Pagans of Equestria 20 members · 55 stories
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Now that I have your attention, what is the role of sex in Paganism? Are sex rites part of your spiritual practice?Is sex between one married man and one married woman (married to each other hopefully!) or is it alright to have sex outside of committed relationships? What about same sex and polygamous relationships? (I am personally deeply uncomfortable with casual sex. It's okay to have sex outside of marriage, so long as you get married after.)

An unhealthy obsession with sex is bad. Be it the prudishness of the religious folks who live down to stereotypes, or the in-your-face sexuality of the LGBT movement and the sexual revolution. But sex itself is a normal healthy thing, when it's used appropriately.

And polygamy is a problem, because of the gender ratio. When some men marry multiple women (and that's usually the way polygamy works), the result is a lot of lonely men. That leads to trouble! As for homosexuality: I generally think that it should be avoided. Just look at the statistics for men who have sex with men, they're not petty!

Strongly agree with the first part!

Sex, when approached maturely by consenting adults who understand the gravity and potential consequences, is not something to be ashamed of.
It's that simple, and that complicated.

What sex isn't; is something to be used as a means to establish control or assured obedience in someone. As far as I'm concerned: a religious standpoint that dictates how consenting adults behave in a closed bedroom is of the same mindset of people who are sexually abusive, being demanding and selfish while shaming their partner(s) for having thoughts outside 'accepted norms'.

I would also like to argue that blaming a supernatural 'enemy' for one's desires is not a healthy way to deal with them: as that sort of thinking often turns into absolving the person of any responsibility, if not creating anxiety issues, ones that can escalate into dangerous ones, that could be avoided. Saying things like "The Devil made me do it" is cowardly at best.


I feel that I should stress that although I firmly believe that the church has no business dictating what adults do and don't do with each other behind closed doors: I am Not opposed to consenting adults engaging in ritual involving sex as component, catalyst, or such.

Isn't that kind of the Church's job? To provide good ethical teachings and life lessons, and all?

I've been fascinated by the idea of sexual energies as offerings to the Gods.

I'll certainly agree that from religion, one can take lessons and perspectives that mold one's moral compass, but you can get the same benefits from philosophy, observing the example set by your parent(s), ect.
When a religion requires you to permit it to monopolize your entire scope on ethics: it's time to be suspicious about what's being taught.
A well adjusted adult should be able to formulate a standard of ethics based on empathy, their life's lessons, and an understanding of law. If all your moral foundations came from the same place then you have little to no understanding (or any reason to look for it) for other people's perspectives and values. This is in my opinion why we see religious, political, and social groups incapable of peaceful coexistence.

While every major religion claims to have been constructed by mortals appointed by Divinity (or directly handed down by Divinity), the Human Element is a constant every step of the way; and people can be absolute bastards to each other even with a sliver of presumed power and/or authority.

From what I remember about what I looked into: the moment orgasm occurs is the moment that there's finally enough 'sexual energy' to offer up, because that's the moment where the participant is the most aware of the Spirit World and therefore most vulnerable to it. That's also where the connection via ritual sex happens, as the sudden jolt is enough energy to get the attention of whom the offering is meant for.
Kinda like when you have to hand crank a kerosene generator and you finally get that one jolt that triggers the rest of the machine into being sustainable.

I've also been told that some people use a degree of Orgasm Denial to ensure that the 'appropriate' connection/offering is made.

That ritual sounds kind of disturbing, to be honest. But then again, so does eating someone's blood and body (i.e. Christian communion). Still: Probably best to be careful with a religious ritual that involves sex. Man is pretty good at perverting sex, after all! And perverting a holy ritual into something unholy would not be good.

One should be cautious with anything and everything revolving around religion and/or ritual.
The difference between being part of a church or a coven, and a dangerous cult is a really thin line; and in these polarized times, I don't trust the implied civility of people of faith like I used to.

Here's an interesting video about homosexuality, from a religious (but not pagan) prescriptive: "The Vortex: NOT Born That Way" (transcript). I think it makes some good points. This bit sums up the video:

"The cultural belief that homosexuality is just an equal yet alternative sexuality is a lie. It is an alternative, but rather broken sexuality. There is only one sexuality; nature has ordained that. But there are various ways in which that single sexuality can be broken, twisted, misapplied and so forth. So-called homosexuality is just one of those ways."

I've noticed that you, like several other people on this site, have a strange fascination with making a lot of effort to say that you object to homosexuality.
I also notice that like several of the aforementioned people, a lot of your insistence of others knowing where you stand include or revolve around claimed personal discomfort/disgust for such sexual acts.

Your behavior (and theirs) is consistsnt with people who are themselves homosexual but try to stay 'hidden' from their peers by repeatedly saying in public that it is wrong, primarily out of fear that they will no longer be accepted (or even safe) around their peers or family if it is discovered otherwise.

To summarize: you (and quite a few 'Straight Christians' on this site) sound kinda gay.

Unless of course I'm mistaken and you just have a strange fascination with sex acts you consider to be taboo (in which case, there are healthier ways to handle/cope with your feelings than dishonestly shame yourself in a veiled attempt to shame others) , or perhaps you just made the lifestyle choice that 'shitposting' is a lucrative means to enrich your life (and I would argue that it's not but to each their own).


"I've noticed that you, like several other people on this site, have a strange fascination with making a lot of effort to say that you object to homosexuality."

I do? Can you cite even a single time where I brought up homosexuality (aside from it's brief mention here)? And I didn't bring it up in this thread, the OP asked for opinions on it.

"I also notice that like several of the aforementioned people, a lot of your insistence of others knowing where you stand include or revolve around claimed personal discomfort/disgust for such sexual acts."

Where did I say anything about having personal discomfort/disgust for such sexual acts, in this thread or anywhere else?

Nope. You're right, my mistake :twilightblush:
You're the one I noticed making points about hyphenated Americanism.

I do honestly apologize. Its a bit later than I ought to be awake at.:twilightblush:

Be well.

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