Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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Here you can pitch your ideas and quotes for my fics centering my OCs who formed a boy band known as Fun Time Rush.

Here’s my completed story.

EWelcome Back FTR
Fun Time Rush are back from their worldwide tour and things at Canterlot have changed.
AmethystMajesty25 · 5.8k words  ·  7  3 · 688 views

Hey Amethyst, remember the BTR Episode, Big Time Superheroes?

Group Admin

Yes. I remembered that episode. I plan on creating an OC based on Hawk. I will call him, Sparrow.

Well, what if FTR call in their friends the Rainbooms, and maybe the turtles to steal back the hard drive from Sparrow.

And remember the music video where the boys are superheroes, what if it's FootBots and Purple Nightmares they face? And the big monster could be Justin.

Group Admin

You know, that big squid-like monster from the episode The Alien Agenda

Group Admin


While Fun Time Rush, Rainbooms, and (maybe) the Ninja Turtles gear up in superhero suits instead of their ninja outfits, they sing the song, Blow Your Speakers Out. Also, Sparrow will not use Equestrian magic in my fic. I wish I could and give him the ability to fly like all birds do.

Maybe Sparrow can fly, but not by Magic, but by a jet pack he bought from a certain evil scientist we all know and love/hate.

(If you're not getting what I'm talking about, Sparrow buys a jet pack from Baxter Stockman. And to be clear Stockman wouldn't actually appear in the story, just mentioned. Maybe seen in a flashback, but not physically be there.)

Group Admin

Okay. That makes sense.

And while the Ninjas are doing that, the CMC, Virtue, Daisy Glory, Celestia, Luna, and the janitor will deal with Super Clog at CHS.

And maybe Sparrow's jet pack could have wings, like Marvel's Falcon, only more evil.

Along with the help of some of the Canterlot students. Like Flash, Trixie, Micro, etc, defeating the clog.

And Cranky Doodle would be the one covered in the clog muck that lands on him.

Virtue: Well this story is wrapping up quite nicely.

Cranky Doodle (From underneath the clog muck): No it's not!

Group Admin

Like the way you're thinking, Tagg. Very good idea.

Oh, just lending some ideas.

Group Admin

Great work, Tagg. Let me and my friends know if you got any more good ideas for my fics and Equestria Ninja fics.

Remember what I said about the Wondercolts helping with the clog, well, here are some quotes.

Virtue: Hello clog, I'm Virtue, and you're evicted. (Plugs vacuum over the drain.)

Daisy Glory: You're so going down, I mean up.

Celestia: This is my school, and you're not welcome.

Applebloom: Face the wrath of the Canterlot...

Sweetiebelle: ...Movie...

Scootaloo: ...Club!

Trixie: Evil clog, you are no match for the Great, and powerful, TRIXIE!

Flash Sentry: You clog, are not rocking.

Janitor: This is for PLUNGIE!

(Everyone plugs their vacuums on their drains and pushes the clog to the roof.)

Group Admin

Nice. Also, I changed Daisy Glory’s name to Gloria.

Group Admin

I made an OC for my Valentine’s Day fic.

And here is the background EQG character for the fic as well.

Two Dates

Cloudburst asked, “Oh, hey. wait, what's the surprise?”

“I got you a date tonight,” Beryl showed Cloudburst his date, Tennis Match.

“Sweet!” Cloudburst cheered.

However, Shining Star was not happy.

Beryl noticed an unhappy Star, “Why aren't you happy?”

“I wasn't sure you were gonna find a date in time, so… I did,” Star showed them another girl for Cloudburst’s date, Jade.

“Oh, awesome! I've got two dates now,” Cloudburst happily gasped, “That's why they call it a double date!”

Star and Beryl shouted, “THAT'S NOT WHY!”

Ah, ah, ah-ah, oh

Ah, ah, ah-ah, oh

With Cloudburst having two girls to date with, things were looking dire for them and they all facepalmed in unison.

Yeah, Cloudburst is so doomed.

Group Admin


Meeting Minty

Meanwhile at the park, Cloudburst recited Watermelody’s words, "Love isn't just going to run up with a corn dog and a hockey stick." He then talk to the palm tree, “What do they know?” He facepalmed, “I need a girlfriend bad.”

Suddenly, he was bumped by someone with roller skates. Cloudburst got up, “Dude. Why don't you…” He turned around to see a beautiful girl wearing a hockey helmet with a hockey stick and a corn dog in her hands. He dropped his jaw in awe.

“I am so sorry. I should've known not to try playing roller hockey while eating a corn dog.”

Cloudburst introduced himself, “I'm Cloudburst. I like summer breezes, winter snowstorms, and seeing cats get what's coming to them.”

“I'm Minty, and I love all those things too.”

They both smiled at each other and felt like they were in love.

