Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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The Ninjas can wear the same swimsuits when they were at the beach. But when they go underwater, they gotta wear some special wetsuits designed by Donnie.

Uh, maybe their normal clothes.



Quick question about the wetsuits the Ninjas use. Would you prefer that they’d wear water shoes with those wetsuits, or they’d swim barefoot?

Some wear shoes, others don't.





Hey, I just thought of something for the Mutagen Man chapter, April's sister Robyn is testing her psychic powers and tries to calm Timothy down, by unlocking some memories. Unfortunately, the memories she unlocks are the ones of the Turtles treating him like a loser, which will make him go after them.

April: Uh, Robyn, what memories did you unlock?

Robyn: Uh, mostly ones where the Turtles were basically treating him like a complete idiot and total loser...

April: You showed him what?!

(She was cut off by Raph's scream and looked to see that Mutagen Man had slammed him into a wall with one fist and was currently using the other fist to pound him over and over.)

Robyn: I was showing him the memory of when the Turtles first inspired him to become a hero. But then he started remembering that Raph called him a doofus, then of the Turtles telling him to get lost when he let Kraang get the power cell, you and Casey attacking him, when the Turtles told the Rainbooms and many others how pathetic he was, and they all just flooded in and I couldn't stop it!

April: It's okay, Robyn! (Before they both ducked when Mutagen Man punched Casey and Donnie into a parked car, denting it.) Okay not really, but you're still learning.

And April won't join in yelling at Zephyr, because of her brief falling out with Robyn before the whole incident. And when Zephyr comes back, he has Robyn use her powers to calm Timothy long enough for him to inject the cure, but right afterwards Mutagen Man pulverizes Zephyr before he demutates.






For those of you who are aware that I'm going to adapt the 2003 episode Grudge Match in Rise Of The Young Ninjas. There are going to be some differences in my adaption. The lists are...

1. Leo doesn't help Mikey train, albeit out of tough love to teach him that he can't expect everyone to bail him out of the problems he brings upon himself.

2. The Young Ninjas don't defend him during his fight with Jagwar and also don't help him train.

3. Ue Sama is the one who helps him train by taking him to clear his mind.

4. Jagwar's wife and high priestess uses the War Staff to force everyone watch Jagwar beat Mikey to death.

5. The ending will be a cliffhanger, where Mikey seemingly dies from exhaustion and the pounding Jagwar gave him.

6. Mikey will give his metal to Ue Sama to thank him for his help, and tells his friends and brothers that their more important to him than his champion title.

Danyram1308 put me into perspective about victimizing Mikey when he's not. As such I came up with a new idea.

While Mikey is in the Nexus training hall, he drops shade at the others for abandoning him, only for them to angrily rebuke him that he has it coming for constantly rubbing his win in their faces, and how he's a hypocrite for labeling them jerks when he himself is hardly perfect.

And while training him to clear his mind, Ue Sama tells him that if he wants his brothers and friends to respect him, he must earn it, like he did during the Big Brawl. Now seeing what a jerk he was, Mikey makes a decision to make it up to everyone.

That decision, which he'll reveal after he wakes up from his coma, is that he intentionally holds back in the fight with Jagwar, believing that watching him lose his champion title will make up for his treatment of them. Of course, he couldn't have known that Jagwar had the battle area rigged so that he wouldn't be ported out before a killing blow.

And when Jagwar promises to kill all his brothers next and Mikey proceeds to defeat him, it'll foreshadow that he was holding back.

While that would be good character development for Ue Sama, I’m a little on the fence about Leo not training him. But I won’t intervene.






Here's a chapter idea for Clover. Inspired by the Gravity Falls episode "Irrational Treasure."

After she her silliness botches a mission and causes the Purple Nightmares to get away with some mutagen, Raph, Sunset, and Leo scold her for it.

Leo: Clover, your a ninja, you need to act like it!

Raph: We already got idiot clowns in Mikey and Pinkie Pie, we don't need three!

Mikey: We're standing right here!

Pinkie: Not cool, Raph!

Upset, Clover feels like a joke. So she decides to abandon her quirks and act serious. But she goes a bit overboard and acts too serious, making her friends miss the old Clover.

When they catch up with the Nightmares, her over seriousness windes up getting herself, Mikey, and Pinkie captured by them.

During their captivity, Clover laments on how she acted serious and still messed up, thinking that she'll never be anything but a goofball, while everyone overhears her on Mikey's t-phone that used to call for help. But then he and Pinkie tell her that there's nothing wrong with being a goofball, since it works well for them, and that she should just be herself. They also tell her how being silly has helped the team, like Mikey's antics helped create super retro mutagen and how when the girls first faced the Kraang, Pinkie was able to distract them by being silly. This gives Clover an idea.

Cover: But we have to figure out how to get out of here?

Pinkie: Oh, that's not gonna be a problem... (reaches into her hair and pulls out some lock picks.)

