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As we all probably heard, season 9 is the last season of Friendship is Magic and a closing chapter for the currnet generation (this is so sad and depressing). Creative staff mentioned that they outdid themselves, to make the last season one of their most memorable and spectacular pieces of work. They mentioned that when the series will start to wrap up, some big things will be revealed and cleared. I have my own theories about some of the "big reveals" but I think that apogeum of Sparity, the oldest, one of the most controversial and teased ships in the fandom, can be one of them. There is no way that Sparity won't show up in the final season at all.

I think the writers have 3 ways

1.Rarity sees Spike in a new light after something that will change her vision on his values (he renounces everything to be with her, but also says that he wants to be with her on equal terms) and starts to fall in love with him (additionaly, Spike may find a way to make himself bigger to eliminate the age gap or something like that). It can be settled as a mini-arc or just in one episode.
2. Rarity rejects Spike's attention, explaining to him why they can't be together. On the one hand, I CAN accept this as a valuable lesson on letting go (this happens to all of us) however ONLY if Spike finds a new love. It would be unfair and totally contradictory to the show's goals to abuse him like this after displaying such loyalty and devotion.
3. Nothing happens. Sparity moments occur but the resolution never takes place.

I don't know what to expect or even on what option I want to count the most (me, still 1). One thing we can be sure of: the thing we will get won't be something that we planned.

Given the fact the last two times they tried hinting anything with them. In Molt Down, she takes advantage of Spike's new wings to make him model taller outfits for her. And in one of the MLP shorts, she makes him fly in front of her wherever she went just so the breeze from his wings can blow her mane back.

I want them to do something meaningful with this pairing for the last season, but if it turns out to be another Rarity using Spike for her own benefit I will be disappointed.

Even if they end with a tease of them getting together, I'd be okay with it, However, the ship I'm dying to see come to fruition is Fluttercord (go on, sue me!)

something may happen he may get a kiss on the lips

That I want with Lyra and Bonbon !

I won't sue you ;), I ship it too. I want see the guys of the series (Spike, Discord, Big Mac, maybe Thorax) happily in love. I have high hopes that both Sparity and Fluttercord will make it in the end

I hope so too, I think that something major must happen between them and then Rarity will realize that Spike was there for her all along, I think the kiss on the lips during the finale would be one of the most beautiful ways of concluding the growth of the ship over the years, since the first day till the last, showing everyone that if you are gentle, caring, loyal, and don't give up, love will come to you.

As much as I don't want to admit it, I take the option, that Spike will be rejected, into consideration. However, if unfortunately comes to this, it will have to be extremaly well played. Firstly, if Rarity admits that she knew about Spike's crush, I will loose most of my respect for her. The only outcome of a situation like this would be Rarity pictured as a selfish and manipulative, not brining herself to honestly talk to Spike and taking advantage of him (and I seriously doubt that this the direction the writers wanted). Secondly, Spike would be left with nothing. Rarity would say her part, pat him on the head and trot away, going back to all the flirting and shining in the crowd. And what Spike will be left with for the years of devotion, help and assistance ? With broken heart.


So, I still hope for Rarity to chnage her mind (or maybe hjust say what she had in mind all along) and love Spike. Despite the hate some fans gave him, he really did much to be accepted and to help others. He deserves true, happy love.

I've been giving this subject a great deal of thought ever since the rumors of this seasons possibly being the last one surfaced. Personally? At the very LEAST I am going for Rarity to agree to go on an actual date with Spike. Not teasing, humoring him or putting up a front, but a legit date. We don;t have to see the date, or find out if it went well or not but I think realistically something like that (or the previously mentioned kiss on the lips) would be enough for me. Would I like to see more than that? Absolutely. I'd be over the moon thrilled if they confessed their love or got married or did anything of that sort, I'd be literally dancing and shouting for joy in my living room if that happened.

However, obviously, I am not ignorant of the fact it could also totally NOT go that direction. I know perfectly well this could end badly and Rarity could reject him, or worse, brush him off and go date someone else and painfully shatter his heart by trivializing his true feelings like they were playing a game or etc. I will truly lose all respect and adoration for Rarity (and the writers) if they brush this crush off cruelly or comically. Spike has put through HELL, from slim to zero responses from Rarity, manipulation, empty promises and treated like a prop than a character, he DESERVES SOME kind of HAPPINESS. I really want more than anything else for Spike to end up happily ever after with Rarity but at bare minimum, I want the show to at least resolve/conclude the relationship questioning.

Even if it ends with Rarity wanting to stay friends, at least it'll put an answer to it. At this point I'll settle for a definitive answer than more tip toeing around the relationship and leaving it out to dry without any kind of conclusive wrap up. His love for Rarity is not a "gag" or a "running joke", it wouldn't still be involved through 8 seasons, and the movie AND the "Best gift ever" special if it was all for cheap laughs. Its still here for a reason if you ask me and I feel its not a mean spirited or bad writing reason either.

One way I would be happy with seeing it end would be a compromise to those who want to see Spike be older before committing and working within the guidelines of the show, such as:

Spike finally addresses his feelings for Rarity openly, no more putting it off. He tells her and she says she is truly flattered but feels he is too young and wishes to stay friends...for now. Rarity says she will wait for Spike to give him the chance and them flash forward several years and we see an older and taller Spike either going out with Rarity OR happily together or married or engaged or something and then BOOM ending.

I'd love that, even if the series does a time skip and we just see Spike and Rarity holding hands looking at a sunset or sunrise or something; anything like that would be wonderful. I'm not holding my breath they will do anything but I'm not abandoning all hope yet either.

We have very similar mindsets on the matter:raritywink: That's exactly how I picture. That's why you are one of my favorite writers on this portal.

Those are some truly kind words :twilightsmile: thank you so very much!

Glad to know I wasn't the only one thinking along those lines.

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