Scales of Balance 2 members · 2 stories
Comments ( 1 )
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Group Admin

General Rules

Most of the rules should be self explanatory. Just be friendly and don't start too much drama.

  1. No personalized attacks, debating is fine as long as it only injures their pride.
  2. No NSFW, this should be a given as we are not a NSFW group.
  3. Swearing is fine as long as you keep it mild and not directed at anyone.
  4. Keep the threads clean: So no making random threads just "for fun" only for semi serious business.
  5. Also keep the folders clean. Any unfitting stories will be removed from them.
  6. Asking for suggestion and ideas is fine as long as it does not break the rules above.

Any breaking of the rules above result in your thread/comment being deleted and you getting a strike. If this were to happen a second time you will be removed.
The above does not apply for accidents and "Slips" of keyboard. It will still result in your thread/comment being removed.

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