Later, the Nightmares are contacting Night Terror, informing him that they got the mutagen as well as one of the Turtles and Rainbooms, but then Clover appears and starts acting silly song and dance, making the Nightmares laugh. But while the Nightmares are laughing, Mikey and Pinkie stealthy take each Nightmare down. By the time she's down, Stryke orders the Nightmares to attack, only to find them all subdued by Mikey and Pinkie. Then before Stryke can process, Clover sneak attacks her by dropping a crate on top of her, knocking her unconscious.

She sings this song doing it...

The Ninjas arrive to see what the three have done, after Mikey and Pinkie explain how Clover distracted the Nightmares, Leo and Sunset apologize to Clover, saying that they never intended to make her feel like she had to not be herself anymore. And admit that her being silly helped out a lot.




Okay, I'm having some second thoughts about this idea, as I'm pretty sure you're all too. Maybe instead of Clover screwing up a mission, she get's made fun of for being silly, and thinks she needs to change to fit in, but Mikey and Pinkie, as well as her friends tell her that they love her the way she is.

It's a concept, if anyone has any ideas, plots, or quotes, let me know.

Group Admin

Whatever you decide

Group Admin

I got no problem with it. Whatever you decide, it’s your call.





Thank you guys.

I think I'll go with the original concept, but when Leo and Sunset scold Clover, they tell her there's a time and place to be silly and this neither of those. And only Raph is the one who says they don't need another clown like Mikey and Pinkie, which April and Fluttershy call him out on later, the former reminding him about calling Mikey a screw up that led to him running away during "The Croaking."

Good idea. Also, I love that song.



Hey guys, after our little discussion, I’ve made an extension for the Arriving in Atlantis scene

The ninjas were riding in the Turtle-Sub, following the Mere-People to their destination. When they finally arrive...

Donnie: Guys, I think we’re here.

The group looked to see the underwater kingdom, and it was breathtaking.

Twilight: Amazing.

April: So beautiful.

Rarity: So much inspiration, where’s my sketchpad when I need it?

CMC: Woah.

Alim: Yes, it’s wonderful at first glance.

Donnie: Anyway guys, Twilight, the professor and I got just the things to help us traverse the kingdom.

Donnie opened a hatch, revealing a bunch of transparent mouth masks.

Donnie: These are special breathers that can allow us to breathe under the ocean.

Twilight: They have an unlimited amount of oxygen,

Fugitoid: Made from the kind of tech from the Utrom’s breathers.

Sunset: Now that’s handy.

Rarity: Well then, I’ll just change into my fabulous new swimsuit...

Donnie: Hold on Rarity, (Donnie pushes a button to reveal a selection of wetsuits, and water shoes.) We’ve also created these special wetsuits that will help us in the underwater terrain. And special water shoes that have extendable flippers.

Rainbow: Sweet.

Donnie: Although, we weren’t really able to make enough shoes for everyone, so some of you guys are gonna have to make do without.

So what do you guys think? Thanks to Jebens’ suggestion, it might be alright if some wore the shoes and some didn’t. Which characters do you think should wear the shoes, and which ones shouldn’t?

I’ve already thought of Rarity not wearing them

Rarity: At least I can show off the pedicure I had before we came here

So, what do you guys think?

I don't know which ones?







Here's something, Patch will sing this song, telling the Turtles and Rainbooms that ever since they came, Canterlot has been more exciting than it used to be...


Hey Jebens, remember the idea you had about Clover performing a ballet after taking over for her sister, Meadowlark, after she’s “injured” and couldn’t perform.

If you’re still planning that, then maybe it could be based on this scene from the film, Ballerina. Even use the song from this scene.

I thought maybe Sugarcoat could also perform with her.

Sugarcoat: (Places a tiara on Clover’s head) Let’s make everyone proud.

So, what do you think?

It's a good concept.


Here are some battle quotes of the ninjas and Rainbooms facing Timothy. Now, I haven't worked on all the characters, nor that some of it aren't necessary for the chapter. But this could be a general idea on how some of the characters face Timothy before they get pummeled.

The ninjas did everything they could stop Timothy, but they were outmatched. Timothy picked up a car and tossed it to the group. Thinking fast, Applejack caught it with her strength, and tossed it back, followed by Twilight and April who levitated random objects at Mutagen Man. Some of the objects encountered him, but not enough to take him down. Their powers died down as Mutagen Man came running towards them.

“Incoming!” Twilight cried.

Pinkie jumped in, “Eat sprinkles, Mutagen Man!”

She tossed them in his face making him blind.

April thanked, “Thanks, Pinkie. Let’s move.”

As they ran, Mutagen Man was ticked off.

“Now you’ve made me mad!” he billowed and started chasing after them.

Rainbow panted, “Hope Donnie has finished with that retro mutagen by now.”

“We’re sure buying him some time.” Mikey threw boulders using the power of earth at Timothy who blocked them.

Timothy took a huge leap into the air and slammed his body creating a huge earthquake that caused them to knock down. Everyone groaned as they got up. Mutagen Man approached to them.

“Gotcha.” He grumbled.

Leo pulled his t-phone, “Donnie, we need that retro-mutagen. NOW!”

Donnie was in the Shellraiser synthesizing retro mutagen.

“Working as fast as I can!” Donnie yelped.

