Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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Group Admin

Rarity is biting off more than she can chew

Is that anything new? Besides, still hoping we could have this Nano go more happily





Here's something. The Ninjas and Rainbooms walk in to find Clover dancing fantastically. But when she sees them, she suddenly becomes clumsy.

She explains that she has intense stage fright and fumbles around every time anyone watches her. Beacuse of that, people call her Clutsy Clover. She also reveals her jealousy toward her older sister Meadow Lark, who's a graceful dancer and has no stage fright what so ever.

When Meadow Lark get's hurt before the Friendship Games Talent Showcase, she suggests Clover take her place and Luna agrees much to Clover's dismay.

Before she goes on, Clover has a panic attack and freezes up. So Patch gives her tough pep-talk, using Fluttershy as a bad example, saying that's what she'll end up as, a timid little mouse who will never be brave enough to sing in front of an audience by herself ever because she let's stage fright hold her back! Fluttershy becomes offended by that but her friends kind of agree. Knowing she's still too nervous in front of an audience.

Patch: So, do you wanna be called Clumsy Clover forever? Or do you wanna show the school that you're just as good a dancer as your sister?!

The pep-talk works and Clover works up the nerve to dance. At first, her stage fright comes back and the audience laughs at her, but after looking her friends and sister, Clover overcomes her fears and dances out, taking the school by surprise, while Meadow Lark cheers her on.

This is the music she dances to...

Afterwards, it's revealed that Meadow Lark was faking her injury. She explains that she wanted Clover to show the school how great a dancer she was. Clover is touched by this and the two hug.

Then Fluttershy appears on stage by herself and sings, showing Patch and her friends that she doesn't always let stage fright hold her back, and shocking not only her but all her friends as well.

She sings this song...

Cisco: Did any of you know she could sing like that?!

Turtles, Allies, Rainbooms, and Young Ninjas: Not a clue!

Olivia, Stephanie, Andrea, Mia, and Emma: We did!

Neat. But my Nano idea?

Group Admin

Please Jeb, if we use Nano don't repeat the cartoon

Group Admin

Okay. Have you come up with quotes for Fun Time Rush interacting/meeting with the Turtles and Rainbooms for the first time yet?

No thought on my Nano idea

No, but when the Turtles help out Logan is when they meet. And the band will be mad at them for singing their song, which the Turtles will find ridiculous. And afterwards, the band will go out to fight crime.

Diamond: You stole our thing, so we're stealing your thing!

But they'll bit off more than they can chew and get in serious trouble that the Turtles have to bail them out.

Group Admin

Ha, that’s funny. Perhaps Beryl should tell the Turtles and Rainbooms about his missing father. Plus, the band’s gotta use catchphrases like…

Diamond Glow: (referring to any beautiful woman) She will be mine!

And during their heroic crusade, they can sing Blow Your Speakers Out.

Group Admin

Hey, I just came up with a better reason to why Fun Time Rush is mad at the Turtles, when performing the song, the CHS students show up and cheer for them. FTR will be mad at them for stealing their fans.

Cause as you know, Big Time Rush is threatened by ANY competition. Fun Time Rush is no different.

Group Admin

Ah, good point. I also came up with an idea based on the Big Time Rush episode, Big Time Reality. There won't be a reality show for Fun Time Rush. However, Cash Flow has security cameras connecting to CHS, the Canterlot Teen Center, and Golden Rock Records, monitoring every move Fun Time Rush and Golden Rock makes. He wants to get rid of the competition like the Rainbooms and make FTR the top band in the world. And he will order or blackmail them to do whatever he says or he will end FTR’s careers and humiliate them with an embarrassing video of Fun Time Rush, Golden Rock, and their family. However, Vignette will eavesdrop/overhear her father’s conversation and inform the Ninjas about Cash’s plan.

And maybe after the girls have beat him up, Virtue walks in with the Young Ninjas and reveals that the humiliating footage was a trap to get him to confess to setting up cameras all over Canterlot, blackmailing FTR and Golden Rock, and they filmed all that and sent it to the police. And in the end, Cash Flow is arrested and Filthy Rich takes over Golden Records.

