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Hello everyone,

So, I've had an idea for an OC who's the hybrid daughter of a dragon and a diamond dog. And I'm curious what sort of powers she might have gained from such a union.

Dragons can fly, breathe fire and (from my headcanon) get stronger the more treasure they have.

While Diamond Dogs have the senses of canines and can dig through the earth better than moles.

Should my OC have all of these abilities? None of these abilities? Or maybe some sort of combination of them?

I'd really appreciate your advice. Thank you for your time, and have a great day.


I like the idea. I say the ability to dig through the earth from her Diamond mother and/or father's side and the flight and strength (Without the growing large and decreasing intelligence) from her Dragon mother and/or father's side

Thank you for your feedback. :pinkiehappy:

PS: just in case you're curious, her mother was the dragon, and her father was the diamond dog. I'm considering a prequel that shows how they got together, but I suck at writing romance. :twilightsheepish:

Either way, thanks again.

To me, it depends on the OC design before I can answer that. What's the description/design of this OC?

The idea I had was that she's resembles a Houndoom.

Her body shape is canine, but instead of fur, she has dark scales speckled with small white spots (her diamond dog father had a resemblence to a Dalmatian). Her dragon heritage also gives her horns (similar to the Houndoom), along with wings (less similar to the Houndoom).

By that information; she has more of a diamond dog by her design so the "getting stronger by treasure" doesn't sound workable. What's the size of her arms?

Can dig through earth and magma rapidly and without getting harmed. Is a gem eater.

Admittedly scrawny; she does have muscle to her, but she's also very tall and thin; sort of like a serpent crossed with a doberman or a greyhound.

Not so thin that she'd break a bone by hitting something hard enough, but also not really bulky like one would expect dragons or diamond dogs to be.

I can't throw in any of my thoughts until we get more info.

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