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Crossover between the PSVita game Soul Sacrifice and MLP. The general idea is that the protagonist has finally defeated Magusar and is about to deliver the death blow but just as they is about to strike Magusar unleashes a black rite that causes him to self destruct and opens a rift in time and space that sends the main character to Equestria. Shocked by how peaceful this world is, will a soul who has sacrificed so much to gain power and suffered so greatly as a slave to a mad sorcerer be able to adjust to a world where friendship is magic or will they suffer the same fate as Magusar and go mad with a lust for the souls of the powerful and become a demon many magnitudes worse then the one they just destroyed?

1943286 Heh heh, well their lust for souls would.... you know what i'm working on a story that will maybe answer your question, so i let you see my answer to that is when the story is published :pinkiesmile:

You do know I mean "they" in the gender neutral sense right, as saying he/she everytime is tiring

1943315 Of course i understand :)

Hey, outside of posting ideas I don't do much on the site so if you need a beta or pre-reader feel free to ask ok?

1943368 Sure, ill ask you when i'm done. But i don't think we'll have much correcting problems since i play the game myself :pinkiesmile:

Question then, male or female pc and, if you had a youtube channel and the software/hardware would you consider posting a walkthrough with all the bosses being saved, except those that have to die to advance the plot? I have searched several times but each one I find either uses a female charcter or kills everything except the bare minimum to keep from being one hit K.O.'ed.

1943413 Well i use a male, and i used choas and the i've been complete holy, or you could say that i've been on both sides. I have been through killing everything, then through saving everthing, and now i pretty much go online just to help other people either complete the game or help them get certain items. So I'm in the middle when it comes to picking a side. Right now i'm choas because i don't have much time anymore, so i stay in that form to help destroy monsters fast, and whether to save or sacrifice that choice is up to the person that i'm with :twilightsheepish:

Ok, but what about the youtube thing because I want to get this game but being in college, and therefore tight on funds, I have no way of procuring a PS Vita and this game so an LP in the best I can hope for at this time and seeing someone kill a being that is asking for help just doesn't sit right with me, real problem when I play games with moral choice systems because even when I want to see the villian storyline I always end up playing hero.

1943491 Well with this game they kinda tell you the history being every person you're fighting so in the end your choice is solid. But you're gonna have to sacrifice to get certain items. So sacrifice is kinda inevitable in that game.

I get that but some of the dialogue that shows up on screen as you fight makes them kinda pitiable, like Jack O' Lantern wanting to go home to his mother and lamenting becoming a soldier makes it seem that some small part of him is redeemable and while the sorcerer's code may say to show no mercy, is brutality truly the only option?

1943542 Well that's why you could save him, but that's not really one person you're fighting. His history if i could remember, he was made up of multiple dead soldiers, so all the memories he has are from different soldiers. Some were good and others were bad, but still you could save him, and that person ally with you on missions forever. The choice is still yours to make, and not to mention that you don't have to follow the rules of the Avalon (people that sacrifice), you could just join sides with the Sanctuary(people that save). :ajsmug:

Or join with Grim when Soul Sacrifice Delta comes out, and given their name God only knows what they choose to do.

1943579 Even that, you could just do that so that you don't feel guilt at all :D.

Lol, yeah I could. anyway, not sound like an advertisement but I started a group recently called Radicals of Equestria and I have some ore ideas posted there if you want to take a look at them.

Awesome! Also, not sure if this would be flavoring or whatever but if your OC in this story you're writing is like the one in my idea maybe you could turn him into Sombra, or a Sombra doppelganger, to reflect the dark nature of his magic but maybe not as a unicorn seeing as that would totally defeat the purpose of him still having his sorcerer's mark, that cut thing on the palm of the hand Idk if its a brand, birthmark or what just that it allows a sorcerer in that world to do magic and is the source of the blight that consumes and alters the appearance of the right arm.

Another question, were you planning to call your story a Soul Sacrifice crossover or did I just happen to post before you were ready and get lucky?

1943895 Well yes that was gonna be the title, but if it comes down to choosing i could find another title :)

Title is not an issue just wondering if I beat you to the punch as far as posting something like this goes. Oh what did you think of my idea for adding flavor to the idea?

1948708 Oh well as far as this, no :) Yes, but you posting this aloud me to change around my idea a bit :D

In the helpful sense or hindering one?

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