Gods/Demigods/Titans in Equestria 10 members · 0 stories
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So this isn't really MLP related, but I am working on an RPG game where the players play demigods in a post apocylptic landscape. So the question I wanted to ask is, if you were a Demigod what kind of powers would you like to have? What would you want to do with your powers?

1) Change the Weather !

2) Tack to Animals, and have them do my bidding

3) have the power of the 4 Elements
(Or have 2 set of twins that each have 1)

4) Power of Plants

5) Flight and Levitation

6) Have my body make Energy and Power

7) Invisibility and Passing-through-Walls

8) X-ray Vision and Super-Hearing

9) make Mountains and Trenches

10) Separate and Merge things

11) Stop and Speed-up Time

12) Change to what even I want to be.
(like the Changelings, Barbapapa, or Ditto)

13) Being able to change someone, but only of I and the other person wants to.

14) Being Persuasive

15) Make someone who is about to die (lets say that he has Cancer), ether not die (for now), or die rite now
p.s. You know what I mean ?

6087335 Sorry for taking so long to reply. Life has been keeping me busy as of late. Allow me to go over what you have mentioned and I will leave my feedback.

1) Change the Weather!

There will probably be some weather control based off of the different domains. For example, the Water Domain will have the ability to create rain.

2) Tack to Animals, and have them do my bidding

There will be some abilities that allow you to control others, not just animals. :raritywink:

3) have the power of the 4 Elements (Or have 2 set of twins that each have 1)

There will be domains based around the different elements, I am not terrible sure if I want a single demigod character to have control over more then one element domain, as of yet. We shall see.

4) Power of Plants

Got it. :pinkiehappy:

5) Flight and Levitation

Got it. :pinkiehappy:

6) Have my body make Energy and Power

I do have some ideas for this.

7) Invisibility and Passing-through-Walls

I hadn't actually considered the ability to move through walls, that might be interesting.

8) X-ray Vision and Super-Hearing

Interesting. I will see what I can do.

9) make Mountains and Trenches

Earth Domain. Yep. :eeyup:

10) Separate and Merge things

There will be a crafting system in the game, and Demigod players will develop the ability to create their own divine relics.

11) Stop and Speed-up Time

I kind of want to stay away from Time at this point, as the game takes place in a post apocalyptic world and at this point in time I don't plan on having players going back in time (at least not yet).

12) Change to what even I want to be. (like the Changelings, Barbapapa, or Ditto)

This are some form changing abilities in the game.

13) Being able to change someone, but only of I and the other person wants to.

There is actually a Domain that is inspired by our chaotic overlord that will allow players to change other characters (while they might be able to do this to other Demigods, they come with special resistances to such changes and these changes are merely temporary if they succeed), whither they want it or not. :raritywink:

14) Being Persuasive

Got it. :pinkiehappy:

15) Make someone who is about to die (lets say that he has Cancer), ether not die (for now), or die rite now
p.s. You know what I mean ?

I'm not terribly sure. However there is a Death Domain, so I think I have it covered.


1) but what if you want it to have a rainbow ?

2) but, what about the other player ?

3) So.. no Avatar

4) https://www.google.ca/search?biw=1172&bih=618&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=poison+ivy+pony&oq=poison+ivy+pony&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.459015.493329.0.493723.

5) are there unicorns and pegasus

6) like what ?

7) What about invisibility ?

8) I know what is going on over there

9) terraforming !?

10) I make this log and plastic into one element.
or I tack this Cat and this Bird, and now I have a BirdCat!

11) not going back in time, jest STOP time

12) What can you change into ?

13) What about the none Gods ?

14) you are going to put this !

15) if you are about to die in.. lets say one Moth, (because lets say Cancer) I could either make you die in 15 days, or make you die in 2 moths
you see ?


16) something, something robot

17) Teleport (bet only rite were you can see, like Dishonored) or (have gats to one place to another, like Portal or Diablo) or (can teleport one meter in front of you, like Mr Shifty)

18) change the mode of someone. make 2 fall in love

19) change water into wine, poison or milk

20) can chat with someone in long distance

21) make a InAnimated Object, come to life

22) walk on wall and on water

23) walk in fire and in poison places

24) undo what one of the others did ?

25) swipe one power with a other

26) read minds ?

27) tack one thing and make 2 of that thing

28) Illusions

29) super Speed and super Strength

30) Change a Farmer to a King, change a Fisherman to a Baker, and change a Cop to a Ballerina-Dancer


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