Katie was probably the only one who was one step ahead of Griffen.

Is this for your Fun Time Rush fic or Rise of the Young Ninjas?

Group Admin

Rise of the Young Ninjas.

Group Admin

I wouldn’t say that I’m totally a big fan, but I am a fan of their show and their songs.

Group Admin



This takes place in Sunset’s Backstage Pass and after Welcome back FTR.

The Music Sounds Better With U

At the Starswirl Music Festival, Fun Time Rush and Amethyst Majesty were dressed up and getting ready to perform onstage in five minutes. As they were about to head out, Carter and a disguised Mikey appeared outside in front of their bus.

“Carter? Mikey? What are you guys doing here?” Diamond asked them.

Carter answered, “I know, but I just want to say that one of your songs rocked and my girlfriend loved it. I was thinking, Mikey and I want to perform with you guys onstage. So, can we help?”

Tempo replied, “Look you two, we appreciate the compliment and your help, but we gotta go onstage to perform our song.”

Amethyst commented, “Except me.”

Mikey groaned.

“Hold up, before you guys leave, can you take a look at our part for the lyrics please?” Carter suggested and begged them.

Beryl sighed, “Okay, we’ll take a look at it real quick.”

Mikey gave the boys their lyrics and looked over them. Carter and Mikey felt nervous and a few minutes later, Beryl turned to them and said, “Hey you know what, this could actually work.”

“Oh yeah, now we’re talking.” Mikey cheered as he and Carter gave each other a fist bump.

Tempo alerted everyone, “Now c’mon, we gotta head backstage in five minutes. Let’s go!”

The boys nodded as they head to the backstage area.

FTR headed towards the gorilla position, waiting for the announcer to announce his name.

While the people in the crowd were waiting, Caitlyn asked her friends, “Hey uh, where’s Carter and Mikey?”

Her friends shrugged and shook their heads until the two DJs, Zap Jam and Sweet Bolt (a.k.a. The Shock Sibs) entered onstage.

Sweet Bolt announced, “And now, here to perform one of their best songs from their HayTube Channel, give it up for Beryl, Cloudburst, Tempo, and Diamond. Fun Time Rush!”

The crowd cheered as the DJs started playing a similar opening beat of We Will Rock You from their turn tables and encouraged the crowd to chant with them while the smoke begins to appear onstage. The Shock Sibs chanted, “Fun Time Rush! Fun Time Rush! Fun Time Rush! Fun Time Rush! Fun Time Rush! Fun Time Rush! Fun Time Rush! Fun Time Rush! Fun Time Rush! Fun Time Rush! Fun Time Rush!”

The four boys appeared from the smoke and got ready to perform their new song as the smoke begins to fade.

[Fun Time Rush]

Better with you

Better with you, yeah

[Diamond Glow]

I tried to write this down

The words just don’t come out

It’s hard to say how you feel

Been down the longest road

Said yes when I meant no

I lost control of the wheel

[Mind Tempo and Cloudburst]

Cause you know that

Things get so bad

You’ve got my back

Make me wanna sing, and girl I’ll sing about ya

No sweeter sound, than what I’ve found

No perfect love, could be more perfect than us

[Fun Time Rush]

Ooooh baby, it feels like, it feels like

Music sounds better with you

Baby, it feels right, it feels right

Everything’s better with you

[Beryl Fury]

I used to think that love

Was something fools made up

Cause all I knew was heartbreak

Oh, I couldn’t help myself

Let this heart go through hell

There’s only so much a heart can take

[Mind Tempo and Cloudburst]

Cause you know that

Things get so bad

You’ve got my back

Make me wanna sing, and girl I’ll sing about ya

No sweeter sound, than what I’ve found

No perfect love, could be more perfect than us

[Fun Time Rush]

Ooooh baby, it feels like, it feels like

Music sounds better with you

Baby, it feels right, it feels right

Everything’s better with you

[Cloudburst, Beryl Fury, Carter, Fun Time Rush]

Every song, every rhyme, every word

Is better with you (Music sounds better with you)

Every day, all of the time, every way (Every day, all of the time)

Music sound better with you (Uh!/It's better with you)

Then, the smoke appeared again as the boys looked on while the DJs riffed their turntables. Carter and Mikey entered onstage from the smoke and performed some sick rhymes in front of the crowd, much to the Turtles and their friends’ surprise.

