Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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Group Admin

The fonts that I used for the cover are:

  • Equestria
  • Halfshell Hero
  • SevenElevenSerif

Thank you, man.
PS: you forgot to put your comment as a reply.

Here's something for Dino Fury...

(As everyone was swarmed by Toxiterror and her Hedgeman, a crash came out of nowhere)
Amelia: What's that?
(The ninjas saw a very familiar silhouette)
Mikey: (Laughing) Heavy Artillery!
(A huge axe came out of the smoke and below it away, revealing Traximus)
Zayto: A Triceraton?!
(The Ninjas cheered as their long time friend came to help)

That's interesting.

Amethyst, I found the girls Battlizer designs

Want me to transfer them here for proper storage?


Fluttershy's Yellow Catastrophe Armor: Catastros combines with Fluttershy's Wild Force Suit for a S.P.D like armor. Weapon: Deker's sword Uramassa. Activation Phrase: Centaur's Might, Ready to Fight

Rainbow Dash's Blue Soundtop Armor: Storm Blaster combines with Rainbow Dash's Dino Thunder Suit for a knight-like armor. Weapon: A Double-hand axe that doubles as a guitar. Activation Code: 914

Sunset Summer's Red Velocity Armor: Lightning Cruiser combines with Sunset Shimmer's Mystic Force for a Lightspeed Rescue-like armor. Weapons: Dual Scimitars and Wrist Blaster. Activation Code: 803

Pinkie Pie's Pink Toros Armor: The Bullzord grants Pinkie Pie's Samurai Suit a Shogun Mode-like armor. Weapon: Spear/Blaster combo. Activation Phrase: Bull's Fury, Samurai Ready

Applejack's Green Rampage Armor: The Wild Force Elephant senses Applejack's strength and grants her Jury Fury suit a Time Force (Wes', not Eric) like armor. Weapon: Mace or Flail (Which one is the chain one?). Activation Phrase: Elephant Power, Double Trouble

Rarity's Crimson Cycle Armor: Thanks to the Tech Support, the Crimson Cycle will combine with Rarity's Ninja Storm suit a Wild Force like armor.
Weapon: Chain Blade Tires. Activation Phrase: Cycle Rider Boost

Sci-Twi's Mercury Constellation Armor: The combine energies of the Quasar Sabers and the Corona Aurora gives Sci-Twi's Operation Overdrive suit Eric Time Force like armor. Weapon: Dual Katanas. Activation Phrase: Aurora and Orion, Swords Together





TThe Light of Friendship
Our favorite ponies, girls and turtles have teamed up with the Mystic Rangers to stop the destruction of their worlds. Can their combined magic stand up to the coming evil?
Danyram1308 · 19k words  ·  19  1 · 1k views

Now Available


Hey, I was checking out your idea of Rainbooms having their own Battlizers, and I found myself with a doubt, and that is that how Sci Twi could use the Corona Aurora? Since according to PROO, the Corona Aurora is an object of immense power and anyone who tries to use it can end up getting a curse, as it was in the case of Flurius and Moltor when they tried to steal the crown, or that the individual ends up dying, since in the words of the Knight Sentinel the crown is able to take all kinds of life or to return it.

It's the best I could come with. You try thinking of ideas that's a combination of Science and Sorcery!

Hey Amethyst, wanna hear the girls' Reformed Villains searching for them in Pine Ridge? There's even a Transformer G1 reference.

(Diabolico and company hid in a alleyway as they saw a bunch of thugs threaten an old man)
Whiger: I'm stopping that.
Diabolico: We can't reveal ourselves.
Whiger: I'm not letting an innocent man get pushed around
(Whiger ran towards the scene)
Loki: (Rygore follows) We'll stop him.
(The duo caught up with him)
Loki: Stand down, Whiger. One against seven isn't fair odds.
Whiger: Not a chance. This is my fight!
Rygore: Make it our fight!

?: Thank you for the help, boys.
Whiger: No problem. I'm Whiger and my companions are Loki and Rygore.
?: Ed Jones.
Loki: (Showing a photo of the girls) We're looking for our leaders. Have you seen them?
Ed: Yes, those are my granddaughter's new friends. She works at Buzz Blast, just around the corner.

Diabolico: Okay, let's move.
Whiger: The three of us are staying around Mr. Jones.
Loki: Those thugs might come back
Diabolico: Okay, you three stay with him until further notice. Once we find the girls, we'll double back for you.

Group Admin

It’s fine. I guess.

Guess I'm losing my touch

Sorry for wasting your time.

Group Admin

It’s fine

Hey Amethyst, want me to move the Spongebob reference I thought of for the Power Ranger Museum here? The reference to the episode 'Neptune's Spatula'.

Group Admin

That’s up to you. Not mine.

I was just being polite...

(The group came up to one of the Museum's publicly challenges: The Quasar Challenge)
Fluttershy: (Reading) The Quasar Sabers are the Legendary Swords of a far away Alien Planet. Only those the swords deemed worthy may receive their power. The winner of this challenge may receive a Free Unlimited Pass to the Museum.
Mondo: (Climbing up to the Red Saber) Fluttershy, get a picture of me trying to pull the saber out!
(Fluttershy was ready to take the picture, until an elderly lady came up to her and Juggelo)
Woman: Excuse me, children. But do you know where the Wild Force exhibit is?
(The duo were looking over the map)
Mondo: Oh, you just passed it. (Pulling the saber out) It's over there.

Well, you thought it was funny the first time.

Still, it's a classic reference.

Hey Amethyst, I was wondering if the crossover with Jungle Fury would be before or after Ghost of a Chance, which is the episode where Fran discovers the identity of the rangers.

Group Admin

Before. Then Fran would figure out that the Turtles and Rainbooms are heroes just like the Power Rangers Jungle Fury.

Group Admin

Here is the official opening for Power Rangers Cosmic Fury along with its poster.

Hey, I thought of something based on the museum.

Well, I was thinking that maybe some rangers could show up to do some expositions.
What do you think about this?

Well, I hope you will consider it.

Pick out which Rangers

Well, I was thinking of some like Time Force, Wild Force, Dino Thunder, SPD, Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive, and the others.

Slight problem, not every Power Ranger identity is public knowledge


Hi guys, I wanted to ask you about your opinion on a crossover with Time Force, I'm not saying I'm going to do it, although I would like to, but I think it's an option we could consider since this season, besides time travel, is also about mutants, plus it deals with issues like discrimination and racism, issues that we would see in season 8 of FIM and in the new TMNT movie, among other issues.
What do you think?

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