Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
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I tried this idea already, but am hoping to get some participants this time around. I had an idea to take a twist on “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” and apply it to our favorite new reformed villainess. I’ll start and show you how I see this going:

I met
1. Danny Boyle earlier this year at an advance screening for T2 Trainspotting, who directed
2. Ewan McGregor in the same movie (as well as the original). Ewan worked with
3. Emily Blunt in the film Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. Emily Blunt voices
4. Tempest Shadow in My Little Pony: The Movie.

You can also do this with other voice actors and their MLP counterparts. For example:

1. Danny Boyle earlier this year at an advance screening for T2 Trainspotting, who directed
2. Chris Evans in Sunshine. Chris Evans worked with
3. Paul Rudd in Captain America: Civil War. Paul Rudd worked with
4. Michael Peña in Ant-Man. Michael Peña voiced
5. Grubber in My Little Pony: The Movie. Grubber was the sidekick for
6. Tempest Shadow

I’d say be creative (though honest), and see how you do.

The problem is, you haven't been in a movie with Danny Boyle. Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is specifically about having been in movies. Kevin Bacon has actually told stories about people meeting him and saying they're now only one degree away, and he didn't want to remind them how it actually works.

6245424 Except I don’t think Tempest herself would give a shit.

Just pointing out the official rules.

6245599 A month late, but I can actually do this by following the rules.

I worked with
1. Robert Z'Dar on a super low-budget slasher film a friend of my mom's made when I was in 7th grade. He worked with
2. Kurt Russell in Tango and Cash. Kurt Russell worked with
3. Zoë Saldana in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Zoë Saldana voiced
4. Captain Celaeno in My Little Pony: The Movie. Captain Celaeno had her ship commandeered and then destroyed by
5. Tempest Shadow

There we go. Perfect.

Also, congrats.

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