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Lord King Cocoon
Group Admin

The group known as MLP: Hard Analysis & Criticism (you know, the group that knows nothing about analysis) recently made a post for MLP's anniversary.
MLP's anniversary

All I can say is "The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long"-Blade Runner

So we're starting off with a quote. Not much to go by just yet. I'll skip to what I want to address. If you want to read the entire thread, you know where the link is.

It is, although the unfortunate truth is that it's a lesson that's mostly going ignored. It's obvious no one in the entertainment business and especially no one in Hasbro has learned anything, and while the overwhelming majority of the fans are long gone, I have to wonder how many of them actually bothered to understand why MLP collapsed like we do.

For context, this is replying to a comment about how the alleged fall of MLP.

First of all, it's kinda hard not to ignore a lesson that doesn't exist. Hasbro has learned a lot. I'm pretty sure that the "overwhelming majority of fans" are still around and going strong. I mean, LittleshyFiM is still making monthly Top 10 MLP videos, which means that people are still making videos every month. As for understanding why MLP collapsed, there's nothing to understand. HA&C are part of a minority, and they are the ones who don't understand anything.

Maybe D46 got dropped on their head as a baby. Them and rubydawn121 of course. And... well... everyone in that group for that matter.

For as far as FiM fell and for as far reaching as it’s corrupting legacy is on future sequels, I’m glad the series came to be. We wouldn’t be here in this forum if it had not.

And now for a word from the bane of humanity itself... Humanity.

It's ironic that they talk about a corrupting legacy, considering that they are part of a corrupted legacy. And I'm not talking about humanity's legacy, I'm talking about Humanity's legacy... damn their username. I'm just gonna refer to them as Inhumanity from now on. It's much more fitting. Why are they talking about future sequels in plural? Do they think that Hasbro plans on making multiple sequels of G4? Do they think that Hasbro has planned out the rest of MLP up until 2050, and it's all continuing in the same world as G4?

I say that sarcastically, but to be honest, Inhumanity probably does believe that to be the case.

Yeah, the sad truth is that nothing will be learned beyond a handful of us. There's a small chance someone will write up the story of MLP's rise and fall to spread the lessons, but I doubt any of us will ever be in a position to do so and it seems unlikely anyone else will be interested enough to dig into it. Maybe Faust will eventually publish a proper memoir once she's retired and doesn't have to worry about backlash, although I wouldn't be surprised if the memory of how Hasbro butchered her baby is too painful to revisit.

Hasbro didn't butcher anything. G4 was technically always Hasbro's baby in the first place. There's plenty that Faust wanted to do that Hasbro shut down. Specifically, the use of the character Firefly (Faust's favorite), and making a male as a main character (to be fair, it did happen eventually, even if it took a whole generation to do so). As much as G4 may have been Faust's baby, it was always Hasbro that had the final say on anything.

But let's talk about G4 being Faust's baby. I suppose that's not inaccurate. Just like how the Lunaverse is RainbowDoubleDash's baby, or how Past Sins is Penstroke's baby. G4 was Faust's fanfiction. And these are Faust's words, not mine. And G5 is functionally just a fanfiction of G4.

TrainDude905 also posted a link to another group with a thread intended to "ask the G4 ponies any question". It's not even intended to have those questions answered. It's just to propose the questions in the first place. Besides, it's not like it's the actual writers that would be answering questions. It's just a quazzi-fan-made concept. But I think that we know the show and characters well enough to actually answer questions as them. So I'll start my own version.

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