Bakugan Brawl 30 members · 2 stories
Comments ( 607 )
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Nothing too important

7679321 So the Changelings, Iron Will, the Flim Flam brothers and possible King Sombra or the Storm King and his forces

7679324 Zeus's father?

No, Tirek's Bakugan Partner

Cronus was an evil Bakugan that attempted to enslave the Equestrian believing the Bakugans are nothing but servants to them

7679347 I see then why did he partner with Lord Tirek?

The Duo struck a bargain: Cronus would be allowed to rule over the Ponies as long as Tirek gets his fill of their magic

7679362 That bargain won't least long

Yeah, but they loss

7679371 I might even if they did win Tirek won't stay to rule over the ponies once he drain the magic from both the land and ponies he would go to the next kingdom and do it all over again


So when should we start

7679470 Well I might be moving soon so I'll let you know but if you found someone else before then you can the notes we make

7679509 Thank you for understanding

Comment posted by zzwolf deleted Jun 10th, 2022

To share the idea.

Apple Bloom continues to struggle with Brawling with Elico's Aquos and Haos powers... Remember, since Elico has Subterra Abilities, that'll be easy for her... Until she runs into Gillator. During a Brawl, Gillator whispers to Apple Bloom how to brawl with Elico's powers, which leads her to success. Gillator explains that Brawling with multiple elements requires her to find the common point, specifically Aquos Speed, Subterra Strength, and Haos Intelligent

Thanks. I also have a touching scene in mind the Crusaders do to help Gus

7700139 To be more friendly or?

To ease the guilt he has about getting Hexados killed for nothing

7700148 And how he treat his Bakugan

He always treated Vulcan well. But the fact that he got Hexados killed for nothing... that got to be haunting him.

7700169 True and he could give Apple Bloom pointers on how to Brawl with Elico

Yes. But I mean the Crusaders heard Gus confessing to Spectra Hexados absence. Spectra orders Gus to take some time to think about his guilt. The Crusaders show Gus a Makeshift Gravesite for Hexados. Gus thanks them and takes the time to apologize to Hexados for getting him killed. Hexados' Spirit sees this and crosses over with a smile

7700175 Sounds like a heart warming idea and I could Gus staying in Equestria when the events of Gundalian Invaders is happening

I thought the events of the Festival would work.

7700179 Yeah that would work better

Thanks. So how injured are we going to make Lync

7700197 He would have to stay in bed for two weeks.

Maybe. Yes, I don't mean we push him to the brink of death. But we should have him have more than some cuts and bruises. Maybe a missing limb.

7700257 Last time I check Lync still had his limbs and who said where wasn't damage inside of his body

The heroes won't believe Lync that he was tortured into cooperating without physical damage. He's too much of a lier to trust. But he were missing an arm or a eye, they'd have to believe he had no choice

7700259 Good point but Twilight won't know some medical scan spells

Kazarina will stabilize his injuries. He's no good to them dead. He's the only one who knows about his Mechanical Bakugan and where to find more.

Anyway, Lync knows the Mechanical Bakugan forms. They'll probably stabilize any injuries he gets.

Which means if they cut off his arm or leg, they'd patch him up before he bleeds out. And the Brawlers would have to believe he had no choice

7700528 Remember we agreed on the T-rate for this story

Yeah, maybe a missing limb is a little R-Rated. Maybe just a shock collar

7700597 You mean M-rate since there is no R-rating on here or Fanfiction

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