[Carter, Mikey, Amethyst Majesty, Fun Time Rush]

She’s my music enhancer

When the music plays she’s my dancer

When I’m around her, everything’s faster

Every question I have, she’s the answer

I’m head over heels

Can’t explain that this all so real

When I’m around you baby you make me feel like

Everything’s better with you

After that, Fun Time Rush, Amethyst, Mikey and Carter danced and sang the last verses of the song together.


Ooooh baby, it feels like, it feels like

Music sounds better with you

Baby, it feels right, it feels right

Everything’s better with you

Ooooh baby, it feels like, it feels like

Music sounds better with you

Baby, it feels right, it feels right

Everything’s better with you

The music sounds better with you

The music sounds better with you

Everyone in the crowd including the Turtles, Rainbooms, and their friends applauded for the boy band’s performance including Carter, Amethyst, and Mikey. They all took a bow before Amethyst, Mikey and Carter went backstage to rest and enjoy the rest of the Starswirl Music Festival.

I guess it could be a bonus chapter.





Here's an idea, for one half of the fic, they'll be in Canterlot. For the other half, the Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms take the Young Ninjas to New York.

One of the things that happens there is the allies show the Young Ninjas their school, Roosevelt High. A few things happen there, one of them is a run in with the bully Barry and his goons Zeke and Luke, and the rest of his gang. The Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms fight them off and the Young Ninjas get the dean, who gives the bullies detention.

But later in the lunchroom, Barry's gang confronts the Young Ninjas, saying that before they go to detention, their gonna give them a beat down for squealing on them.

They attack, but the Young Ninjas use their training to fight them off too.

Some scenes in the fight will be based off the Turtles fighting the Purple Dragons for the first time, like Gallus and Silverstream smacking Zeke back and fourth like Mikey and Donnie did to Sid.

Then Caitlyn brings in the dean, who promptly sends the bullies to detention.

If you guys have ideas and quotes for how the lunchroom fight goes, leave a reply.

Vern and Tiffany end up in detention too, but I'll explain those scenarios another day.

Group Admin


I remembered that scene from Big Time Superheroes from the show Big Time Rush. So, if Sparrow or his assistant manager doesn’t appear in your fic, I can have them appear in two of my own fics, Fun Time Shores and Fun Time Superheroes. The Rainbooms, Turtles, and Fun Time Rush can sing Blow Your Speakers Out like in a superhero-themed music video and later on, Sunset finished another comic book based on that said music video. Plus, I designed the battle armor for Sparrow and a new OC as Sparrow’s assistant manager.

Iron Sparrow


Looks good. Here are some quotes for the Fun Time Superheroes.

Fun Time Rush, Shelly Shores and Golden Rock were watching the download of their second album with tension.

FTR: Come on... (songs still downloading), ...come one.

The screen says "Download Complete," which made the group cheer in delight.

Golden Rock: And now we make our ceremonial march to our Digital Storage room, grab our Fun Time Hard drive, and get it to the CD making place!

They walked through the corridor towards the door, but the door was smashed open from the other side, revealing a figure wearing a black suit with mechanical wings and a helmet with an oxygen mask. The guys were confused and scared.

Beryl Fury: Who are you?

Mind Tempo: What do you want?

Cloudburst then noticed in the figure's hand was a hard drive... their hard drive.

Cloudburst: He has our hard drive!

Diamond Glow: That doesn't belong to you, pal.

The figure: I think it does. (But it's muffled, so they can't understand him.)

FTR, Shelly, Golden: What?

The Figure then removed his oxygen mask, revealing his face and spoke more clearly.

