Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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I wouldn’t mind. I mean, the group could help him become the Ghostbuster he’s becoming.

Cool... Can we use the name I call him?

Dude, you replied to your own comment




(I had thought about mixing both elevator scenes from the first Ghostbusters movie and the video game.)

(When they go up. I was thinking Donnie in his cloak, and Blade would be with Egon while they go up in the Sedgwick hotel.)

Ray turn the new recruits. “Alright, folks. Get ready.”

“Yeah.” Applejack nodded. “Let’s get ready. Someone switch me on.”

Gamer flipped the switch on her proton pack, activating it. As it started up, Gamer began to back away slowly next to Shinigami.

“Newbies.” Chuckled Peter. “Dr. Stantz , if you do the honors.”

“Proud to, Dr. Venkman.” Ray nodded as turned on his pack.

“Part of our subtlety for the city, all Proton packs must be off heavily populated areas.”

Group Admin

Yeah I liked in the elevator scene they all backed away when switching Ray on

A friend of mine and I did that scene when we went as ghostbusters at Anime Nebraskon last year

Group Admin



(The Ninjas and Rowan see the Sloth Ghost and almost throw up as he escaped)
Donnie: That thing was more disgusting than Slimer.
(Slimer shrugged, saying he's not wrong)
Peter: I said the same thing when we caught him.
Shini: What was that a ghost of?
Ray: (Scanning) Arbison Morguncher, I crossed reference Sedgewick hotel ghosts. He was a wealthy but lonely epicurean.
(Blade Swipe looked at Donnie)
Donnie: Greek Philosopher Student.
Blade Swipe: Oh. So, what happened?
Ray: Every year, the Sedgewick Hotel auctions off a huge Thanksgiving diner as a charity fundraiser. Morguncher out bid everyone.
Applejack: That's a unhealthy appetite.
Ray: Thanksgiving Day came and Morguncher came to dine alone. The dinner was for twelve people, but the Manager reluctantly let him eat the whole thing. Didn't even leave a single crumb.
(Even Slimer felt sick to his stomach)
Gamer: Biologically speak, the human body can't handle that much.
Ray: He didn't intent to. The police found a suicide note after he died from Gastric Rupture. Said he intended to die while indulging his greatest fantasy.

Applejack: betcha Mikey and Pinkie could eat that and survive.
Gamer: if Mikey did, he’d have to trade his nunchucks for a wheelchair. Pinkie…. Still trying to figure out.
Slimer: who they?
Donnie: Mikey’s my brother and Pinkie Pie’s one of our friends from the same school as Applejack. You’d probably get along with them, Slimer.

Hey, here's a Dead Rising 3 reference...

Gamer: He seriously reminds me of a Video Game Psychopath that represented the Seven Deadly Sin of Gluttony.


(After hearing his story.)

Everyone stared in shock at that information.

"Well," Shini spoke up after a while. "That got dark."

"Yeah," Applejack shivered.

We should probably do the bios for the ghost the defeat once

I'll definitely remember that

I'll have to look for Tobin's Spirit guide



That's reasonable.




( Here’s another scene I came up with for after the Stay Puft fight.)

(Just letting you know, since we’re borrowing elements from the cartoon, and in the cartoon Stay Puft is actually a friend of the Ghostbusters, they fought a shadow of Stay Puft instead.)

Later, back at the firehouse, Gamer, Applejack, Blade, and Shini were joining Rowan and Winston in the basement next to a big red machine. Applejack was looking through a viewer next to it.

“So that there is the real Stay Puft?” She asked as she saw another marshmallow man who was happily playing with a yo-yo.

“Yep! The big guy!” Slimer nodded as he floated next to her.

“That’s right, AJ. Unlike the one you guys blew up, this one is actually a lot nicer. We rarely let him out for special occasions.” Winston explained as he helped Rowan with the traps with ghosts in them.

Blade looked at the red machine. “So this thing is where you guys put every ghost you ever caught?”

“Yep. It’s called the Ecto containment unit. It’s where store all vapors, entities, slimers and any other ghost we manage to trap. Come over here and I’ll show you how it works.” Everyone gathered around Winston as he took one of the traps. “Start with a loaded trap. Open. Unlock the system.”

He turned a big nob which opened a compartment and inserted the trap. “Insert the trap.” The red light went on as he pulled out the outer part of the trap. “Release. Close. Lock the system.” He closed it back up and pushed a couple white buttons. “This button sets your entry grid. This one mechanizes your field.” He flipped a big switch down then up as the green light lit up. “As Ray would say, the light is green, trap is clean. And that’s how you use the containment unit.”

“Wow!” Awed Gamer.

“Looks simple enough.” Shini smiled.

“Go ahead, Shinigami. Try it out.” Winston handed her a trap.

Shini followed Winston’s lead and was able to empty the trap successfully. “Light is green. Trap is clean. I like that.”

Gamer, Applejack, and Blade all got to have a turn and we’re all successful.

“Very good.” Winston smiled.

“Good job!” Slimer cheered.

“Dude, we gotta show Donnie!” Gamer smiled.

“Speaking of Donatello, we better check see if he, Egon, and Ray learned anything about ms. Illyssa yet.” Blade suggested.

“You guys go ahead.” Rowan insisted. “I’ll finish up with the remaining traps.”

“Okay. Thanks, Rowan.” Applejack thanked as they followed Winston upstairs.

Pretty good.

