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Titanium Blade
Group Admin

This is the official thread for AK vs. AR discussion. Please don't post any others like this.

The AK-47

The AR-15

5564913 I'd say for mass production, AK is superior, but for individual production, I'd definitely go for the AR, due to it's superior mechanics

5564928 Reliability is also a requirement. The AR is indeed reliable but the AK beats that with Reliability.

5564938 Yes, that is a factor, but the AR is far more accurate, and can carry more ammo.

5564950 True. But does it smell of COSMOLINE?!

5564957 I don't see how how it smells can change anything

Titanium Blade
Group Admin

5564938 Both are good, true points. The Reason this is such a back-and-forth issue, is there isn't really a way to determine which is superior. It usually comes down to preference and usage.

5564982 If I'm fighting alone, I'll go AR anyday. But of I'm determining the universal weapon of a small nation, AK wins.

5564962 Sorry, it's a joke about Cosmoline. But still, I will concede that for a more advanced nation with a good industry the AR will win, but for smaller, less stable countries an AK is the go to.

5564982 Yeah. Personally I prefer Russian Fire arms simply because of how reliable they are. Although I do like the Steyr (I have to like it, it's part of my job)/

5565100 Also an AR is more versatile, being easily modifiable and configurable. The AK is pretty bland in that regard.

5565104 Yep. And I will admit that the AR is far more easy to ruin, but if something is charging at me (unless it's at a very close range), I'd go AR

5565121 Yeah. Plus it's Ammunition is very common. Almost as common as .22 and 9mm.

5565126 In an apocalyptic world, I'd want an AR
Plus enemies could confuse it with an actual M16

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