Sparrow: I said, I think it does.

Golden: Sparrow! What are you doing here?

Mind Tempo: Oh this? It's something I bought from an evil scientist in New York. And I'm stealing your Hard Drive, to get my revenge!

Shelly: Give us that Hard Drive, right now.

Sparrow: No.

Diamond Glow: This looks like a job, (Pulls out a purple bandana), HIM.

But Beryl pushed his arm down.

Beryl: No it doesn't.

Cloudburst: Cause there's six of us and only one of you.

Sparrow: Guess again, Sparrow men!

Soon three men, all dressed up in Sparrow costumes show up, looking intimidating.

Sparrow: Prison gives you lots of time to plan cool henchman costumes. (He then puts the mask back on, making his voice sound muffled again,) and plan cool escapes.

FTR, Shelly & Golden: What?

(Sparrow got frustrated and removed his mask again.)

Sparrow: I got to get a better voice filter. I said... and plan cool escapes. (He shows a capsule in his hand,) ...CAW!

Sparrow throws the capsule on the ground and it creates a smoke bomb that fills the room. Then then hear an engine sound and hear a crash above them. Once the smoke cleared, they looked up to see that Sparrow and his men were gone, and that there was a huge hole in the roof.

Shelly: He's gone!


Group Admin

Awesome opening monologue, Tagg. Also, Gale will have her own villain costume just like Sparrow; her villain costume is based on Wind Dragon from Justice League Unlimited. And since Rebecca and Hawk were not a couple in Big Time Rush, Sparrow and Gale are an engaged couple in my fic and when they get arrested, Donnie, Tempo, and Sci-Twi will tell them to cancel their wedding and honeymoon plans because they secretly transferred all of their money to charity. Which means - no more money, no more Sparrow Records.

Good idea. And here's another idea. The artist that Sparrow plans to give their songs too are the Rock N Beats, or as Sparrow re-named them, Rock N Beatz. The band don't know about it until one of them recognises FTR songs, and they don't like that Sparrow isn't letting them use their own songs. So they secretly gather information on Sparrow and during the final fight, they steal the Hard Drive and evidence that Sparrow making deals with shady people. Also, the heroes didn't really know about the Rock N Beats were the ones with Sparrow, until the final fight.

Group Admin

That's quite a lunchroom brawl

Will the young ninjas have a tour in the Turtles' lair? I kept thinking the young six driving the patrol buggies or the turtle mech if they face anything big in New York, like Mutagen Man (Timothy) of course.

Yes to the Turtles lair and don't know about the other two? I haven't thought of a scenario for either.

Group Admin


I made Gale’s battle armor.





This is an idea that was inspired by this song

This happens after Carter's mutation, he takes Buffy and all the Ninjas on a tour of Queens, one of the neighborhoods he and Angel grew up in. And he sings that song with Buffy.

Group Admin
Group Admin

Twin Confusion

Spa twins,” Cloudburst pointed the girls.

Diamond stopped Cloudburst and warned him, “Too risky. They get pretty upset if you get their names wrong.”

“Don't worry, I'll get their names right this time,” Cloudburst put on his helmet and greeted the spa ladies, “Hello, ladies.”

One of the spa twins asked, “What's my name?”


Cloudburst pointed to the girl with pink hair, “Aloe?”

The spa twins grabbed Cloudburst and threw him into the pool.

“Lotus,” The boys remembered.

Hey, you know in Fun Time Superheroes, guess this means we'll see the return of... The Power Ponies!

Group Admin

I remembered that the Mane 6 and Spike were transported into the Power Ponies comic book and they were wearing costumes of the Power Ponies. In Movie Magic, Sci-Twi and her friends wore costumes of the Power Ponies while Sunset wore the Mane-iac costume in the Power Ponies production set.

Group Admin

The Rainbooms can use their magical geodes but it will not be the same powers from the Power Ponies, right?

Of course not. It would be Pinkie's idea for the girls to dress up as the Power Ponies, just like in, I Love Being a Rainboom.

