Digital Dynasty 13 members · 8 stories
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Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin


The Seven Vice Presidents, also known as the "7 Embodiments of Sin", "Seven Principalities of Darkness", or "7 Sealers of Fate", are a group unique Digital Lifeforms who each represent one of the seven deadly sins.


As previously stated, each member represents one of the seven deadly sins.

  1. Narcissa - Pride
  2. Corvoss - Greed
  3. Succubelle - Lust
  4. Doji - Wrath
  5. Monstro - Gluttony
  6. Derma - Envy
  7. Vesuvia - Sloth


Art by Darsilvania

Narcissa, also known by the title of the "Window to one's inner evil", is the founder and leader of the seven Vice Presidents.


Art by Darsilvania

Corvoss, also known by the title of the "Greedy Scholar", acts as the second-in-command of the group as well as the intellectual and strategist.


Art by Darsilvania

Succubelle, also known by the title of the "Feminine Fiend", is the femme fatale of the group as well and the most skilled manipulator.


Art by Darsilvania

Doji, also known by the title of the "Raging Hellfire", is the muscle of the group.


Art by Darsilvania

Monstro, also known by the title of the "Voracious Abyss" is the second largest member of the group, measuring at around 56 feet in height.


Art by Darsilvania

Derma, also known by the title of the "Asassin with many faces", is the black ops operative and assassin of the group.


Art by Darsilvania

Vesuvia, also known by the title of "Slumbering Volcano, is the largest of the group, measuring around a staggering 170 feet in height. He acts as the groups heavy hitter, as well as the nuclear option should things not go to plan.

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin


The design of each Vice President soenwhat ties in to the sin they represent.

  • Narcissa resembles an anthropomorphic mirror with three legs, two three-digit arms, four red-colored eyes and two protrusions resembling horns. But despite resembling a mirror, her true self manifests on the mirror's surface as a feminine figure with dark wavy hair reaching down her mid back, wearing short-sleeve crop top and a pair of jeans.
  • Corvoss resembles a black, indigo, and raspberry colored griffin with forelegs resembling bird legs while the hind feet resembling those of lion, a long beak, tail feathers, and eyes with black schlera and yellow irises.
  • Succubelle resembles a humanoid plant with the lower half composed of a purple blooming flower with her feet exposed. Her hair, arms, and parts of her dress are conposed of leaves. She has pink and blue colored petals on her shoulders, behind her head, her mid back, and hanging from her dress like coat tails. Her head is composed of purple petals, her eyes are magenta in color with pink splotches beneath them, and she has two violet Berries making up her breasts.
  • Doji is a red colored muscular humanoid resembling an oni from Japanese folklore. Most of his body appeares to be composed of red colored scales while he has spiked up yellow that reaches a few inches past his rear, and has yellow patches of hair on his hands and feet. He has bird-like skulls adorned around his collar, shins, and waist. His lower half is covered by a loincloth, and has flames emerging from his forearms. He has two pronged horns on top of his head, sharp teeth, and eyes that have black schlera and red irises with slanted pupils.
  • Monstro is a large whale-like creature that is brown with Hite flecks and a lighter brown underbelly. He has six fins, a wide mouth filled with sharp teeth and having five slits on both corners, two fin-like protrusions on his jowls, a dorsal fin, and a white fog appears to be visible on various parts of his body. His eyes have black schlera and bkue irises.
  • Derma resembles a humanoid with two sides of his body being entirely different. The right side of his body had tannish color and is a somewhat skeletal in appearence, even appearing to be composed of bony plating, on his right shoulder is the top part of what appeares to be an animal's skulls, and the right side of his face bas some tufts of dark hair with a purple colored eye. The right side, however, appeares to be composed of purple-colored muscles and tendons with a milky right eye and a right arm that appears be a large jaw bone.
  • Vesuvia is a large humanoid resembling a volcano. His body is composed of a tannish rocky material with various orange lines visible. He had four smaller volcanoes on his back, two that make up his shoulders and his hands. Whenever he is sleeping, he does so in a meditation posture. He normally has his eyes closed, but whenever he is awake, his eyes are actually hollow and glow bright orange due to the core in his body.


Not only do their physical appearance allude to the sins theybrepresent, but their personalities also reflect on the sins they embody as well.

