Scorched-questria 31 members · 8 stories
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Group Admin

That’s right, I’m hosting an And Hell Followed contest! Here are the details.


Let’s get the stuff everyone wants to know out of the way first. What do you get out of this? Well you know how I had that print copy of And Hell Followed made? That was a test run for this.

First Place: 1 signed hardcover print copy of And Hell Followed and fifty US dollars.

Second Place: 1 signed hardcover print copy of And Hell Followed and twenty-five US dollars.

Third Place: 1 signed hardcover print copy of And Hell Followed.

The physical copies are hardcover and come with all of the art in the original story in color. I have a blog with some pictures of them here!


The contest will span the same span of time it took me to publish all of And Hell Followed. So you’ll have from May 17th to June 18th to write and publish your stories.


  • Stories must be set in the 36 days that encompass The Event. You can find a timeline here. Find the canon timeline and other information about the universe here!
  • Stories can’t be set in And Hell Followed’s plot. e.g. No side stories inside Twilight’s castle or in Ponyville featuring the main characters from And Hell Followed during the events of that story.
  • Stories are capped at a Hard T/Soft M rating. Obviously considering the subject matter light gore and death are a given, but don’t go overboard and no porn.
  • 20k word limit on stories.
  • Stories must be completed and submitted by 12 PM CDT on June 18th, 2022. If you need an extension due to extenuating circumstances like this being your first story, please let me know.
  • Stories must be submitted to the Scorched-questria group’s contest folder. Group here!


I’ll also be giving out two copies in a raffle on my Twitter. I’ll be posting the tweet for the raffle the day the contest starts. You can find it here.

Also I have a Discord server for AHF stuff. If you join you can talk about writing in general or your entries or others or just hang out. Join that right here!

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