Comment Club 68 members · 145 stories
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Comment Club
Group Admin

Please excuse the mess! This will be updated/improved as we go through the first few rounds of these.

Have a fic that you think deserves to be read and commented on more? Want to have an arbitrary deadline motivate you to read and comment on more stories? You’re in luck!

Comment Exchange is here, to assign you fics to read and comment on, and to have them assigned to others in turn! Here are the three steps on how to do:

Step 1: Submit

Each participant may make up to three submissions to be assigned, read, and commented on by another participant. A single submission may contain multiple fics, up to five, if they are sequels or strongly connected in some way.

For each submission, besides the fics themselves, you must submit:

  • A description/pitch for the submission (including any content warnings not stated in the fics’ longdescs).
  • Whether you are the author of the fics in your submission. If not, whether you have the permission of the author to submit them here.
  • A choice of allowed harshness by the commenter (“positive comments only” being the default, and the only choice for fics that you are not the author of)

(Since each reading period is only three weeks long, the total wordcount for any single submission is capped hard at 100kw. If this enterprise is a success, I have some ideas for how to implement it for longer fics as well down the line.)

Step 2: Rate

After Step 1 is done, a form will be sent out with everyone’s submissions and their descriptions of each. Based on whatever criteria you choose, you will rate them on the following scale:

  • 0: Would rather not/Cannot comment (Due to any reason you feel the submitter would not appreciate your comment, including if you have already commented on the fic)
  • 1: No opinion/Okay (Default option)
  • 2: Want to comment
  • 3: Really want to comment

Submitting this form is mandatory for getting your entries assigned. The purpose of this is meant to avoid the situation of someone being assigned a fic that they are not equipped to enjoy. 

Step 3: Comment!

After Step 2 is done, an algorithm will assign fics as best as possible to match people’s preferences, and to ensure that everyone gets assigned as much as their submissions are assigned. (Thus, all your entries getting assigned is not a guarantee!) You will then receive a FimFic PM or Discord DM with your assignment, and requested harshness level.

You will then have three weeks to read and comment on your assignment before the next cycle begins!

The End

And that is it! More detailed guides are forthcoming, but for now, if you have any questions, please PM me or drop by the Discord:

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