you got it from the Market place, which is not possible, as you can only get the demo not he full game.

297299 I got it on PC and don't use the disc it's installed to my Steam and I can run it directly from there. But it crashes for some reason still. And I do have the full game.

297474 Well I play L4D2 on the xbox 360, controls are much better and I have better reflexes on the Xbox 360.

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