Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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Still a little ways to go, but I thought Id start a forum for my upcoming Ghostbusters crossover. The plot is pretty much the same as the 2009 video game

The idea is that Donnie, Applejack, Blade Swipe, Gamer, and Shinigami discover some mass of energy affecting Donnie's portal tracker and go to investigate. They meet four guys who work as paranormal investigators and eliminators. Now they must stop ghosts and prevent the revival of a Samarian god.

Any dialogue or scene ideas will be helpful when I get to it.

Group Admin

I’ll be thinking of stuff

As long as I’m not taking you away from your projects. Besides, we got plenty of time.

Does the Ghostbusters exist in the Turtles and Rainbooms universe or will they be in a separate world?

Well in that case, when Donnie's team arrives at their dimension, maybe it can be based off how the Turtles wound up in the Ghostbusters in the crossover comic. By having them arrive right in the middle of a wedding.

Blade: Well... this is awkward.

Shinigami: And we didn't even bring a gift.

I could work with that. Maybe that could be a delay to when they’re heading to the Sedgwick Hotel.



After Blade Swipe collapses from exhaustion at the museum...

(Blade Swipe wakes up at the firehouse, sweating from the memory he had with the Kraang in his dream. Blade Swipe panics when Ray comes up with a wash cloth and struggles it out of his hands)
Ray: Easy, your safe. I was just going to clean the sweat off your forehead.
(Blade Swipe touched his forehead and found he was sweating)
Blade Swipe: (As the rest of his friends came in) Sorry, Ray.
Applejack: You okay, partner?
Blade Swipe: (Panting) Just... A bad memory. Where are my weapons?
Donnie: We took them off so you can rest. Egon and I ran some test and found you used a lot of energy on that Black Slime T-Rex.
Shini: Starting to wish Mikey was here to name these things.
Donnie: Anyway, we think you should rest for a bit.
(Blade Swipe wanted to argue, but he felt like his bones were lead)
Blade Swipe: Okay, I think your right.
Ray: Already ordered a pizza for you. Whole thing is your.
Blade Swipe: Thanks, Ray.
(Slimer came up with a cold Root Beer for Blade Swipe)
Blade Swipe: Thanks.

Thanks. And I think you know when this happens since we both agreed Blade Swipe rests during the Sedgewick 13th floor.

Yep. But you may want to let everyone here know about our plan since you just told me

The second they see it





Also, want to mention, we’ll be using elements from the Real Ghostbusters so Slimer is an ally in this

Me and Double T agreed that after the Museum, Blade Swipe will rest for the level of the Spider Witch. So please, no ideas on that level involving him

Group Admin

That's good

Thanks, Boss. Please understand, Blade Swipe will not be in the Spider Witch Level.

I think they got the idea, Wrex.

(Before that. After Egon tells Peter they need to keep an eye on Peck.)

Peter: (notices something) Hey, Blade doesn’t look so good.

(Everyone notices as Blade staggers before collapsing.)

Group: Blade!

Illyssa: Is he all right?

Gamer: (analyses with his goggles.) it looks like he’s just drained.

Donnie: he must’ve used a lot of energy fighting that Trex!

Egon: we better get him back to my lab right away.

Winston: Applejack, help me get him in Ecto-1!

Applejack: Right! (As the two carry him) Blade. Hold on.

(To Blade, everything was blurry as he faded out.)

(Also, I thought of this when everyone's leaving for the Sedgewick and Peter's going to Peck's office.)

Ray: Slimer, you stay here and take care of Blade as he recovers.

Slimer: You got it, Ray!

Peter: And no trying to mooch Blade's pizza when it gets here!

Slimer: I'd never! (grumbles before Ray whispers in his ear)

Ray: (whispers) There's an extra double pepperoni stuffed crust in the order with your name on it for being a big help lately.

Slimer: Yum! Yum! Thanks, Ray!

Sorry, I just woke up.

But I think we got enough on Blade Swipe's exhaustion.

I know. Just thought it be a funny Slimer moment

After that, it should be good




(Here’s for the group trying on proton packs)

“You’re gonna need more than just swords and sticks to take on ghosts!” Remarked Peter.

“Well we gotta do something.” Argued Applejack.

“We better let them help, Venkman.” Egon suggested. “Besides, they’re not going to take no for an answer.”

“We sure aren’t.” Gamer said while skimming through a random comic book.

Then, Ray got an idea. “Then you guys are gonna need some necessary equipment. Where do we keep the spare proton packs?”

“Closet next to the lockers.” Janine called from her desk.

As they pulled out three more packs, Egon spoke. “We only have three spare packs. We’ll definitely give one to Blade and Donatello. Which of the rest of you is the strongest?”

“I am.” Applejack spoke up.

“Which means Gamer and Shinigami will use these arm mounted proton packs.” Ray added.

“You sure ya wanna give one to the kid here?” Peter pointed to Gamer.

“Look, Dr. Venkman, was it? I’ve defused bombs, worked on computers, fought off viruses, and worked on machinery. Handling an unlicensed nuclear accelerator shouldn’t be any different.” Gamer huffed.

“Of course you can.” Peter smiled before mumbling. “A young Egon. Lord, they’re multiplying.”

That's perfect.

Group Admin

Nice one. Imagine they're reaction to learning about handling proton packs and the dangers of crossing the streams



(As a matter of fact, after they practice. Similar to the part where they bag the escapee from the containment unit.)

“But remember the very important rule about proton streams.” Ray warned. “Don’t cross the streams.”

“Otherwise, kablooey!” Slimer interacted.

“You mean-?” Donnie gulped.

“Total protonic reversal?!” Gamer finished.

“Uh come again?” Applejack asked as she, Shinigami, and Blade raised a brow.

“Try to imagine all life stopping instantaneously and every molecule exploding in the speed of light.” Donnie explained.

“And we’re goofing around with that kind of equipment.” Gamer jived. “Fantastic.”

“Let’s see Tirek try to absorb that.” Blade mumbled.

“So, you’re saying one wrong move and we’re bye bye?” Shini asked.

“As long as no one crosses the streams, Shinigami, you’ll be fine.” Ray assured.

Everyone looked to see Gamer looking at the internal configuration of his blaster before he saw them. “I’ll uh modify this later.”

Group Admin

I never tire of listening to why crossing the streams is bad and someone concluding that it results in Total Protonic Reversal

That last part was based off the scene from Atlantis the lost empire (skip to 2:14)

Me neither. Here is kinda reversed from the first movie.


Ironically, there's an achievement FOR crossing the streams.

Meh, some achievements are like that



Hey guys, here's A question: Should we use the Rookie, or as I call him Rowan Johnson, in the story?

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