  • Narcissa - As an embodiment of the sin of Pride, Narcissa has an air of self-absorption and entitlement. She is also incredibly vain, thinking that she is above all other forms of life, both in the real world and Cyberspace. She even considers herself to be higher and more significant than her subordinates.
    She takes great enjoyment in causing strife and conflict between others, and doesn't seem to care about the welfare of others but herself.
  • Corvoss - Corvoss, despite being the brains of the Vice Presidents, shows a strong compulsion to collect anything he deems valuable due to representing the sin of Greed. He stashes any valuables he's obtained in an immense treasure trove that only he knows the location of. Corvoss will go to great lengths in order to obtain whatever he desires, even going so far as to violently kill somebody. In addition to stealing and hording things, Corvoss will go through great length to guard his trove, and will even mercilessly kill anyone who tries to steal from him.
  • Succubelle - As an embodiment of lust, she is the prime example of the term "promiscuous". She seeks out anyone to sate her desires, never caring about aspects such as love or anything similar. She uses seduction and allure to persuade others, whether it's for a mission or just for her own amusement.
  • Doji - As the embodiment of wrath, Doji is very temperamental and prone to violent outbursts of rage. When in combat, he normally resorts to using brute force and violence. He also shows a very sadistic love for torture, and will use some of the most brutal and inhumane torture methods imaginable. Due to his rather aggressive nature and violent ideals, Doji isn't exactly the wisest member of the group.
  • Monstro - Monstro, due to embodying the sin of gluttony, has a vary insatiable appetite. He'll eat anything he deems edible, nomatter what it may be. He also perfers to eat his enemies as he simply, in his words, "wants to savor the sweet taste of victory".
  • Derma - Derma, as the personification of the sin of envy, shows great contempt towards those who have what he does not.
    Derma is the most miserable of the group and is always wishing for the lives of others until he takes said lives and before using his shape-shifting abilities to assume the identities of those who he resents to obtain what they have.
  • Vesuvia - As the embodiment of Sloth, Vesuvia is the most unproductive member of the entire group, spending most of his time sleeping. But when he is awake, he is quite a fierce enemy to deal with.
Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Powers and Abilities

Each of the Vice Presidents posses a unique set of abilities based on the sin they embody, as well as their overall appearance.


  • Pride Embodiment
  • Concept-Dependent Immortality
  • Arrogance Inducement
  • Absolute Illusion
  • Illusionary Perfection
  • Pride Aura
  • Weakness Detection
  • Antanaklokinesis
  • Catoptric Replication
  • Reactive Deflection
  • Omni-Power Replication
  • Ferrokinesis


  • Greed Embodiment
  • Aerokinesis
  • Absolute Contract
  • Absolute Thievery
  • Power Absorption
  • Greed Inducement
  • Concept-Dependent Immortality
  • Crystallokinesis
  • Sharp Claws
  • Sharp/Strong Beak
  • Chrímatakinesis
  • Currency Generation
  • Quantity Manipulation/Replication
  • Prehensile Tail
  • Enhanced Sight
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Enahnced Agility
  • Flight


  • Lust Embodiment
  • Absolute Beauty
  • Concept-Dependent Immortality
  • Desire Empowerment
  • Disease Immunity
  • Lust Detection
  • Lust Inducement
  • Supernatural Stamina
  • Pheromone Generation
  • Hypnotic Pollen
  • Sexualikinesis
  • Tantric Metabolization
  • Chlorokinesis
  • Vine Whips
  • Thorn Generation
  • Anthokinesis
  • Regeneration
  • Botanilingualism
  • Chlorokinetic Constructs
  • Plant Generations
  • Plant Growth


  • Wrath Embidinent
  • Anger Inducement
  • Concept-Dependent Immortality
  • Empathic Masochism
  • Indomitable Rage
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Durability
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Combat Proficiency
  • Pyrokinesis
  • Combustion Inducement
  • Energetic Combustion
  • Fire Absorption
  • Heat Absorption
  • Fire Generation
  • Fire Immunity
  • Heat Immunity
  • Absolute Burning
  • Flame Solidification
  • Pyrokinetic Constructs
  • Pyrokinetic Flight
  • Volatile Force Manipulation
  • Combustiokinesis


