Amethystverse 16 members · 6 stories
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Group Admin

Here you can pitch quotes and ideas that you have in mind with my story (for now until it becomes a series of stories involving the adventures of my OC and his friends), or just have fun.

Well, here's how Scottan and SH1FT3R learn about Rockwell is they see a video of him talking.

Scottan: A talkin' monkey?! (Gets an idea.) Um, could you give us all a moment, Mr Blackmask, sir?

Blackmask: Hmm, very well.

PizzaRave: What's this about, Scottan?

Scottan: Change of plans. Forget Black Mask and his rubbish bounty! If we bag that talking monkey, we'll be rich!

Muscles: I like the sound of that.

How the Young Ninjas misdirect SH1FT3R is Sissy hacks into their GPS and sends them in the wrong directions, and only Rockwell realizes the misdirect.

This maybe a long shot, but in the Season 6 of Spy Racers, which probably be years till it approaches. Maybe before the final battle, Leo gives Tony one of his Katana Blades, which Tony uses to impale Dann, that is if Dann's truly a robot.

Group Admin


You know, I’ve been thinking about this a few months ago about what’s next after the Spy Racers defeat Dann in Season 6 since their show is over. Well, I was thinking they could go to Japan with the Ninjas and Rainbooms for another adventure. They meet Han and his friends from Tokyo Drift, Frostee can visit the Yoka factory, and the Turtles can show the Rainbooms and Spy Racers the home of where Master Splinter and his family lived. Along the way, The Purple Dragons and the Ghost Boys meet D.K. (from Tokyo Drift), who reluctantly survived his injuries and wants revenge against the Tokyo Drift crew. So, what do you think?

Group Admin

This Is Me

I've always been the kind of girl that hid my face
So afraid to tell the world what I've got to say
But I have this dream, bright inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time to let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now
Gonna let the light shine on me
Now I've found who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
This is me

Do you know what it's like to feel so in the dark?
To dream about a life where you're the shining star?
Even though it seems like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself, it's the only way

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now
Gonna let the light shine on me
Now I've found who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
This is me

[Amethyst Majesty, Amethyst Majesty & Rarity]
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singin'
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you

[Rarity, Amethyst Majesty & Rarity]
This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now
Gonna let the light shine on me
Now I've found who I am (Yeah)
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be, yeah

[Rarity, Amethyst Majesty, both]
This is me
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
This is me, yeah
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singin'
Now I've found who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
This is me

If they ever get to chance to see Master Splinter's home in Japan, I'm betting Leo and his brothers would start to have visions of when Renet's scepter sent them here in the past. Even Karai would get teary eyed. Rainbooms and all their friends would comfort them for missing Splinter and Tang Shen.

Not familiar with the movies, but sounds good.

Group Admin

That’s awesome! 👍

Rockwell get's captured

Melody then noticed something on the monitors, "Hey, look," she pointed.

One screen showed Scadan and Muscles outside. On another screen was the rest of SH1FT3R who were all sneaking around the building. Another screen showed their cars with a cage.

"Who are those guys?" Half Note inquired.

Sissy got a closer look and gasped, "That's Scadan and Muscles! And those guys are from SH1FT3R!"

"Who?" Logan asked.

"The Turtles and Rainbooms told us about them," Apple Bloom stated.

"Their a street racing gang of criminals," Sweetie Belle noted.

"And they used to work for this guy named Shashi," Scootaloo added.

"So who are Scadan and Muscles?" Lancer asked.

Sissy scoffed, "Scadan's just some dork Tony once jacked a truck full of Yoka from. And Muscles is a big dofus who got his butt kicked by Echo and Sonata."

Patch chuckled, "Seriously?"

"Seriously," Sissy smirked.

"Mmm yoka," Ace smiled.

"So what they doing here?" Logan asked.

Sweetheart gasped when she saw Muscles was holding a rifle, "Muscles has a gun!"

"Relax, it's only a tranquilizer. A gun that only shoots darts that put animals to sleep," Sissy explained. Then she added, "But why is he carrying a tranquilizer gun?"

"And what are he and Scadan looking at?" Patch added, seeing Scadan looking through binoculars.

