Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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Fluttershy's already paired up with Slash.

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Uh, it’s not for Equestria Ninjas/Equestria Ninja Girls. It’s for my Amethystverse fic, The Majesty’s Arrival. Did you ever get the chance to read it?

TThe Majesty’s Arrival
Follow Amethyst through his start of romance and action while learning the mysteries of Equestrian Magic.
AmethystMajesty25 · 8.3k words · 369 views

Beautiful songs

Group Admin

And then in the Rollercoaster of Friendship arc, I want Amethyst and Rarity to hug each other based on this video.

Group Admin


I got a song for Amethyst and Fun Time Rush to sing with for the music video contest (from EQG short episode, Dance Magic).

It’s Gonna Be Me

[Amethyst Majesty]
(Diamond Glow: It's gonna be me)
Ooh, yeah

[Amethyst Majesty]
You might've been hurt, babe
That ain't no lie
You've seen them all come and go
Oh oh
I remember you told me

[Beryl Fury]
That it made you believe in “no man, no cry”
Maybe that's why

Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you
You don't wanna lose it again
But I'm not like them
Baby, when you finally
Get to love somebody
Guess what?
It's gonna be me

[Mind Tempo]
You got no choice, babe
But to move on, you know

[Diamond Glow]
There ain't no time to waste
But you're just too blind (Cloudburst: Too blind)
To see
But in the end, you know it's gonna be me

You can't deny
So just tell me why...

Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you
You don't wanna lose it again
But I'm not like them
Baby, when you finally (Mind Tempo: 'ly)
Get to love somebody (Beryl Fury: Somebody)
Guess what?
It's gonna be me

(Diamond Glow: It's gonna be me)
Ay, ay, ayy
Ooh yeah, yeah

[Amethyst Majesty]
There comes a day
When I'll be the one
You'll see

[Beryl Fury]
It's gonna...

[Diamond Glow]

[Amethyst Majesty]


[Mind Tempo]

[Amethyst Majesty]
It's gonna be me

All that I do
Is not enough for you
I don't wanna lose it
But I'm not like that
When finally (Mind Tempo: Finally)
You get to love (Mind Tempo: Ah)
Guess what? (Mind Tempo: Guess what?)

Every little thing I do (Amethyst Majesty: Do)
Never seems enough for you (Diamond Glow: For you, babe)
You don't wanna lose it again (Amethyst Majesty: Don't wanna lose it)
But I'm not like them
Baby, when you finally (Amethyst Majesty: 'ly)
Get to love somebody (Diamond Glow: Love...)
Guess what?
It's gonna be me
Every little thing I do (Amethyst Majesty: Oh...)
Never seems enough for you
You don't wanna lose it again (Diamond Glow: Don't wanna lose it)
But I'm not like them
Baby, when you finally (Amethyst Majesty: 'ly)
Get to love somebody (Diamond Glow: Love somebody)
Guess what?

[Amethyst Majesty]
It's gonna be me

Group Admin



I’m open to some suggestions for a name to my new OC that I created. She will be Quickstrike’s girlfriend and later on, fiancée.

Occupation: FBI agent

Her appearance is based on Blaineley from Total Drama and Sakura Mizunosaki.

Group Admin


First Kiss

After taking Rarity out at the Canterlot Mall for our date, Rarity and I were walking near CHS. However, Rarity stopped for the moment near the statue.

Amethyst Majesty: What's wrong, Rarity?

Rarity: Well... I've been... thinking about something.

Amethyst Majesty: Hmm...

Rarity: You see... I have been... thinking about you these past few months. After saving me from those bullies and hanging out with you, I started to have feelings for you. Guys like Prince Blueblood only care about their looks and themselves, but you, you are very different from them. You are always looking for out the people that you trust and love, and that makes me really happy. So, what I am trying to say is... I am really happy that you're here with me on our date and I want you to notice me more than just a fabulous fashionista, darling. And I want you to know that... I love you. I really really love you, Amethyst Majesty.

I blushed and felt my heart was ready to explode because I never thought Rarity would feel this way about me after meeting her for the first time. But, I can't hold on those feelings anymore because I feel what Rarity was feeling.

