The Conversion Bureau 769 members · 387 stories
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Hello everyone. I have just found the TCB series recently so that I want to go through the original story published on EQD. However it seems the links of google docs have expired except the first part.
Does anyone happen to keep the docs and not mind sharing them? Thanks!

Try the ponyfictionarchive. I found it there.

Got it there. But it seems there are only 12 chapters. I wonder how many chapters the EQD version has? Or the fiction just ceased by Chapter 12?

As I understand it, Blaze abandoned the story leaving it incomplete at that point.

Group Admin



Blaze was fifteen years old when he wrote the original story, and he was never proud of it. He did not finish it because he felt it was bad and he lost interest. To be fair, he was right - the original, seminal Bureau story truly is bad both in plot and in technique. BUT! It had one thing that made it matter - it was the first story that offered the concept of Equestria impacting a science-fictional near-future earth combined with a governmentally controlled means of transformation from human to pony. It was a small thing, more of a notion than a fully realized idea... but it inspired some of the finest writers that ever graced FimFiction to create marvels far beyond the usual incest, murder, foal rape and simpleminded (but thankfully harmless) shipping stories.

The story is difficult to find because... Blaze really, super hates it. And everything that came because of it. And any connection to it. And the fact that he wrote it at all.

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