I present to you the Tales of Shadows and Stars, a series of stories set in a magical AU revolving around dark magic. :)
Since the Old Times when the horses who came before ponies walked the planet, there has been a war between the Light and the Darkness, a war for what each individual believes in. Over time, ponies began to share the same beliefs and unite to defend themselves and their loved ones from the Darkness, and whilst the names of most of the Ancients were lost to time, a few of the Ancestors are remembered.
There are Gods and Goddesses in the universe, some more well-known than others. Cosmos, the Father, creator of the universe and matter; Galaxia the Mother Dragon, whose fire allowed the stars to form; Discord and Eris, Lords of Chaos, who created the anomalies of the universe, the conditions needed for life to begin on certain planets; Gaia the Beautiful, who raised the plants and creatures of Equis, giving each of them unique gifts that would allow them to thrive for years to come; Grogar the Terror, creator of Dark Magic and King of All Monsters; Rabia, Princess of Evil and leader of the Ponies of Shadow and Frost; Celestia, Current Governor of the Sun; Luna, Current Governor of the Moon; and Amoré, the Crystal Princess.
But the Gods and Goddesses are never alone. There are always those who stand in their long shadows, the ones who are remembered better than some of the Gods and Goddesses themselves. Gusty the Great, the pony who drove Grogar back to the shadows after he ruled for so long; Starswirl the Bearded and the Pillars of Equestria; Torch, current Lord of Dragons, supposedly the great-grandson of Galaxia; Sombra, King of Shadows, the Monster of the Crystal Empire who fought the Crystal Princess; and the Daughter of the Night, Moonlight Amethyst Shade, closest disciple of Luna when she transformed into the wicked Nightmare Moon.
Celestia, the Beacon of Sunlight, has a mission to rid Equestria and the rest of the world of dark magic.
Sombra, the Shadow Mage, wants to do everything he can to make it spread.
Moonlight is trying to find her place on Equis after her thousand-year banishment to the moon with her former mistress, Nightmare Moon.
These three ponies, seemingly unconnected, soon find they have a lot more in common and their very fates begin to intertwine. Each of them have something to fight for, but there can only be one winner in the battle of light and dark...
This group is for discussing ideas for characters, worldbuilding, sharing art and more. So if you like the series so far and can't wait for more (or you're just bored), feel free to join the group and share your ideas!
~ Angel
Welcome to disaster island where the only law is Murphy's law.
Now, I has landed!
I'm not able to add a story to the side-story folder. Please see if you can do it.
I'm in.
Thank you!
Might as well.