Then they notice from another screen that Scadan and Muscles were looking at the lair, specifically the opened door Ace forgot to shut. Their eyes widened as it suddenly dawned on them and they all looked over to where Rockwell had just beaten Mondo in chess."

"Check-mate," Rockwell said.

"Ah dude!" Mondo pouted.

Outside, Muscle fired the tranq gun and the dart nailed Rockwell in the side, making him gasp, and fall out of his seat.

"Rockwell!" The kids exclaimed.

"Oh no!" Half Note cried.

"Yes!" Scadan cheered.

"Sweet dreams, banana breath!" Muscles said.

"Dude, you okay?" Mondo asked Rockwell.

Rockwell struggled to get up as the drug was kicking in, "Mondo... Childen... go get help..."

"I'm on it!" Mondo quickly skated out the door on his board.

"No way!" Melody refused. "We're not leaving you!"

Just then they heard one of the doors banging and saw the rest of SH1FT3R were trying to break open the back door.

"Then... hide!" Rockwell croaked.

The kids quickly scattered and hid just as Pizzarave kicked the door open. Rockwell tried to hover to a hiding place as well, but he collapsed into a corner. Then Muscles jump in through the open front door, pointing the tranq gun around, followed by Scadan.

"Where's the monkey?" Santiago asked.

"Search the place!" Scadan ordered. "He's under, so he won't get far!"

The gang began looking for Rockwell. Bonegrinder passed by some crates, where the CMC were hiding. Santiago looked around an old Kraang ship, where Lancer, Ace, Logan, and Patch hid on top. Toug-Dori and Woofer searched around unaware, Melody, Sweetheart, and Clover were hiding on a catwalk. Scadan and Muscles were looking for Rockwell while Sissy and the Note Sisters hid in some empty oil drums.

Finally, Pizzarave noticed Rockwell and called, "Hey, Scadan, he's over here!"

The gang surrounded the mutant monkey as he began to lose contusionness.

"Let's get'em in the cage!" Scadan said, and they all closed in on Rockwell just as he passed out.

Soon he was thrown into the cage and Muscles took his helmet. "Cool helmet," he said and put it on, "Look, I'm a spaceman!"

"Let's get out of here!" Scadan ordered and the gang got in their cars and drove off, just as the kids came running out.

"Rockwell, Nooo!" They all cried.

Group Admin

Geez, that is just sad. But don’t worry, the Young Ninjas will find a way to rescue Rockwell. Right?

Yes. Remember the idea I pitched? Sissy will hack into their GPS and sends them in the wrong direction and into the Hudson river. Woofer's car get's stuck in sand while the other's cars sink.

Rockwell's the only one who realizes the trick. And when he playfully warns SH1FT3R, Scadan doesn't believe him.

This idea was based off Max and Thor capturing Ape from George of the Jungle movie.

Group Admin

Oh, okay. Darth and I will find a way to make it work.

Here's the quotes I sent you guys when I first pitched the idea. But I've edited a little.

(While their going the wrong way)

Rockwell: I'm hungry! (Before he was blasted by Woofer's music.)

Woofer: Shut up back there! Why'd I have to be the one to pull the whiney monkey?!

Rockwell: For your information, madame, I am a chimp. There for, the correct term would be whiney ape.

Scadan: Someone get 'em a banana or something so he shuts up!

Rockwell: Well that's a fine way to talk to your meal ticket.

Pizzarave: (pulled over.) We've been driving for hours, Scadan! How much longer?

Scadan: It shouldn't be much futher now!

Touge-Dori: That's what you before. And we're still not out of the city!

Muscles: Yeah, it's almost like we've been driving in circles?

(At the mention of that, Rockwell couldn't help but chuckle, which Santiago noticed.)

Santiago: Hey, what's so funny?

Rockwell: What's funny is that's exactly what you lot have been doing.

All but Scadan: WHAT?!

Pizzarave: What do you mean by that?

Rockwell: Well, I don't wish to be a telltale, but I believe some young friends of mine have hacked into your GPS's and are sending you all straight towards the Hudson river.

Bone Grinder: What?!

Santiago: Seriously?

Woofer: Oh no!

