Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 99 members · 91 stories
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I was talking with danyram once and while talking about Last Ronin, we also discussed about the possibility of a Spider-Man tale.

About how the young six, oc troopers, and the secondary characters like Keno, Carter, Ninjara would appear to make Spidey feel like he’s number one with a need to compete with the main characters

Here you can offer Spider-Man ideas

Or offer quotes about Spidey having chats with the Hamato clansmen


Oh cool ninja outfits is there a comic con event I didn’t know about?

Reign:What’s comic con?

Tina vs. Hammerhead and His Goons

Hammerhead: Give up, girl. There are ten of us and only one of you.

Tina: Then you boys have no chance.

Tina ran through the men with her peacock slashers and went behind them.

Hammerhead: Ha, You miss.

Tina: Did I?

With a snap of her paw, Hammerhead and his men's clothes were ripped to ribbons.

Keno: can you believe
he got so desperate, he put a metal plate in his skull just to be tough?

(He wants to fight but she’s got this)

Ninjara: I hate losing at rock paper scissors
(It could have been her turn against hammerhead)

Reign Shadowheart: these things happen.

Ninjara: ten bucks says rocksteady could topple Alex ohern?

Gallus: So, what are the craziest villains that you've faced off against, so far?

Spidey: Seems like you all met some of them.

Ninjara: And then some.

Spidey: Well, I fought against this guy who could make portals appear from his body. Then there was this other fellow who had a habit of robbing bodegas on a daily basis. And don't get me started on Pete. He concocted this glue-like stuff that makes my webs look like ordinary rope.

Smolder: Wow! And I thought the Turtles and Rainbooms had strange enemies to fight.


Sandbar: well there was this guy who wore a bucket for a helmet

Silverstream’s ooh Ohh and a guy made of living cement!(cement man turtles in time)

Reign: I still recall the alien triceratops in a space station and alien arena

Ocellus: there was this one pink alien brain creature in a robot body who tried to mutate everything he saw

Gallus: don’t forget tempestra the video woman

Spidey: I know a video-man but a woman?

Sandbar: I recall a guy made a pizza…but those turtles still don’t believe us…I got so mad I ignored them for awhile

Yona: yona remembers alien rock monster general tragg

Gallus: what kind of lab job doesn’t pay?

Sounds to me you’re a sucker (he didn’t like connors ideas)

Spidey:agree to disagree blue

I’m Ocellus: No way! Is that real?

Ocellus looks closely At Peter’s tiny talons on his fingers that help him stick walls

“Uh yeah, it’s kinda weird though but at least I’m not big and hairy.”

Reign: I think I saw daredevil awhile back

Most of the Hamato Clan reveals in his exploits


Hi everyone
In celebration for the New Spider-Man game,

On the day of the release

I created new Spidersonas for the Young Six
Plus my Trooper Reign Shadowheart

Dramatic theme

Sandbar the Seafoam Spider

Silverstream the Symbolic Spider

Ocellus as Spider-Fae

Reign as Anti-Xross Spider a venomsona too

Gallus as punk-rock-spider/spider-rebel

Yona as Bulldozing-Spider

Finally Smolder as Fire-Spider-Lily

Anyone who does the Spider-Man story will be free to use these designs

If you want them human that’s fine too

I’m fine with human and or anthro

What does everyone think about my designs?

Comment posted by spiders123 deleted March 30th

Anyone play spiderman 2

I recall dayrem is trying this

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