Christian Bronies of the Reformation 92 members · 227 stories
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12When the godly succeed, everyone is glad.
When the wicked take charge, people
go into hiding.
13People who conceal their sins will not prosper,
but if they confess and turn from them,
they will receive mercy.
~Proverbs 28:12-13 (NLT)

Daily list:
Ezekiel 47:1-48:35
1Peter 1:13-2:10
Psalm 119:33-48
Proverbs 28:12-13

If you don't have a physical Bible, you can go to for a full English Standard Version in your browser.

It's strange how a passage can catch you in the way you know you've been stumbling. I've been having a hard time focusing on things I need to do, instead of distractions on the computer. A cyclical upturn in my long fight against depression, I think is the reason.

Tomorrow will be a change though, as I'll be attending a training meeting for an upcoming Journey to Bethlehem event my Church holds each year. Current expectation is I'll end up dressed in a Roman toga as a Census Taker or a Tax Collector for the evenings of December 7-9. Anyone in the Pomona, CA area that is interested in the event is welcome to PM me. Supposed to be a lot of fun for kids.

Honestly, I don't know what I'm doing yet. I just feel a constant urge to be doing. Being of service rather than wasting away. Volunteering for the event is just one of the options I'm investigating. The other one is far more serious, as someone at my Church is involved in fighting human trafficking.

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