Pizzarave: Are you kidding me?!

Muscles: Agh, I knew we was lost!

Scadan: Are you all dafted? Don't tell me you blokes are actually buying this mug's rubbish? He's obviously trying to fool us!

Pizzarave: Then why haven't we gotten out of the city yet, huh?

Scadan: Are you gonna let a monkey make a monkey out of yah?

Rockwell: Again, I'm an ape.

Scadan: This road apparently leads to the Hudson? Well that's exactly where it doesn't lead.

(As they all drove away, they didn't see Sweetie Belle's drone hovering behind them. The kids watched the whole thing through the girl's phone and laughed.)

Sissy: What a sap!

(After they tell the Ninjas and Spies)

(Meanwhile at the Hudson, near a small beach, the Woofer's car was stuck in the sand. The girl pressed the gas three times while Scadan and Muscles were struggling to push her car out. The gang had all driven stright into the river and sunk. Only the Woofer managed to stop in time, but ended up getting stuck. Scadan and Muscles were currently trying to push the car out but were having no luck.)

Pizzarave: (Santiago, Touge-Dori, and Bonegrinder stood on shore as the girl mocked,) This road apparently leads to the Hudson? Well that's exactly where it doesn't lead!

Scadan: Don't rub it in!

Rockwell: Well, I tried to warn you, but you were just too smart for me.

Touge-Dori: No wonder you lost all that Yoka to Torreto.

(Scadan growled, he hated being reminded of that.)

(After the kids ambush them.)

(Sissy made her way to the cage.)

Sissy: Hang on, Doc, I'll get you out. (She inspected the cage lock.) This will be easy to pick. (She took out a hair pin and began picking the lock.) That Scadan is such a loser. (Then she paused.) He's right behind me isn't he? (Scadan was indeed right behind her and carrying a pipe.)

Scadan: Oh, you tink I'm a loser, do yah?!

Sissy: (turned around with a smirk.) Well yeah. I mean first you let Tony steal all you're Yoka. Then your big dumb bodyguard got his butt kicked by Echo when you guys tried to steal the Hauler. Then you all got taken down by the Turtles and Rainbooms. And now you just got outsmarted by me and your gang is all getting out matched by a bunch of kids. So, yeah, that makes you a loser.

Scadan: (growled,) I'll show you who's a loser, brat! (He raised the pipe ready to hit her, when Sissy gave him a sharp kick in the shin.) Yeow! (Scadan dropped the pipe and hopped around holding his sore knee. Then Sissy grabbed the pipe and hit him in the gut, making him double over then wacked him in the face, knocking him out.)

Sissy: (noticed a key sticking out of his pocket.) Oh, look, a key to the cage. Why thank you, Scadan. (She took the key and unlocked Rockwell's cage.)

(Bright Eyes wacked Bonegrinder with her chucks and kicked him away. Then she was grabbed by Pizzarave and slammed into Woofer's car. Then she punched the girl in the gut three times before throwing her to the ground.)

Pizzarave: I am not getting beat by a bunch of squirts! (She threw down another punch, but Bright Eyes dodged the hit and pushed herself up, kicking Pizzarave back.)

Bright Eyes: Actually, we're just stalling you.

Pizzarave: Stalling?

???: Yeah, from us! (Pizzarave turned and was punched in the face by Gabby, knocking her down.)

(The SH1FT3R gang saw that the Spy Racers as well as Mikey's team arrived.)

(During the second fight.)

(Suddenly they were all lifted off the ground by Rockwell, who had his helmet back.)

Rockwell: And I've had just about enough of you! (Then he tossed the gang into the cage.) Now let's see how you like being caged up!

Group Admin


I got an idea of how Leo’s team found out about the distress in the jungle. I can either add it for the second chapter or the upcoming third chapter. It’s going to be like this scene from the 2007 TMNT movie. I apologize that this is not the whole first scene of the 2007 TMNT movie.

Yeah, I know. And maybe it would be better for chapter 3, as it would give Leo's group something to do. While Tony and Gabby are searching for the favalas. And the other's are doing their things.

Group Admin

I think I figured out how it’s going to start. Not my best intro, but it’s a work in progress.

