Sparity 1,912 members · 1,024 stories
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Even if Sparity didn't get a straightforward confirmation of Sparity in the finale, the small implications sprinkled in the last minutes of the show might influenced something really interesting.

On a quite a few facebook groups, people started to give positive feedback regarding Sparity in the future. Also there is a noticable boost when it comes to Sparity art and theories.

There are two suggested theories why this occured. Firstly, since Spike is of age (visually and mentaly) and interspecies relationships seem to be absolutely normal in Equestria, Spike's and Rarity's romance is much more appealing than before. Secondly, some Rarijack shippers may move to Sparity fanbase because Appledash was so strongly implied.

Either way, it's really cool. I hope we will all create some cool fanfics depiciting Spike and Rarity's potential love in the future. I am working on it right now.

I would attach the images but I am getting fed up with URL not working

For some, there have to be significant evidence hinted in one way or another, before they're willing to accept it. "Show me, don't just tell me," you know? And even with that they gonna deny canon. Honestly I think the writers handled it the best they can w/o ruffling a lot of feathers. Sparity is canon as you see it. Lets leave it at that.

PinkieDash would have been nice to be implied.

I think the fact that Rarity was curiously the ONLY mare (aside from Twilight) not paired up with anyone concretely and everyone else was closed a lot of doors of people wanting to ship her with other characters. I noticed the same thing happened with Big Mac once Sugar Belle appeared more and more. Any who griped about the age issue now has no ground to stand on as Spike and Rarity could easily get together at the time jump (if they hadn't already) and I think this allows the comics to perhaps cover and explore their relationships (before or after the time jump) now that the show is over. I feel maybe the show didn't have the guts to be daring and make Spike and Rarity but maybe the comic will allow more freedom to explore that with less fear of scrutiny or judgement.

I actually think stories exploring their relationship after the time jump would be ripe with possibilities and fresh material since we don't know what has happened to everyone after the time jump outside of who they ended up getting married to/living with. I've actually been inspired to write Sparity stories taking place after the time jump as well (everything I've written is Sparity related anyway so not much difference :rainbowwild:). I like the fact this ending episode has inspired people to support Sparity. I remember so many people felt the pairing was dead after "Dragon Dropped" and had no where else to go but down. But it's like the time jump episode has reversed those notions and inspired people more so than before so I think that's a pretty amazing and rewarding thing to see considering how much animosity and judgment has been lobbed at this ship. Here's hoping Sparity continues to grow, be it in fan fics or comics!

Group Contributor

Is it's really true that people starting shipping Sparity because the finale episode? I don't go on Facebook that much, so I curious.

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