  • Gluttony Embodiment
  • Cosmic Hunger
  • Gluttony Inducement
  • Gut Imprisonment
  • Infinite Digestive System
  • Powerful Bite
  • Super Eating
  • Digestive Assimilation
  • Underwater Breathing
  • Agile Swimming
  • Sharp/Strong Teeth
  • Vortex Breath


  • Envy Embodiment
  • Envy Aura
  • Envy Inducement
  • Shapeshifting
  • Power Replication
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Evil Eye
  • Telepathy
  • Voice Manipulation


  • Sloth Embodiment
  • Sleep Inducement
  • Oneirokinesis
  • Emotion Absorption
  • Kinetic Absorption Field
  • Sloth Inducement
  • Speed Cancellation
  • Alternative Dream Universe
  • Telepathic Dream Creation
  • Dream Destruction
  • Dream Imprisonment
  • Dream Interaction
  • Dream Viewing
  • Oneiric Cognition
  • Dream Absorption
  • Magma Generation
  • Geo-Thermokinesis
  • Magma Manipulation
  • Levitation
  • Enhanced Durability


In addition to having abilities based on both the sin they embody and their overall appearance, they also have weaknesses based on those factors.


  • Narcissa's arrogance is her biggest flaw.
  • Due to her metaic exterior, Narcissa is vulnerable to acid and corrosion.


  • Corvoss is easily distracted by shiny objects, rendering him vulnerable to enemy attacks.
  • Corvoss' feathers can be easily damaged.
  • If Corvoss' wings are damaged or bound, he is enderd incapable of Flight.
  • Corvoss is not a very agile swimmer.


  • Succubelle is vulnerable to herbicides due to her plant-like Physiology.
  • Succubelle's seduction doesnt work on certain individuals, such as those who are asexual or androgynous.
  • Succubelle is vulnerable to fire.


  • Doji's anger often affects his judgement and coordination, leaving him to attack without thinking.
  • Due to his anger, Doji's intelligence is rather lacking.
  • Doji is vulnerable to water or extinguishable objects.


  • Monstro's appetite often affects his actions, and can even distract him on missions.
  • Monstro's pallet is surprisingly sensitive to certain tastes and flavors.
  • Monstro is prone to dehydration when exposed to heat or out of water for too long.


  • Despite Derma's shapeshifting abilities, he only copies a person/animal's appearance. He doesn't replicate said individual's personality or memories.
  • His envy can get the better of him quite often.


  • As an embodiment of sloth, Vesuvia spends most of his time sleeping.
  • Whenever he awakens, Vesuvia is quite lethargic.
Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin










Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin


  • The title "Vice President" is a play on the word vice, meaning immoral or wicked behavior, and the term vice-president, an official or executive ranking below and deputizing for a president.
  • The naming of each of the Vice Presidents ties into their physical appearance.

    • Narcissa being a play on Narcissus, a beautiful youth in Greek mythology who pines away for love of his own reflection.
    • Corvoss is a play on the Latin Corvus (meaning crow), due to his crow-like design.
    • Succubelle is derved from succubus, a folkloric female demon or supernatural entity that appears in dreams to seduce men, and the French belle, literally meaning beautiful. The "belle" part is also a reference to "belladonna" which is literally Italian for "beautiful lady", but is also the alternative name for a toxic plant called deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
    • Doji is a play on Shuten-dōji, a mythical oni or demon leader of Japan, who according to legend was killed by the hero Minamoto Raikō.
    • Monstro is the name of an enormous whale who serves the fourth and final antagonist of Disney's 1940 animated film, Pinocchio.
    • Derma is derives from the Greek δέρματος (dermatos), genitive of δέρμα (derma), "skin" (itself from δέρω dero, "to flay"), referencing to how his his body had little skin, as well as alluding to his shape-shifting abilities.

      • Derma's name could also allude to the Skinwalker, a type of harmful witch of Navajo legend who has the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal.
    • Vesuvia is a play on Mount Vesuvius, a somma-stratovolcano located on the Gulf of Naples in Campania, Italy, about 9 km east of Naples and a short distance from the shore. It is one of several volcanoes forming the Campanian volcanic arc.
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