Warhammer 40k 1,421 members · 291 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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285371Keep bullshit like this up, and I might just leave this group. Yes, I know 'so threatening', but I'm getting sick and tired of seeing stuff like this on this group's message boards.

First it was that ME comic, which I did NOT need to see.

Then it was the name change for the group that was completely unneccessary.

And now it's this.

I may be as straight as an arrow, and have a problem with guys trying to hit on me, but this, THIS is taking it too far!:ajbemused:


Agreed. I could handle the other stuff, and even found it funny. But shit like this is unacceptable. This is the 21st century. Anyone still hating on gays needs to wake up and smell the insta-coffee :)

Yeah, this group is getting pretty, pardon my French, fucking pants-on-head retarded. I just want a group about 40k and ponies, along with mixes of the two. I, and I would assume most others, don't all this shit Ponysun's been doing lately. *cough*we should start a new group (with blackjack and hookers)*cough*

It's a joke, calm down. A very crude, unfunny joke, but a joke nonetheless. I doubt it was serious,as the reasons were so not thought out, inconsistent, and hypocritical that it couldn't be serious. In other words, satire.


Did that smiley face at the end of my statement not alert you to the blatant fact that I am, indeed, not angry?

Hey guys, actually read the fucking death to homos group.

It isnt actually slander against homosexuals.

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