I try. I just wanted to add the scene after we decided on how to do Stay Puft in the fic

You need to talk in private?

No, I just got a bad headache. I'm going to go lay down.




Well, I got something. And it's been a while, so I'm just going by my gut. Where they first met them.
"What in tarnation?!" said a confused Applejack.

Applejack, Donnie, Gamer, Shinigami, and Blade Swipe stumbled upon four people. People they've never seen before. One who was wearing glasses, one who looked African American, and not sure about the other two. However, all of them were focused on Donnie.

"Whoa," said the first one, "You see what I'm seeing, Ray?"

"No, I'm seeing it too, Peter." said the one called Ray.

"What the heck is that, Egon?" asked the African American one.

The one called Egon went over with a tracker and scanned Donnie, much to his personal space. "Well, Wintston," said Egon, "I can tell you that he isn't a ghost. He is one hundred percent living."

"Never seen anyone like that before." said Peter. "Who are you guys?"

"Oh, uh." said Gamer as he introduced themselves. "My name is Gamer. These ones are Donnie, Applejack, Blade Swipe, and Shinigami."

"Nice to meet you." said Egon. "My name is Egon Spengler. These are my fellow associates. Peter Venkman, Raymond Stantz, and Winston Zeddemore."

"Hey wait," said Donnie as he remembered something, "I know you guys. You're the professors who studies in parapsychologists."

"That's right." said Peter.

"What are all of y'all doin here?" asked Applejack.

"Well you see, miss..." said Raymond before he was cut off.

"Duck and cover!!" shouted Egon when he heard his tracker was going off. "We're gonna have company!!"

"What kind of...?!!" said Gamer before he was cut off.

Suddenly from out of nowhere, two ghosts appeared and cackled like crazy whilst generating lightning, which shocked the newcomers by what they saw.

"What the name of all things science is that?!" shouted Donnie in panic.

That's when Applejack recognized them.

"Oh my gosh, it's the FlimFlam Brother seniors!!" shouted Applejack in shock before they ducked.

"You know them?!" shouted Raymond.

"They're the pa and uncle of them varments my family and I know, the FlimFlam Brothers!!" said Applejack. "Mah Pa and Ma exposed them for being frauds!! Judge gave them twenty to life in prison!!"

They continued to fly around and cause havoc.

"We gotta find a way to contain them!!" said Donnie.

"And how do we do that, genius?!" said Blade Swipe.

"We got this!!" said Egon and his group.

The four of them got up and powered strange devices from their backpacks and pulled out what appeared to be something connected to it.

"What are you planning to do with those?!" said Gamer.

"This!!" shouted the guys, causing them to shoot a massive laser to ensnare the two ghosts, trapping them at the same time as they tried to get loose, much to their surprise.

"Herd them together!!" shouted Winston.

They herded the two ghosts together as they tried to escape.

"Get out the containment unit!!" shouted Egon, allowing them to roll the unit down as it was underneath the ghost. "Now!!"

They opened the unit, causing the device to open up and suck the ghosts inside, trapping them within an instant.

Applejack and the others were surprised by what they saw as they got up, whilst Egon and his group turned around and faced them.

"Who...are you?" said Gamer surprised.

"Kid," said Peter with a smile whilst panting, "Have we got stories to tell you."

And that's all I got so far. Like I said, it's all gut instincts and has been a long time.

Well, no one had thought about an intro for how they met, so I figured I'd do one in case nobody else did.

Not bad. Couple things:

1) The Ghostbusters are in another dimension.

2) They are gonna meet in a church like in the IDW crossover before the Sedgewick Hotel, so Winston is absent.

3) The plot is pretty much the 2009 video game.

Right, thanks for that. Like I said, it's been a while. Had to start somewhere.

I might actually use some of this for the intros.

Group Admin

A good way for the two sides to meet


Also, weren't we planning a reference to Boss's Ghostbusters story... Or am I just spouting nonsense.

I mean we could like an Easter Egg or something.





I thought of something funny for when they trap the Sloth Ghost.

(I’m thinking Gamer and Shini join Venkman and Rowan in catching the Sloth Ghost in the ballroom. NOTE: The Sloth Ghost takes Slimers place in the Sedgwick Hotel since Slimer helps out.)

As he struggled with his proton beam on the ghost, Venkman called to Shinigami. “Shini! The trap! Toss it underneath Fat boy!”

Shini responded by throwing a black box with a handle and yellow and black stripes on its doors. But as it slid underneath, it tilted sideways due to a glob of discarded food. “Oh no! Gamer! It’s tipped!”

“I got it!” Gamer hurried to the trap and set it up right. But as he hurried back, he slipped on a puddle of slime and fell near Shinigami and his head hit the pedal. Thankfully, the trap opened trapping sloth ghost inside.

As the trap closed, Peter and Rowan turned off their proton streams as Venkman smiled. “Sha! That’ll teach that overweighted goober to slime Pete Venkman. In this case, you guys as well.”

Shini bent down to Gamer who still had his face on the floor. “You alright, Games?”

“Yeah.” Gamer muttered. “I learned a very important lesson today.”

“Really? What’s that?” Rowan asked as Venkman grabbed the trap.

Gamer lifted his head. “Ectoplasm is very slippery.”

Group Admin

Yeah it's sticky and slippery

That looks perfect, Double T.

I do. Hey Double T, can I give you a link to the Video Game Psychopath I had Gamer compare Sloth Ghost to?

I can see the resemblance

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