Bakugan Brawl 30 members · 2 stories
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7700879 This site only have E, T and M ratings

Right. But the point is that the missing limp is Adult Rated. Missing eye... T Rated

7701065 Why are you dead set of having Lync losing a body part?

We have to show that Lync actually had no choice. He's not exactly the poster boy for loyalty. They could easily think that it's just ploy and he's sided with the Gundalians.

7701076 Or he could had been drag or brainwash

Well, not drugged. Because his pupils would be all messed up.

7701078 You should ask the people who run this site what type of gore is okay for a T-rate story

Hmm, good call. But I am correct about pupils. When you drug anybody, their pupils get all messed up.

7701111 Along with other things

True. Maybe we'll just give him a nasty shiner and cut marks all over his body

But here's an idea: When Dan and company fight a Gundalian Mechanical, the Neathians hold back because they think it flesh and blood. When Drago rips it's head off, they chastise him they get a better look at it.

7701121 That's a given since one of the Gundalian Bakugan look like a bike.

True. Those are cool, though

7701126 That is why the Neathians hold back because of that Bakugan since it's flesh and blood then they would think the Gundalian Mechanical Bakugan are flesh and blood.

You make a solid argument

7701140 Thank you and that's the point with Raging battles the Neathians won't have the time to find out which Bakugan is flesh and blood or Mechanical.

Yeah, your right. It's not like Marucho is smart enough to create A localized EMP field generator... Is he?

7701187 I don't think Prof. Clay would be dumb enough not to shield the Mechanical Bakugan from EMPs given that a Haos Bakugan could easily create EMP and won't a EMP field generator affect the Neathian tech as well?, but Twilight & Rarity would create glasses that would help tell the different.

Combining Marucho's technological skills with Twilight's sorcery could prove capable of that plus taking into consideration everyone eyesight perceptions.

7701198 Yep but there would be traps set in the Mechanical Bakugan bodies.

7701204 Like a computer virus that will shut down Neathians defenses.

Maybe even their Battlegear?

7701210 Just the ones that the Bakugan rider on

I was actually think Kazarina rig up a biotechnology virus by using the point of the Battlegear and the Mechanical Bakugan point of interest

7701214 While that may affect Neathians and the Earth Brawlers' Battlegear but the Equestrian Battlegear isn't affect

That would make sense

7701360 But that still leave the heroes a bit out gun

Your right. But they've been in worst situations

7701519 The Earth Brawlers & the Main Six and Spike had been through worst situations but the Neathians are a whole different story

Your right. Protecting the civilians is Priority 1

7701553 And they have to do it 300 style

Yeah, your right. Which means no heavy abilities

7701572 And a lot of Bakugan acting as the Neathian barrier

Not to mention a lot of luck

7701591 They would need it given the Gundalians while only be at fifty percent they would still pump out Mechanical Bakugan like if they newest Pokémon game

Just another reason to fight their hardest

7701628 And back up won't be coming anytime soon from either Vestal or Equestria, but on the bright side it's a good wake up call for the guards, The Wonderbolts and the Princesses

Leonidas and Vladitor are going to love this

7701636 I would say that out of the four of them Princess Celestia & Leonidas are going to love battling again

True. So how much longer till we can start writing?

7701641 I don't know my landlord is being a dumb@ss

7701817 Yeah so I don't know if I'm staying or going and since it's summer you an guess how hard it is to move in that season

7701947 Thank you for understanding

No problem. Just out of curiosity, Why would Vladitor and Luna not enjoy a fight

7702078 I didn't say they won't just not as much as Princess Celestia & Leonidas

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