Group Admin

I finally designed the battle armor for Sparrow. Plus, I also made Sparrow’s assistant manager.

Iron Sparrow


Group Admin


I made Gale’s battle armor.

Hey Amethyst, I remember a quote that should be in the series.

Diamond Glow: (Puts on a bandana,) Let's do this. (Produces three bandanas in his hand.)

Beryl Fury, Cloudburst, Mind Tempo: We're not wearing Bandanas!

Diamond Glow: Bandanas are cool!

Group Admin

Oh, yes! I remembered James saying that in the Big Time Rush episode, Big Time Crib. I should definitely add that quote for my upcoming fic, Fun Time Superheroes. As for the commissioner or detective or police chief role, I think Max Steele is the perfect role for him after he appeared in the EQG special, Sunset’s Backstage Pass.

The Sparrow Records Break-In Plan

Fun Time Rush, Golden Rock, and Shelly arrived at Sparrow Records by van and parked it right at the entrance. They exited the van to come up with a plan to break into the building and get the hard drive without Sparrow or his security team noticing.

“Okay. So what do we do?” Cloudburst asked with his helmet on.

Shelly suggested them, “I think we should just call the police again.”

Golden Rock replied, “What, so they can tell us to wait a few days while they save some cats?”

“I think we should all wear these to disguise ourselves,” Diamond Glow stepped in front of them and presented them five bandanas in his right hand from his back pocket.

Everyone told Diamond in unison, “We are not wearing bandanas!”

“Bandanas are cool!” Diamond put away two bandanas in his back pocket, “But you know what, I think it's time for him.”

Diamond spun around with his arms spread with bandanas in his hands, getting ready to go superhero mode until his friends stopped him.

“No, no, no, no, no, no,” Beryl, Cloudburst and Tempo said.

Diamond stated, “The only way to defeat supervillains is with superheroes.”

“All we have to do is get into Sparrow Records and steal back our hard drive,” Beryl and Golden descended down until they popped out on scene with some burglary tools. “Normal burglar style.”

“You do realize that breaking and entering is against the law, right?” Mind Tempo warned them.

Golden Rock reminded everyone, “May I remind you all that in that studio is the only copy of FTR's second album? Now, who's in?”

Tempo sighed, “Give me the bolt cutters.” Golden passed him the bolt cutters.

Cloudburst asked, “Sledgehammer, please.”

Beryl passed him the sledgehammer and informed Shelly, “Shelly, keep the van running and ready,” He then took away Diamond’s bandanas and ordered him, “And you, can wear one bandana.”

Diamond nodded, “Let's get our songs back.”

They all cheered as Kelly went back inside the van while Golden and FTR sneaked their way in to the building without anyone noticing them.

Max Steele, reminds me of that animated superhero show, Max Steel, from 2013.

Anyway, I actually thought the Rainbooms would join them, using their ninja skills to break in as well. And when Sparrow, Max Steele and the officers arrive, the girls would instantly disappear, thanks to their ninja stealth skills, leaving non of them even realising they were there in the first place.

If your gonna do that episode where the boys made a music video to help out Camille, I have few ideas.

Golden Rock won't let, whoever your gonna have as Camille, be in the music video because he says she's a wackjob.

Mind Tempo: She's an actress!

Golden Rock: My mistake, she's a hack!

In the end, when the boys steal his equipment and team up with the director he rejected and made cry, the girl gives Golden Rock a sneak peek at a role she was just offered, Kung Fu Kate, and beats him up.

Girl: That's for calling me a hack, turd!

And the director also get's payback on him by hiring out his thug, who quits working for Golden Rock and stuffs him in a garbage can.

Director: I'll see you at the award ceremony. Oh, wait, I guess won't, idiot!

Group Admin

I already had an EQG background character who can take Camille’s role in my last FTR fic, Welcome back FTR!. Her name is Watermelody. Camille and Watermelody have the same goal within their respective shows because they both love acting. The obvious reason of how they learned acting is from drama class. I’m guessing those quotes are from the Big Time Rush episode, Big Time Video.

Original Attire

Alternate Attire


Sparrow: How do you like my new band! (Shows the Rock N Beats) The Rock N Beatz!

Melody: It's Rock N Beats!

Sparrow: My version sounds cooler!

Sparrow: I'm glad you asked. I happened to catch one of their concerts in the park. So I made them an offer to make them famous and well, they just couldn't refuse!

Half Note: Yeah..., cause you kidnapped us and threatened to blast us if we didn't help you with your revenge scheme.

Sparrow: Not while I'm villain gloating!

Golden Rock: You'll never get away with this, Sparrow!

Sparrow: I already have, you giant turd! Oh, and by the way, I put a little more swagger to your song Superstar! And once it hits the soundwaves, the Rock N Beatz will become superstars, while all of you fade into obscurity! (Laughs maniacally)

Sweet Note: Wait, did you say their song-

Sparrow: (cuts her off) And here's the title to my new cd, it's call, (his face helmet pulls up) TWEET TWEET!


