The Legion: All-Out 12 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Hey guys. I'm just giving a heads-up... remember when I was looking for an editor here?

Well, even though things ended up going alright without your help, I'm glad I'm in a group I can turn to if I never get any volunteers for something.

Basically, I want to expand a story of mine to feel less rushed, and I don't know how to do it, and if I can't get any volunteers soon, then I might as well turn to here (more likely to get attention than my blogs or authors notes in stories)

I started the original group to extend not only friendship, but also hope everyone would start projects with one another.

Group Admin


Remember The Dawn of a New Mission? I want to make it less rushed. There's other problems, but I really want to find someone who could lend me a hand. I don't know how to expand it, though I haven't revisited it also.

Basically, I'll come to here as a last resort if my future attempts fail. I don't want to spam. But I know I'm going to try to spread the message somehow.

Sadly, my blogs get some views, but not much comments.

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