The ninjas and Rainbooms dodged Mutagen Man’s fists who tried slamming them.

“Work faster!” Raph cried before he got punched in the chest.

“Raph!” Rainbow cried and started running around Timothy in circles.
Timothy was getting dizzy. Rainbow then stopped and swung her naginata at his face making him fall on his back. He soon recovered and began to swat Rainbow, but she was too fast. Near the corner of a street, Zephyr, Buffy, Caitlyn, and Zach watched.

“Can’t catch me.” She teased.

He tried grabbing her but missed.

“I’m over here.” She dodged.

But he kept missing every time.

“You can do better than that.”

Timothy was so fed up he slammed his fist down causing another earthquake. Rainbow lost her balanced and suddenly got knocked out by Timothy with a powerful punch knocking her out cold next to Raph.

“Rainbow!” Zephyr raced to her, until he was tackled by Buffy, Caitlyn, and Zach.

“Don’t go out there! He’ll kill you!” Zach warned.

"She needs my help!" He cried, as they tugged him away from the battle.

"Yeah, say that before we get ourselves crushed." Caitlyn argued.

Maybe that can be before Zephyr messes things up and is told very harshly to leave. I was wondering what that scenario could be like. Thank you.

Your welcome. Anyway, I have a confession. In a few weeks, I will be making more quotes on the battle for you. I haven't put the young six, the rock n' beats, and Bright Eyes on the quote I posted to you, cause I haven't started. The quote will involve Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, and Ocellus controlling the turtle mech as a reference to Aliens. Sandbar's line would be based on Ripley when Buffy is grabbed by the Mutagen Man. Only he'll be saying this since it's a kids story:

Sandbar yells, "Get away from her you freak!"

Along the way, Bright Eyes, Lancer, Smolder, Yona, and one of the rock n' beats drive the patrol buggies. Some of them might hold on tight to the drivers while wielding their ninja weapons. They would come distracting Timothy, along with the Justice Force as reinforcements you stated.

Yeah. And I was thinking that Zephyr bungles up when they have Timothy subdued, trying to save Rainbow Dash, causing him to get free.

You could have Donnie be a little furious of the young six and the rock n beats using his inventions during the battle. But will be very proud of them for the backup.




I have an idea for the Alien Gladiator Election. It involves Sandbar and friends mistaking Traximus for a Zanramon Triceraton.

Ok, what is it?

(Sandbar and friends drew their weapons as they snuck up to the Triceraton)
Sandbar: (Quietly) Everyone ready?
(Everyone nodded and jumped onto the Triceraton)

Gallus: (Holding blaster) Freeze.
(The Triceraton raised his hands into the air)
Sandbar: Good thinking. Let's take him to the others.

Leo: So, who's this prisoner exactly?
Sandbar: Bring him in, guys.
(Leo and the others were surprised to see their friend Traximus as a prisoner)
Leo: Guys, this isn't a Zanramon Triceraton. This is our friend, Traximus.
(The Young Six felt very foolish)

Good idea. The Young Ninjas never met Traximus.







As some of you know, one of the chapter storylines will be about the Young Ninjas learning to not disregard the warnings of their friends. Basically, after they get into huge trouble and afterwards punished, due to one of Ace's ideas, (don't know what that is yet?) The Young Ninjas decided to never listen him ever agan. Not only that, but they start to treat him like he's nothing but the dofus of the group, very similar to how Leo, Donnie, and Raph do to Mikey.

During a trip to Atlantis, Ace sees the secretly human-hating Rihona comit many crimes but is ignored by his friends. And after he calls her out in front of everyone, things get worse as the Young Ninjas harshly reject his insistence and kick him into a mud puddle. They even mark "Idiot" and "Show Off" on his sticks.


After they leave him, he sings this song...

Thankfully, Fluttershy and Mikey witness the ordeal.

Later, the Turtles minus Mikey, Allies, and Rainbooms confront the Young Ninjas and warn them about the way they're treating Ace and the consequences it'll cause. Mikey meanwhile comforts Ace and sympathizes with him, having been exactly where he is.

Both tell Ace and the Young Ninjas about all times that they ignored Mikey's warnings and all the trouble they got into for it, which eventually led to Mikey not telling them about the Meanbooms and Rainbooms' friendship being ruined. They also tell them about events of "Follow the Leader" and how bad things might happen to them or Ace and that they might be so lucky.

Here's my artwork of the scene...

Well, I'm going to rewrite the scene a little with Leo, Donnie, and Raph acknowledging that they had good reasons to never take Mikey seriously, but they still admit how ignorant they were by ignoring him even after the MANY times he'd been right. They also warn the Young Ninjas that Ace will lose respect for them and could either decide to end his friendship with them, quit the Rock N Beats, or worse try to solve problem on his own (which is excatly what he and Mikey do), telling them about the time Mikey caused Razhar's second mutation, became Mom Thing's first victim, and failed to stop the Meanbooms because he wouldn't tell his brothers and friends about them.

Group Admin

That's a good song for Ace.

Will we see Tiger Claw in Rise of th Young Ninjas.

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