Guess we could add kidnapping to Sparrow's list of charges.

Group Admin



Eeyup. With the assistance of Gale.

Group Admin



I am still working on the FTR fic for Valentine’s Day. You are welcome to give me some ideas for my Valentine’s Day fic.

Well, I don't have ideas for the Valentine's Day fic, but I figured out Watermelody's problem for Fun Time Video. She got a bad grade and the drama teacher said she could make up for it with extra credit, so she said she could get an acting job for it. But if she can't get one by the end of the day, she'll fail and her parents will send her to boarding school.

But Golden Rock doesn't care about her problems and blantly calls her a loser. Which will make her beating him up in the end serve as the first of his double karma. The second is the director hiring out his bodyguard, who stuffs Golden Rock in the trash after saying he quits.

Group Admin

Ooh, I like that. I created a summary for Fun Time Video. This takes place before Rise of the Young Ninjas and this will be the first time Fun Time Rush creates their own music video.

Golden Rock Records wants to make a music video for FTR's song "The City is Ours," and despite Golden's insistence that they do it his way, Beryl, Diamond, Tempo, and Cloudburst insist on giving parts in the video to Watermelody... and all of their friends.

Group Admin

My Valentine’s Day fic will be based on two episodes of Big Time Rush, Big Time Girlfriends and Big Time Crush.

I only watched a few episodes of Big Time Rush.

Group Admin

Oh, okay. You can watch all episodes of Big Time Rush and Big Time Movie on Netflix or some other website.

Group Admin



Twin Confusion

Spa twins,” Cloudburst pointed the girls.

Diamond stopped Cloudburst and warned him, “Too risky. They get pretty upset if you get their names wrong.”

“Don't worry, I'll get their names right this time,” Cloudburst put on his helmet and greeted the spa ladies, “Hello, ladies.”

One of the spa twins asked, “What's my name?”

“Uh…” Cloudburst pointed to the girl with pink hair, “Aloe?”

The spa twins grabbed Cloudburst and threw him into the pool.

“Lotus,” The other FTR boys remembered.

Oooh, bad move Cloudburst


A little something for Fun Time Superheroes

At Sparrow Records, the Rock N Beats were performing a song in the recording booth for Sparrow, Gale and the Sparrow men, who were on the other side watching through the window.

Rock N Beats: You gotta crank the music loud. Baby blow, your speakers out, blow your speakers out.

Sparrow: Now that was a good record.

Melody: Thanks Mr Sparrow, but can we take a break, please?

Sparrow: No, we’re not stopping till all the songs are finished, and I get my revenge on Fun Time Rush.

Lancer: Wait, revenge?

Sparrow: I didn’t say that I meant… CAWW.

Gale: I think they get it, sweetheart.

Sparrow: Baby, we’re going to have our dream wedding and honeymoon.

Gale: Oh course we are Sparrow-warro

They then started to touch each other with their noses while making cooing noises, much to the kid's disgust. Thankfully one of the Sparrow men drew a curtain, blocking the view of romantic disgust. But they could still hear the sound of love from the other side.

Ace: I am so gonna heave.

Here's something for Fun Time Superheroes. Instead of Max Steele, I think you should use the human version of this pony

Chief Stablemaker

He can also be the police officer that Short Fuse lies to to get Blade thrown in jail in Viper Kai 2.

Group Admin

Oh, okay. I might have to find a male base for him to draw Cheif Stablemaker.



A little something for Fun Time Superheroes

FTR and Golden Rock made their way into Sparrow records, bursting through the door. When they enter the room they see, to their surprise, the Rainbooms.

Mind Tempo: What're you girls doing here?

Sunset: Beryl called us and told us what was happening, so we snuck in ahead.

Beryl: Alright then, everybody spread out, and find that hard drive.

But before they could, they heard Sparrow's voice.

Sparrow: Stop right there, (the boys and Golden hold up their arms in surrender while the girls got into fighting stances. They turned around to find that it was coming from security footage of him and the Rock N Beats in the recording studio,) let's try Paralysed one more time, with a little more Beatz.

Cloudburst: Oh no, they're already on song three!

Twilight: And the Rock N Beats are helping them?

Logan: Mr Sparrow, sir, could we take a break first?

Sparrow: No, now start singing! (The Rock N Beats sing the song and Mind Tempo turns off the computer.)

Mind Tempo: Hurry this up before we get caught.

The group search around the room, with Pinkie popping up everywhere like she usually does.

Pinkie: Nope... nope... nope... (checks under a trophy) ... and a defiant nope.

Diamond Glow: We can't hurry this up because we can't find the hard drive.

