Living the Dream fan-club 148 members · 8 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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So I can say most of us here are gamers, no matter what you play on. With E3 just over two weeks away, I thought there should be a discussion about what we are most excited for.

For me, its mainly Halo 4. I've just grown up with Halo, that I just can't stay away. Christ, I have an entire section on my bookshelf just for Halo (Games, Books, Comics).
I'm also hoping to see some more stuff about Assassin's Creed 3, Borderlands 2, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Darksiders 2.
I really want to see an announcement of Dead Space 3. Dead Space 1 was a surprise because of how much I generally enjoyed it, and how Issac developed his character through his fight with dementia in Dead Space 2? Brilliant. (Also, if you are fan of those Dead Space trailers with the nursery rhythms, check this out its amazing)
I don't expect to see anything about GTA 5 though. Rockstar never show off their games at E3, its always PAX or gamescon.

What do you guys want to see come out of E3?

299790 Actually they alreaedy announced Darksiders 2 I saw it on an ad on youtube and clicked on the link.

301806 I know it was announced over a year ago, I was mentioning it in the context that I wish to see more of it.

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