The Conversion Bureau 1,318 members · 389 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin

Due to the recent trend of stories being added to this group that do not have a place here, and after discussion with the remaining administrators of the group, it has been decided that the current folders will be locked to admins and contributors only. A new folder will be created for all incoming stories, titled Pending Approval. Once the story has been reviewed, it will either be moved to its corresponding folder or deleted. In the past, I have tried replying on the author's story with why it was rejected, so that they had the courtesy of knowing why. Due to the overwhelmingly negative response, as well as other users replying to my comments without discussing the story, moving forward the author will be notified via private message so that their story will not be derailed with people dredging up the old arguments for or against TCB in general.

To clarify, the kinds of stories we are looking for are ones that are reasonably well-written, do not demonize or caricature one side or the other, and as stated previously, deal with the general concept of Conversion and the difficulty of making such a decision from an individual, group, or societal level.

On a side note, with my impending deployment to basic training, I will be establishing a clear chain of leadership to take the reins while I am gone. If by my deployment date there has been no progress made, then I will discuss among the admins how we wish to proceed and reply to this thread.

I'm leaving this thread open for civil discussion/feedback on this change moving forward, but if things get out of hand the thread will be locked.

That sounds reasonable.

Yeah that's acceptable, if not a bit tedious sounding.

Sounds a lot better. I would also send a private message to whoever actually added the story to the group. More than a few times it wasn't the author themselves who added it and when you responded to them in the comments they were a ilttle confused

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