Cookie Crumbles Support Group! 68 members · 3 stories
Comments ( 1 )
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Rose the Changeling
Group Admin

1:55 P.M 24/12/2016

1. Debates and opinion voicing are allowed, personal attacks are not.

Do not attack other people, even if you have issues with them. If you became a victim after being attacked, as well as Admins closing the matter, don't do the same to others. Retaliating no longer makes you the victim, you become the aggressor and we have zero tolerance for such situations. So behave.

2. Keep thing's topic to the group.

This group is about supporting a user, not an editing, story reviewing, requests, etc. Threads like that should be taken out somewhere else or posted as a blog.

3. Do not comment on threads that hasn't been updated for a week.

Its called necroing. It means action to dig up a dead thread in a form, your better off just posting a brand new thread. Otherwise, your expecting the user to remember something 10 weeks ago.

4. No M rated links.

This is actually a site rule. Do not link to M rated stories, unless the group is tagged NSFW. The reason why its here, is because I've seen people posting M rated stories on groups with no NSFW tag, so just thought I let you guys know. Its a little common honestly.

5. Don't negativity support Cookie Crumbles.

Not sure why people do this, weather they don't know what to say, or are secretly being rude whilst using that as an excuse to get their way. But really, just don't.

6. Don't post copyrighted songs, as well as spamming.

If your going to make Cookie Crumbles happy by posting songs, make sure its not copyrighted, as well as summing it all up into one single thread IF your going to post multiple.

7. Have fun! :yay:

BAN SYSTEM. This is pretty fair, so here it is. You see this happy couple?

They have 3 ban levels of anger:

1. They give you a warning.

2. They give you a week ban.

3. They tell Thor to do this:

Which is actually a permanent ban.

We may skip to warning 2-3 depending on how much damage you may cause or how many rules you broken in one bound

This wasn't like this at the start, but I had to add this after a particular incident happened in the group and most of the members agreed with my idea. So watch yourself. Also, rules may be updated IF there's something that caused severe damage to the group, and is not apart of the rules.

If you think the warnings were UN-fair or have any questions, feel free to PM any admin.

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