OC's Unite 1,483 members · 2,421 stories
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I'm doing a finale of a series I started on Youtube called "Why the OC hate?" Thing I've done two of these and I feel like I have said all I need to say on the subject.

Since this subject does actually apply all around, I actually wouldn't mind opinions from this group as well as the usual.

The OC's I've seen getting the most hate are Alicorns, Recolors, and Dark/Red and Black OC's.

I would appreciate the assistance in this subject in the form of opinions.

I think alicorns get hate because they're supposed to be so rare and so powerful (and when the series started they were basically considered gods) that any alicorn OC was looked upon as arrogant. It's actually kind of funny how draconequus OCs, like mine, haven't gotten the same treatment when they're even MORE powerful and rare than alicorns. They also fall into the trap of being considered a "Mary Sue" or too perfect and that's again because all we had for a reference at the beginning was Celestia. Even after Luna and Cadance showed up alicorns were considered nigh-untouchable. This view is still held fast to by people such as the heads of the NYC Bronies group (the ones who founded the East Coast PonyCon and which I'm a part of) who believe that the only alicorn OCs should be that of Lauren Faust and Bonnie Zacherle, the original creator of MLP. Twilight's ascension didn't help any because she gained her wings by doing something extra extraordinary, so even after season three there was no bases for a "normal" alicorn. It's really rather sad.

The biggest reason I can think of why there's so much hate for recolors is because most consider it lazy, forgetting that not all of us are artists or have money to pay online artists to make our original design in our head a real thing. Recolors should be used as a base, a rough draft of how we want our OC to look, but they shouldn't be the final design of the OC unless the story you for that OC is that they're a clone or from an alternate universe or something along those lines.

Red and black OCs are disliked because they pretty much represent that dark/edgy teenage faze that about 95% of all teens go through and most of us who make OCs are past that age and look back on it with cringe. Therefore, when we see one of those OCs, we immediatly know what the person who made it is like and don't want to deal with it. It can be done right (my OC Midnight Storm for example is black and blue but at worst acts grumpy, not edgy and brooding) but that has to be established very quickly. One good way is to have their cutie mark be something, anything other than "angsty teenager", even if it's something as simple as a doughnut. What angsty teen is ever seen just enjoying a doughnut?

Hope this helps!

I just realized that you posted this in several groups so I just copy what I have written already in one of them if you don't mind ^^.

Don't forget Neon colored OC's ^^.
I personally have no problem with Alicorns if they are either look or are written well. Or if they have some kind of power that is not godlike, something that goes under the level of Celestia and Luna.

Recolors just scream lack of creativity or motivation to come up with something original. It's okay if you are lacking drawing skills or something and decide to use Pony Creators but there should be put more "originality" into "Original Characters".

As for black OC's. There are black ponies in the show like Thunderlane but what I don't like are those pitch black ones that don't look natural. And Ponies that are black and red are just always edgy looking. Again, instead of a realistic looking red (In terms of My Little Pony logic), it is always this bright red shade instead of, let's say, Big Mac's red.

That's all I got. But don't mind me. I am actually very hard to impress when it comes to OC's and even if other people use a lot of work creating them, for me, it's often too much unless they look like as if they came directly from the show.
For example, and I don't mean to look for a fight or anything but the pony in your avatar is something that I already would call too much.

Hope that helped in any way ^^.

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