Pinkie: Dressing up as superheroes? (Looks at the Rainbooms.) Oh, girls...

Rainbow: Oh no no, don't even...

Pinkie uses her... PinkiePie-ness... to transform the Rainbooms clothes, into the PowerPonies costumes.

Twilight: Not again.

Also, another little something for Fun Time Superheroes

At Sparrow Records, the Rock N Beats were performing a song in the recording booth for Sparrow, Gale and the Sparrow men, who were on the other side watching through the window.

Rock N Beats: You gotta crank the music loud. Baby blow, your speakers out, blow your speakers out.

Sparrow: Now that was a good record.

Melody: Thanks Mr Sparrow, but can we take a break, please?

Sparrow: No, we’re not stopping till all the songs are finished, and I get my revenge on Fun Time Rush.

Lancer: Wait, revenge?

Sparrow: I didn’t say that I meant… CAWW.

Gale: I think they get it, sweetheart.

Sparrow: Baby, we’re going to have our dream wedding and honeymoon.

Gale: Oh course we are Sparrow-warro

They then started to touch each other with their noses while making cooing noises, much to the kid's disgust. Thankfully one of the Sparrow men drew a curtain, blocking the view of romantic disgust. But they could still hear the sound of love from the other side, much to the Rock N Beats' discuss.

Ace: I am so gonna heave.

Group Admin


Ha, funny.

Superhero Team Up: Part 1

Tempo sighed, “Well, I never thought I would say this... Diamond!”

Diamond popped up behind them, “We won't be there. But he will.” He pulled out two bandanas and spun around. The Rainbooms, Golden, and Shelly were confused and Diamond magically transformed into a superhero known as… Bandana Man.

“How does he do that?” Shelly asked.

Beryl answered, “We're not sure.”

(Diamond got this power from Equestrian Magic.)

“Okay, so Bandana Man is going to defeat Sparrow, Gale, and their henchmen by themselves?”

Bandana Man answered, “No. The supertastic super six will.”

“Who's the supertastic super six?” Cloudburst asked.

“I'm looking at them.” Bandana Man pointed at the FTR crew. “Plus, we have the Rainbooms to help us with our plan.”

(After the Rainbooms wore their costumes of the Power Ponies…)

Golden questioned him, “So you want us to disguise ourselves as superheroes and pull a surprise raid at Sparrow Records, and take our hard drive back by force?”

“Does anybody have a better idea?” Bandana Man asked everyone.

Everyone raised their hands and Bandana Man replied, “I didn't think so.”

Group Admin


I already saw it.




A little something I came up with after a conversation with Amethyst about how Hippogriffs' water legs work in the human world.

Silverstream was swimming in a lake while the others watched on the side and some, (such as Rarity, Fluttershy and Mikey), were watching while their feet were in the water.

Silverstream: (Comes up to the surface), This is amazing, I can breathe underwater while keeping these legs.

Casey: How's that possible?

Donnie: My guess is that when she went through the portal, Silverstream's piece of the pearl is more limited. She can breathe underwater but still retain her default form, no further physical transformation is required.

Silverstream: (Comes up) Well, it's still amazing. (Goes under, then comes up again.) Although... (Goes under again and re-surfaces at the edge.) It feels easier without these... (Silverstream puts her shoes on the edge, (and socks if she has them). She then goes under again.) Now this feels better.

Logically it's more difficult to swim with shoes on. But anyway, hope you enjoyed this quote idea.

Group Admin

Maybe when they go camping/forest training, and are river rafting, I could have Silverstream swinging along with them.

But when they do go River rafting, let's just hope Yona doesn't nearly drown... again.






I had an idea. Like Silverstream will still have her powers to transform into a sea pony, or mermaid in the human case.

Say while their on the beach, Silverstream will go swimming I her mermaid form and be captured by a submarine pirate known as Captain Phineas Filch (from the 80s show) and his first mate, David Marks, who Mikey dubs, the Murk Mariner (from the Archie comics), as they mistake her for a mermaid.

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