Amethyst Majesty: Wow. I uh... I never thought you really feel that way, Rarity. And uh... I can't hide my feelings to you anymore now as well. Because the truth is... I love you too.

Rarity: (gasps and blushes) Really?

Amethyst Majesty: Yes. Remember what I told you about my past?

Rarity: Yes. I remember, darling.

Amethyst Majesty: Well, after my mother passed away. I lost all the love I had inside me after my father took me under his wing and prepared my martial arts training. But after running away and meeting my adoptive parents and moving in to Canterlot to have friends and meeting you in this city, you showed me how to love again. You showed me that caring about the people that you hold dear really what matters most. And I can't thank you enough for that and I don't know how to repay you all for that as well.

Rarity: There is no need for that, darling.

We moved closer, inches away from our faces as we held each other's hands.

Rarity: (smiles) I just want you to be happy, that's all.

Amethyst Majesty: I couldn't agree with you more, Rarity.

Rarity: I love you, Amethyst Majesty.

Amethyst Majesty: And I love you too, Rarity.

Within a split second, our lips made contact with each other, with our hands holding each other.

We slowly broke the kiss for a short moment as we blushed, smiled, and touched each other's foreheads.

I'm pretty sure this is cliched, but this is all I got. I'll improve this dialogue right here after doing research by reading romance stories in this site or other different sites. But, you are more than welcome to add your own quotes in this dialogue right here. So, what do you think?

Aaw, it's sweet.

Group Admin

Why thank you, my friend.

Group Admin


For the Marathon chapter, the CHS students will wear their own P.E. clothes and I found one for Fluttershy.

Also, I am introducing an OC for this chapter and I should’ve introduce this OC for an earlier chapter. He will be Fluttershy’s love interest.

Group Admin

Hi Red Tagg. Remember you gave me an idea that will have elements based on the MLP episode, It Isn't The Mane Thing About You?

Well, I have an idea that came to me. I saw a clip on YT and I think Rarity’s family can have a heart-to-heart talk with Rarity about her hair problem based on this clip. And then, Amethyst and FTR arrived outside of her house and started singing the song, Cover Girl.


Rarity's father begins to snicker until Rarity's mother smacks him upside the head.

Group Admin


I accidentally bumped into a male teen with a cowboy hat.

Amethyst Majesty: Whoops. Sorry about that. I was a little late for the marathon.

Wylde Heart: No worries, mate. You're good. The name’s Wylde. Wylde Heart.

Amethyst Majesty: Amethyst. Amethyst Majesty.

Wylde Heart: Pleasure to meet ya, Amethsyt.

The two boys shake hands.

Amethyst Majesty: Haven’t seen you around here in this school before. Are you new here?

Wylde Heart: No. I transferred here on the first day of CHS since my family and I moved here.

Amethyst Majesty: Oh. Okay.

Fluttershy: (sees the two boys) Hey Wylde. Hi Amethyst.

Amethyst Majesty: Hi Fluttershy.

Wylde Heart: Oh um, hi Fluttershy. You look great!

Fluttershy: (blushes) Why um, thank you Wylde Heart.

Amethyst Majesty: Since when do you know Fluttershy?

Wylde Heart: Oh I met her when she was handing out flyers.

Amethyst Majesty: Flyers? What flyers?

Wylde Heart: Flyers about taking care of animals. You know, she loves animals. I love animals too. In fact, my father is a famous animal expert on television (like Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter).

Amethyst Majesty: Oh, well that’s nice.

I then start to connect the dots in his mind and gets the idea.

Amethyst Majesty: Ohhh…

I whispered in Wyler’s ear

Amethyst Majesty: You have a crush on her.

Wylde Heart: (whispers) What? (grabs Amethyst’s wrist and takes him to the bleachers) Who told you that? Was it Flash Sentry? (groans) I knew he couldn’t keep it a secret.

Amethyst Majesty: Relax, dude. I just figured that you really like her. It’s cool. But it’s okay, I won’t tell anyone about it. I promise. Trust me on it.

Wylde Heart: Okay. I can trust you as well.

Amethyst Majesty: Good. Now let’s head back to the marathon rally.

Wylde Heart: Right.

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