On the open road, the gang of underground racers known as SH1FT3R were back on the prowl, driving towards Canterlot to find their targets.

“Oy! Heads up team, if you see any mutant turtle freaks or magic brats out in the open, bag 'em!” Scadan ordered.

“Uh, what if their friends are in the way? Like the uh… Toretto Crew? Muscles asked.

“I don't wanna hear another mention about that Toretto Crew! You understand?!” Scadan growled while Muscles gulped. “But of course, if the friends of those turtle freaks and magic brats are in the way, we blind 'em. We coming here for the money. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Only one edit.

“I don't wanna hear another mention about that Toretto Crew! You understand?!” Scadan growled while Muscles gulped. “But of course, if the friends of those turtle freaks and magic brats are in the way, we'll end 'em. We're coming here for the money. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Of course since their in Canterlot, I'll have to change a few things now.

Here's some changed quotes.

Rockwell: I'm hungry! (Before he was blasted by Woofer's music.)

Woofer: Shut up back there! Why'd I have to be the one to pull the whiney monkey?!

Rockwell: For your information, madame, I am a chimp. There for, the correct term would be whiney ape.

Scadan: Someone get 'em a banana or something so he shuts up!

Rockwell: Well that's a fine way to talk to your meal ticket.

Pizzarave: (pulled over.) We've been driving for hours, Scadan! How much longer?

Scadan: It shouldn't be much futher now!

Touge-Dori: That's what you said before. And we're still not out of Canterlot!

Muscles: Yeah, it's almost like we've been driving in circles?

(At the mention of that, Rockwell couldn't help but chuckle, which Santiago noticed.)

Santiago: Hey, what's so funny?

Rockwell: What's funny is that's exactly what you are doing.

All but Scadan: WHAT?!

Pizzarave: What do you mean by that?

Rockwell: Well, I don't wish to be a telltale, but I believe some young friends of mine have hacked into your GPS's and have been sending you all in circles. The road that we are currently on, according to the Rainbooms, heads straight towards a swamp.

Bone Grinder: What?!

Santiago: Seriously?

Woofer: Oh no!

Pizzarave: Are you kidding me?!

Muscles: Agh, I knew we was lost!

Scadan: Are you all dafted? Don't tell me you blokes are actually buying this mug's rubbish? He's obviously trying to fool us!

Pizzarave: Then why haven't we gotten out of the city yet, huh?

Scadan: Are you gonna let a monkey make a monkey out of yah?

Rockwell: Again, I'm an ape.

Scadan: This road apparently leads to a swamp? Well that's exactly where it doesn't lead.

(As they all drove away, they didn't see Sweetie Belle's drone hovering behind them. The kids watched the whole thing through the girl's phone and laughed.)

Sissy: What a sap!

(After they tell the Ninjas and Spies and before the kids ambush them)

(Meanwhile at the swamp, the Woofer's car was stuck in the mud. The girl pressed the gas three times while Scadan and Muscles were struggling to push her car out. The gang had all driven stright into a bog and sunk. Only the Woofer managed to stop in time, but ended up getting stuck. Scadan and Muscles were currently trying to push the car out but were having no luck.)

Pizzarave: (Santiago, Touge-Dori, and Bonegrinder stood on shore as the girl mocked,) This road apparently leads to a swamp? Well that's exactly where it doesn't lead!

Scadan: Don't rub it in!

Rockwell: Well, I tried to warn you, but you were just too smart for me.

Touge-Dori: No wonder you lost all that Yoka to Torreto.

(Scadan growled, he hated being reminded of that.)

And when you write the kids fighting/stalling The gang, write each group of kids fighting a gang member.

Same with the Spies and Ninjas when they arrive.

And since this was inspired by Ape's capture by Max and Thor, maybe you guys can write Rockwell pulling little pranks on the gang.

Here's one scene:

Back with the gang, the cage wheels got caught on a tree root.

"Ah, " Scadan grumbled as he and the gang got out of their cars and tried to push the cage off the root.

While they were doing that, they were unaware that the Young Ninjas had finally caught up to them and were watching them from up on tree branches and from behind bushes. But then Sweetheart stepped on a twig, making a loud snap.

