Tales of Shadows and Stars 24 members · 7 stories
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Angel Midnight
Group Admin

The Southern Caverns or Southern Caves are a network of tunnels that form a town in the Badlands of North Equestria. It is recognised as a bat pony town located in Equestria, near to Hayseed Swamp.


The town is in an arid region but is able to survive due to being close in proximity to the Hayseed Swamp, meaning they receive more rain than other parts of the Badlands. Water is a highly-sought-after resource but rainwater collection and filter systems, groundwater reserves and occasional water imports allow the resource to be kept affordable and sustains the town. Desert and Savannah plants grown in the area around the caves encourage more movement of water and provide food.

Locations around the Southern Caves

Clock Keeper's Lodgings

The home at the very entrance to the caves is reserved for the Clock Keeper, who ensures that the clocks around the Southern Caves are kept in time with daylight hours.

Gallows Gate

The gate at the entrance to the Southern Caves has this ominous name for several reasons.

Good Wish Well

An underground water reserve.

Lunar Barracks South

The local Lunar Guard barracks and training grounds.


A popular bar.

Notable Inhabitants

Wyvern and Diamond Paladin lived and worked here during Arc 2.

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

I'm adding more lore! Oh, and I'm probably going to edit the few character profiles I've posted here.

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Thanks. I thought I should add some more to the bat pony knowledge archives here.

your welcome, its nice to hear from you again

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