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The earth one books are a mixed bag, I thought the first volume of superman earth one was alright but I liked the other two volumes, from what I read I don't want to check out Wonder Woman earth one and due to that they made batman not that competent I didn't really like batman earth one, I thought the first volume of teen titans earth one was jsut okay (I didn't like the look hey gave deathstroke) and I have yet to read volume 2

But after getting green lantern earth one, this is pretty much my fave book In the line especially as a big gl fan. The art is good and the atmosphere has an alien feel to it at the beginning as reviews have pointed out

There is a lot of liberties taken with the mythology including Hal's job and how the gl corps worked, especially with them making it that anyone can pick up and use a ring and they eliminated the oath which I didn't like

People have complained about hwo cartoonish the manhunters looked but personally I didn't have a problem with it

Since Hal has been stuck in space for years I want him to go to earth and learn there is now an alien superhero

Some spoiler stuff:

seems that they are setting up the last guardian of the unvierse who I presume to be krona to be the next villain and will be leading the yellow lanterns

there is cameos of recognisable alien gls including sinestro

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