Golden Rock: That's because you're not thinking like an evil producer, and I do...

Rainbow: Because you already are one.

Golden glares at her, then he turns to a trophy on his left and removes the top, revealing a hidden button. He then presses it to reveal a hidden compartment, revealing a stored hard drive. The guys and girls get excited and make their way over there.

Cloudburst: We got our songs back.

Pinkie: This calls for "we got our songs back from an evil producer party"!

Just then Sparrow, Gale, Chief Stablemaker and a few officers enter the room, with Sparrow and Gale out of their suits and into normal clothing.

Sparrow: There they are, Chief, they've broken into my studio and now their stealing our property.

Gale: Yeah, these five men are stealing from us.

They were confused and looked to see the Rainbooms were suddenly gone.

Cloudburst: Actually, there were... (Cloudburst almost said, but Golden stomped on his foot to shut him up.)

Golden Rock: They stole from us first!

Sparrow: I don't know what you're talking about.

Gale: Yeah, we're just a loving couple working on our dream wedding.

Sparrow: And also, that is my hard drive.

Both sides begin to argue until Chief Stablemaker had enough.

Stablemaker: Quiet! (Both sides quiet down,) there's a simple way to settle this. Let's just see what's on the Hard drive, shall we?

Cloudburst: (After shaking off the pain from his foot being stomped), Yeah, and you'll hear us singing, and them going to jail.

Attaching the hard drive to a laptop, which showed a video of sparrow.

Footage Sparrow: Dear Sparrow's diary, I'm so happy today I wrote a song, it's called, "I love the police." Police are good, they guard our neighbourhood. Police are nice, I think they're cool as ice...

Stablemaker closes the laptop, hearing enough. He then stares at FTR and Golden.

Golden: Oh this is bad.

The five men are taken away by the police and everyone leaves the room. Once the room was empty, the Rainbooms dropped down from the ceiling.

Applejack: Thank goodness for ninja training on hanging onto the ceiling quietly.

Rainbow: Man, Sparrow was such a kiss-up.

Fluttershy: What do we do now?

Twilight: We get out of here before we're caught as well.

Sunset: But first, let's meet up with some friends while we're here.

And that's that. Also, the Rainbooms talk to the RNB and try to tell FTR about their plan to have them steal the hard drive and evidence from Sparrow, but the boys don't give them a chance to tell them, being caught up in the superhero montage.

Group Admin

Great work, Tagg.

While FTR and Golden are in jail…

Cloudburst played his harmonica to cheer him up. “We got thrown in jail.”

Beryl was bothered by Cloudburst’s harmonica.

“And we're…” Cloudburst’s harmonica was snatched by Beryl and he threw it away in anger.

“Not helping!” Beryl shouted.

“Everybody calm down!” Tempo told everyone. “We can figure this out.”

Golden explained, “This was Sparrow's and Gale's plan all along: A super disguise so he couldn't get identified and a fake hard drive so we'd get busted and end up in here.”

“But now... We're breaking out of here.” Diamond went to work and tried to unlock the door by using one of his bandanas.

The FTR boys noted, “We really need to get him some help.”

Diamond was squeezing his bandana into the keyhole until the door was unlocked.

“It worked!” Diamond said until he realized that Chief Stablemaker unlocked the cell door.

Group Admin



A little something for Fun Time Valentine’s Day.

Meanwhile, Virtue was wearing her tree hat and looked through her binoculars. Diamond walked pass Virtue until he noticed her, raising his eyebrow. He popped up from the bush next to Virtue and wore his tree hat.

“Why are we hiding?” Diamond questioned Virtue.

Virtue took off the binoculars, “No reason. Just seemed like a nice day to wear a tree hat.”

Diamond looked at her and noticed that Virtue was lying. He scooted over and saw Button Mash playing his video game on his game pad.

“Oh I get it now, you have a crush on a boy,” Diamond assumed.

Virtue shoved him, “I do not.” She then admitted, “Aw, who am I kidding? He's got eyes that could melt a snow cone.”

“And you're not gonna meet him by hiding here, so let's go.” Diamond insisted and pulled Virtue by the arm.

“No, I don't want to,” Virtue rebuffed.

Diamond told her, “Come on! It's for your own good.”

“He looks busy.”

“Just talk to him.”

Virtue then punched Diamond by the gut. “I'M SHY, OKAY?”

“That's so adorable.” Diamond gave her a thumbs-up before he fell down.

And that’s that.


Good story Amethyst, but I don't think that relationship is gonna last long.

And I'm saying that cause I kinda ship Button Mash and Sweetie Belle.

Group Admin

Okay. Does that mean I can replace Button Mash with Rumble instead?

Comment posted by AmethystMajesty25 deleted Feb 11th, 2023

Do whatever you want, it's your story. I'm just voicing my opinion.

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