Bakugan Brawl 30 members · 2 stories
Comments ( 607 )
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Still a little confused

7702130 Okay to Vladitor and Luna were basically asleep for their thousand years of banishment while Celestia & Leonidas had to live through those years being forced to stay at the castle for the good of their subjects

7702532 You get it now?

Not really. By that explanation, Vladitor would be just as hungry for a brawl as his Dragon counterpart

7702537 It's like how a General would rather be at the front line instead of staying in the states

7702733 You get it now

7702986 Now you see why Princess Celestia & Leonidas would enjoy fighting once more ?

7703055 Sorry the site been buggy, and I had to log out and sign to fix it

I had a malfunction too a few weeks ago.

7705262 man that' suck

Follower Count glitch. Your's?

7705267 I have 46 followers

I know. I meant your Glitch.

7705277 The only glitch I had to deal with is I couldn't post any reply or messages

Hey, you think Vulcan respects Helios

Good. I needed that

During the competition, Spector and Gus tag team up. When Helios is about to receive an attack that knock him out, Vulcan shields him. But I didn't just want it to be because of Gus order.

Yeah. But I wasn't sure because we never hear Vulcan call Helios 'Master'

7705793 I think it's because some Subterra Bakugan only shows respect to those who either match/bests them in terms of Strength

Yeah, that makes sense. Still, I think a Helios/Vulcan friendship sounds nice.

7705799 Give two of the Vexos use Mechanical Bakugan for the first half of season two

Yeah, until Lady Heartless dumped Brontes and Elico

Another Question is where's Volt's loyalty going to be towards

7705829 Besides Brontes?

Yes. I mean, the deal is he fights with the Brawlers if they get him Brontes. But will loyal to Spectra

7706107 I would say no Volt's loyalty would go to his hometown

I guess he and Brontes have been through enough. Still I think there might be someone on Vestal worthy Volt's loyalty and service. Someone the Brawlers call a friend

7706296 He and Brontes will help with the project

Yeah, but they still need a way to get a job. And I'm sure Klaus won't mind a bodyguard.

7706310 Not as a bodyguard but as the devil's advocate

I know it's a gamble, but Klaus has made his mistakes. Keeping Volt by his side would prove he is trustworthy

7706330 I meant Volt would be in the tournament to get the other brawlers to push pass their limits

I agree. Still, Volt will need a job. He's got the resume for bodyguard work

7707118 True until a new Bakugan League

7707318 Anything else?

No, I think we're ready

7707532 Well just to wait now

True. Out of curiosity, what would a Gundalian Mechanical Bakugan look like?

7707537 The first set would be based on EB-06 Graze from Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS

  • Viewing 451 - 500 of 607