"What was that?" Muscles asked. Sweetheart and the others quickly ducked out of sight.

"What was what?" Bonegrinder inquired. While everyone was distracted, Rockwell dropped two banana peels on the ground.

"I heard a noise," Muscles said.

"Shut up and push!" Scadan ordered right before he and Muscles stepped on the peels and slipped, bashing their faces against the bars.

Rockwell chuckled and the rest of SH1FT3R laughed. From their hiding places, the Young Ninjas giggled.

"Good one, Rockwell," Smolder whispered.

"Shut up!" Scadan yelled at the laughing gang, holding his nose.

Muscles spoke while covering his mouth, "I think I chipped a tooth!"

"You know, you two really should watch where you step," Rockwell smirked.

Group Admin


Here are the teams for each Turtle leading from Birthday Bounty Bash.

Team Leo - Leo, Keno, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Indigo Zap, Sonata Dusk, and Pigeon Pete

Team Mikey - Mikey, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Mondo Gecko, Sugarcoat, Casey, Sid, Shinigami, and Rockwell

Team Donnie - Donnie, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Fluttershy, Leatherhead, Aria Blaze, Sunny Flare, April, and Karai

Team Raph - Raph, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Mona, Slash, Bebop, Rocksteady, Adagio Dazzle, and Sour Sweet

(Members could switch depending on the villain situation. Plus, the number of members on each team have to be fair/equal. If you want me to switch any members of which team, let me know.)

I have a question for Birthday Bounty. Why does Black Mask want the Turtles and Rainbooms? What's his end game?

Group Admin


You want to know what Black Mask’s endgame is?

In Arkham Origins, Black Mask was suppose to be the big bad, but Joker took his spot and called the shots. In my story, he wants their geodes and use its powers in his giant mech suit similar to the Turtle X suit to defeat Batman and take over Gotham City as well as every other dimension.

You, I have an idea.

The Turtles and Rainbooms make a deal with Bronze Tiger. Maybe during a third incounter, they let him bring them to Black Mask so they can find out his plan and he'll get the money he needs.

Group Admin


I was thinking the same thing, Jeb. Although, Leo and his team gets hit with the knockout gas as well as Bronze Tiger during the Ninjas’ fourth encounter with the villains by Black Mask’s men due to the tracker that was planted on Bronze Tiger, which was Black Mask’s doing, not the said vigilante. Bronze Tiger will have a change of heart and the reason why he needs the money. I’m not sure if you read any comic books, but Bronze Tiger had a pregnant wife and needs to pay the medical bills or the rent in his house.

I think his wife's medical bills.

I can imagine their second encounter, he'll tell Leo while he has the turtle pinned.

The fight can be like the abandon apartment fight from the movie and it end with Jackal catching Leo.

Group Admin


I like that. But what movie are you talking about?

Suicide Squad Hell to Pay

Group Admin


Oh, okay. As for Jackal vs. Leo, their fight scene is based on the Deathstroke boss fight from Arkham Origins. Right before Leo encounters Bronze Tiger.

There are other villains that the Turtles, Rainbooms, and their friends will have to face both old and new. There is Copperhead, Livewire, Hive Five, Jencko, Clayface, Fishface, Armaggon, Bane, Kitty and Fang, Chesire, Killer Moth, Two-Face, Control Freak, Catwoman, Dr. Stockman, Kraang Subprime, and Black Mask.

Alright then. I might have an idea for when they face Control Freak. He just shows up, thinking he's facing the Titans when instead he finds the Turtles and Rainbooms. Based on when he met Titans East.

Control Freak: GREETINGS TITANS! Your number one... hey, you're not the Teen Titans!

Group Admin

I almost forgot, the Music Meister will be there as well (which you suggested). Their battle will be based on the Music Meister episode from Batman: The Brave and The Bold.

Who's gonna be in Batman, Green Arrow, and Black Canary's role?

Group Admin

Music Meister will be taking on either Raph’s team or Mikey’s team. So, I’m thinking that Mikey, Sugarcoat, and Shinigami will fill in those roles. OR maybe Bebop, Adagio, and Rarity.

