Fanfic Finders 24 members · 0 stories
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Hello! I need your help to find a fic that features Fluttershy, in which:
- Fluttershy hides how deeply psychologically troubled she is
- A lot of italics are used
- Fluttershy is arguing with a separate instance of "Fluttershy", often.
- There was shipping... or maybe just friend-shipping
It also had a specific plot event that I remember it by:
- Part of Fluttershy's mind has to be rescued
- That part of Fluttershy's mind is being held captive by another part of her mind, which is evil and unwelcome
- The story's climax involves a world inside fluttershy's mind, a dive to then rescue her
- Maybe somepony was shipped with Fluttershy, and this somepony had to be the rescuer?
- Said rescuing is (Inception-esque!) the physical act of taking fluttershy's true self out of a holding spot, deep underwater, at the bottom of... a tower? or was it a hollow tree?

Does it ring a bell? I searched pretty hard for this myself, don't feel bad if you can't find it. Thanks. :duck:

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