One Worded Prompts 60 members · 11 stories
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Hey, we FINALLY have a new prompt! This month the prompt will be:


We're still waiting to see the winners for last month; apologies to those who wrote, they're still getting judged.

The Lunar Samurai
Group Admin

5340866 Can confirm. This one's gonna be fun!

5340866 I TRUST that we will see those results soon. :raritywink:

Too many ideas...

Need your opinion, people.

Should I go with a comedy or something more towards drama?

Someone please decide for me... :facehoof:


Drama, since I'm doing comedy xd

5341521 Hah, very well, I'll try to go with something drama-ish or slice-of-life-ish then.

Maybe a Rarity story.. :duck:

Okay, so I settled on an idea, Gonna do an adventure-drama, and involve some trust-issues for the sake of the word trust.

5340866 , I'm assuming we still have the 15th as deadline, or do we get a few days extra since the word came a few days late?
Need to know how many days I can spend on this, so I can plan my schedule and such. :twilightsmile:

5341980 Stories are now going to be due at the end of the month, with judging time bleeding into the next month alongside the next contest. We decided this would be for the best as some writers were complaining about only having two weeks because surely judging would go a lot faster. Turns out, some of the judges *coughstahlcough* were just taking way too long due to real-life things and have decided not to try doing it again. Some of us were also thinking about ditching the whole contest aspect and simply open up threads on this forum for each story to discuss.

It's a huge mess, and nobody's stepped up to the plate to get everything in order. I fear it may have to be me.

5342010 Monthly deadline sounds good to me, means I can do this story even better. ^^

as for the whole contest aspect...

Do you mean you'll still give a monthly word to write on, but without actual contesting,
or do you mean this would become just another post-your-stuff-here group?

Because I like the monthly words, that's basically the ONLY reason I'm here - I like the challenge,
it's perfect practice, having to limit myself to a certain word and working within defined lines NOT set by myself...

AND it's a good way to take a break from my main fanfic project, focus on something else for a few days,
and then get back to that with fresh ideas. :twilightsmile:

I've looked for / been in other prompt groups too, but every single one seems to be dead or dying,
so I REALLY want this one to keep going...

I don't really care for the contest part, all I want is a monthly "challenge" to work with. :rainbowkiss:

5342054 I agree. It'll keep being a monthly thing no matter what. The entire idea is that there is one word that everyone writes about and we get to see how differently each author interprets the prompt, so it only makes sense for it to be a monthly thing. That said, it being a contest either encourages people to write to try to get a good scoring or discourages people if they get a bad scoring. We still don't know.

5342150 I think it's a mix... Some people get ENcouraged by it, and other get DIScouraged,
and some (like me) don't really care, we just want regular challenges regardless of contest-aspect or not..

So I can see why it would be a hrd choice.

If you KEEP the contest, you disappoint the non-contestants, but if you DROP the contest part, you disappoint the contestants,
and us neutrals just stand inbetween anyway. ^^

So in the end, I think you can't really make EVERYONE happy, you'll have to choose if you want the group to focus
on competitive writers or just-for-fun writers.. :twilightsmile:

Are we getting any August prompt soon?

Also, wasn't able to write anything for last month, had a couple of really bad weeks, and because of that, not enough time to get a story done.
I had some ideas, just not enough time to get it written. Gonna try this time though, and hope for better results :twilightsmile:

Buuut, I need the monthly word to do anything. :duck:

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