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Okay so before I start this Review I would like to say I used to Review Tv shows episodes and movies as well as games but I eventually stopped doing Reviews because the more I did it the more people wanted another one and it started to kill my wallet and so I quit because every time I make a review as in me personally I would go and either buy a game or ticket or even a membership to be able to review the content but I just decided now that I do believe things have calmed down recently. Now without further ado this is my review Jumanji The Next Level Spoiler Free.

Okay so let me tell you that this movie broke the norm of the original always been better than the sequel for me. I am not counting the Robin Williams Jumanji movie because then it wouldn't be fair. Robin Williams Jumanji is always better. I am getting off topic here so let's get back to the topic at hand.

So yes in my opinion Jumanji The next level was a worthy successor to Jumanji: Welcome to the jungle. I just want to that this movie will surprise you in ways. I will be honest I thought that the movie was going to be a carbon base copy of the first copy with new characters but I was surprised when I saw what they CHANGED. We get all the original characters from Jumanji: Welcome to the jungle as well as two new Characters.

Which means yes there's two new avatars in the game as well and I have to say I was surprised with how much I liked the new characters. I can't really say anything about the things I did like or the things I didn't like because I promised this would be spoiler free and so I will come out with a more in depth review of Jumanji The Next Level as soon as the movie is out for a little bit so I don't have to worry about spoiling stuff about the movie. Rating 9.5/10 minor things bugged me but it's a awesome movie to watch in theaters over all. I would highly recommend this movie.

I would just like to say though that if you haven't seen Jumanji: Welcome to the jungle then you will end up being lost sometimes with the story and jokes but its it's a good movie overall. Again 9.5 out of 10.

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