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So there's a post I found, I follow that person, and, apparently, alsvid also follows said person.

When it came to the comment section, the conversation eventually led to mention alsvid and, while I recommend to read the whole thing including the comments, I think we should take a lot of focus on this thing he said.

I repeat, I recommend to read the whole thing (especially if you think I commented something wrong) but I think that especific comment from alsvid should tell us what to expect from him when the time comes to ban him.

1.- Since that comment was said on on a private post, I don't think it's time for the second warning but I cannot expect him to behave any better if he's thinking that he's being a good keyboard warrior*.

2.- How far do you think Steel Sabre is from getting a warn? I doubt we'll ever get to it since he only post trollish things but doesn't acts as if he was a savior of any kind, but I would like to hear more opinions from you.

3.- Does anyone has an idea of who was the moderator that allowed the nazi post? Because I think we could notify him when the time to ban alsvid comes.

*Keyboard Warrior: Here in Venezuela, there's a group of persons who likes to use twitter to shout their political opinions but never goes out of their houses.

They shout stuff like "The people is going to defeat Maduro", "The MUD is working together with the PSUV to keep Venezuela under the regime and the people will thrash them both for betraying the country", "the MUD doesn't use it's power on the parliament to defeat Maduro", etc.

They keep shouting and attacking the opposition here, attacking their ideas to fight Maduro or being a big pain in the butt, but they never propose anything to fight Maduro (or propose very stupid things, like asking Trump to invade Venezuela), they prefer to stay in their nice houses in Miami while telling the people here to go fight the political police and potentially die, they pay news places like the Miami Herald, The New Herald or use their friends in CNN to make themselves look good while they insult the opposition that keeps leading the protest or make the hardest decisions here in Venezuela, they don't accept criticism and calls you a traitor if you don't follow their ideas, etc.

TO that people, we have many names, including: "The opposition to the opposition", "The Radicals" and, the one I used here, "The Keyboard Warriors" for how annoying they are.

And I called Alsvid a "Keyboard Warrior" because that's how he acts, he shouts, insult others and acts as if he was right all the time while naming the people that doesn't agree with him as "racist".

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