Plus, I have an idea in mind for Raph’s team. While Raph’s team were busy teaming up with the Titans East and fighting against the Hive Five, Rarity will team up with Catwoman to take on Kitten and Fang. But here’s the twist, Kitten got mutated into a mutant pink cat/panther. Similar to how Tigress got mutated. And how Kitten got mutated, she followed her dad (aka Killer Moth) in the Turtles’ dimension until she got sidetracked and started wandering off like going shopping and stealing jewelry.

If they face Music Meister, maybe the Dazzlings could join the fight.

As for the Titans East, here's a scene with Gabby, Pinkie, and Más Y Menos.

Raph: So, who are these two?

Aqualad: Meet Más and Menos.

Más y Menos: Hola! Somos gemelos. Nacimos con siete veces la habilidad de ser más rápido que el sonido, pero sólo somos poderosos cuando nuestros cuerpos se rozan así! (Then the two touched hands and shouted,) Más y Menos! Sí podemos! (They sped off and came back seconds later wearing caps and showed a picture of a Mayan pyramid.)

Menos: Fuimos a la Guatemala de este mundo.

Bebob: Uh? Did anybody understand a word they said?

Rocksteady: Nyte. I no speak Spanish.

Rarity: I only know French.

Sunset: But Gabby speaks Spanish.

Casey: Yo, what did they say, Gabby?

Gabby: Well, basically...

Pinkie: They said they're twins, they were born with seven times the ability to be faster than sound, but only gain that power by touching each other, and they went to this world's Guatemala. (Everyone looked at her in surprise.)

Gabby: That's... right...

Sour Sweet: You understood what they said?

Pinkie: I'm fluent in Spanish.

Más y Menos: (raced by her side.) ¡Sí! ella lo entiende!

Gabby: ¡Oye! ¡Los entendí a ustedes también! (Hey! I understood you guys too!)

Más: Sí.

Menos: Pero fuiste demasiado lento. (But you were too slow.)

Group Admin

They can meet up in the Turtle Lair to carry out their plan on defeating the Hive Five. The rest of Titans East members will be Bumblebee, Tempest, and Wonder Girl. And Red Arrow (formerly known as Speedy) won’t be there because he left the team. I have something planned for Red Arrow.

Here’s a little dialogue that I came up with.

What happened to Speedy?

Sunset: Cyborg told me that you have an archer on your team a long time ago. What happened to him?

Bumblebee: Who? Speedy? He left.

Aqualad: More like, quit the team.

Plus, I made another dialogue that I came up with months ago.

When they meet Mas y Menos

Mas y Menos: (in Spanish) Look at me, I got big hair and a big head. Kneel down at my beautiful hair and head.

(To Raph and Adagio)

Raph: You're lucky that we don't understand you little…

Rarity: Hey, leave them alone!

Adagio: Don't tell us what to do.

After the battle

Mas y Menos started giving Rarity some gifts due to her beauty until they start fighting each other (Reference to Titans East episode).

Rarity and Sour Sweet could fall for Aqua Lad, just like Raven and Starfire did. Adagio and Gabby, not so much.

Group Admin

Okay then.

As for Red Arrow (fka Speedy), he'll help Donnie’s team or Leo’s team to take on Count Vertigo. Plus, Green Arrow will join in to help. And I still want the Ninjas and Green Arrow to have a heart to heart talk with Red Arrow on why he left the team. But I still got this idea where Red Arrow and Leo (or Donnie) fight each other just like the battle between Leo and Raph in the 2007 TMNT movie.

Here’s a small preview.

Leo: Don't make me do this, Speedy.

Red Arrow: Don't call me by that name anymore! I'm done taking orders.


I'm surprised your okay with that last bit. Lol

Actually, I don't think Baxter Stockman has a doctorate, so he wouldn't be known as Dr Stockman.

Group Admin


Did you guys know that Carmelo Anthony was in the comics with the Ninja Turtles?

Yes. I read it.

Group Admin


Well, I was thinking that Carmelo Anthony can help the Turtles since Melo was saved by them before. Maybe he can get even with them.

Can't help you there, bud.

I don't know?

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