Tales of Shadows and Stars 24 members · 7 stories
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Angel Midnight
Group Admin

The Everfree Forest; a vast swathe of woodland that encompasses Canterlot and Ponyville, and stretches north as far as Cloudsdale. Home to all manner of unusual species, from plants like poison joke, plunder vines and carnivorous flowers, to terrifying beasts like manticores, cragadiles and timberwolves. But there is more to the forest than meets the eye.

Whilst it may seem unattractive to the naked eye, within there are several beauty spots. Those who are determined enough will find meadows where the light of the moon encourages bioluminescent flowers and trees to glow brightly; underground caverns filled with valuable crystal resources just waiting to be discovered; and trees that have just enough knots and grooves in their trunks for a pony to climb to the very top, rewarding them with a stunning view of the forest all around and the sky above.

As well as this, there are ruins. The Everfree Castle and the old Everfree Village that surrounds it. Nowadays, the Everfree Village is occupied by ‘feral’ bat ponies, who live quite comfortably off of the land and the resources of the forest, completely cut off from the rest of Equestrian society. However, the ‘Castle of the Two Sisters’ has remained abandoned since the banishment of Nightmare Moon.

Perhaps the bat ponies believed it was sacred ground, as it was primarily Princess Luna’s home before her fall from grace. Or maybe it was protected from trespassers and squatters by ancient magic. The only way to find out is to see for yourself…

~ Angel

nice. Ah, now i don't wanna imagine how She would get affected by poison joke

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Poison joke?! Oh no... That would be bad.

my friend patch meant for Midnight, he would become attracted to light like a moth

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Ouch. Moonlight would probably be affected in a similar way. :rainbowlaugh:

I live in the Castle of the Two Sisters, Luna helped me set my place there, Therase lives here too, though

Comment posted by TheraseVoidCaller deleted Oct 4th, 2021

I live about 152.4 meters beneath it, I should say

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