Comments ( 49 )
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Well Geboren
Group Admin

First off I'm sorry this is late, had to figure out a way around the no roll play law on the site.

O'k, so remember what I said in the group rules about who writs the story line for the next arc? well it goes the same way for said arc. :twilightsheepish: So yeah, the next one after me writs the next arc and so on, this is how it goes.

#1, You or whoever in the group is next, will writ the base of their story line in a thread so we know and can give suggestions on how it goes.

#2, We will be writing from a first person perspective in each arc, this will allow each of us to show are individual ways and/or view's with out someone describing it for us; and it adds to the realism of the story.

#3, When using another's self to do something, give them a description on where they are and what's happening (along with items they may have) with their self; then ask them how they'd do it thru their PM, they are to/can give you up to three suggestions on how they'd do so; just choose the one that fits the story line.

You and anon are walking down the road to the park, you both get to the park and take a seat on a bench, you are there for a moment talking with anon before someone comes up and ask's anon if they'd like to do something.
Anon's answer/'s, 1,Nay, maybe some other time? 2,oh yeah, lets do this right now, right hear. 3,now hold up there, run that by me again, you where doing what?

#4, When talking to another in the story, use the PM between your selves. If there's more then you and the other, sand PM's to them on the discussing to keep them informed.

#5, When needing a surprised reaction, do the same as in #3, but they can only give one answer to it; and you do not tell them what's happening.

#6, When a new member is added to the group, one of us will have to introduce them in are arc; before they writ their own.

#7, the Unpublished View Password will granted to everyone in the group, so that we can work on proofreading and editing together; and give advise if something is out of place.

Now the method I'v giving you hear (what I'm calling collaborative script writing, or C.S.W.) is up for debate, so please ask your questions and leave your thought's below; Thank you.


Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5192060 The writing process sounds like roleplaying done right!

Sunglasses Indoors
Group Admin

Sounds good so far. This will probably be the best place to ask, so are we going to do individual prologues to describe how we get into Equus?

Group Admin

5192060 Oh yeah, the nogo on role-playing. So long as we are discussing how to write a story together, we should be safe, unless we are clumsy.

1. Is there a special order on who writes these arcs, or are you merely delegating the next arc depending on what we have just done and where we are going?

2. First person do make the most sense, dispite what some try to convince you to think. You also get closer to the action.

3. So we only give the One to Three options on how to act in a given situation?

6. This should mainly be dealt with in the first arc. While I guess not all was going through at the same time, and ending up at the same location? How about adding a few characters, who doesn't come through, or end up on locations we can't get to, or ending up a type we can't contact readily? If one is a seapony in a lake or sea where we can't contact them?

Do you have an idea for the Pass? something that is simple short and makes sense to us?

Well Geboren
Group Admin

Thank you, got any suggestions?

No, as far as I know, when we arrive we will have no knowledge of what we where doing before it. Except we will know who we each are by are personas.

1. It goes by who joined the group after it was made, which is you then Dragon dash Hatter then back to me. 3. Hm, that's a hard one, please clarify what you mean please. 6. Hm, I'm thinking their persona, in which the one writing the arc will know them on site.


Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5196304 I'm writing the 2nd then.

But I have one problem and it's thing now is something I threw in myself into. The team at some point is gonna get the elements of harmony, and in my book they are a pony-only thing. So no griffons. And I know we can change stuff around but I just have to follow my own headcannon. Beacause you know; staying true to myself all that stuff. And I'm not gonna ignore it. I have to shift to a proper ponysona.

I have a few that would fit but I will chose it due to the team, to add a lacking element to our strategy. So I'm thinking of making a threat of our characters, the rest choses and at the end I take the one that will be the most useful with the rest of the squad. Because I have:
-Unwitting Armaggeddon, The Explosive Crystal Pony and Expert researcher in dismanting stuff
-Bonfire, the tryhard changeling and stalker
-Twister, a Chaos Pony who exels at spreading confusion and morale loss
-Beidge Blitz, the pegasus warlock who wields thunders which are at the same time dark and light magic

Well Geboren
Group Admin

Oh no I'm first, your on three'd, I'v already got the idea that ponyess will have a scene at the and of her arc with a surprise visit by Luna; Then you get to do your dream realm fight against night mare.

If you have to change your ponysona, then go with a Hipagriff, you don't have to be completely pure pony to use them. You can be a hybrid.


Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5196344 So third. Good enought. I'm happy cuz I'll be working with already established stuff.

Crystal Pony is my main ponysona eather way. And I have plans to that ponysonas - not gonna change them.

Well Geboren
Group Admin

Bummer:fluttershysad: I hope there still someone in the group that's a flyer.


Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

-Unwitting Armaggeddon, The Explosive Crystal Pony and Expert researcher in dismanting stuff
-Bonfire, the tryhard changeling and stalker
-Twister, a Chaos Pony who exels at spreading confusion and morale loss
-Beidge Blitz, the pegasus warlock who wields thunders which are at the same time dark and light magic

Well, if Chryssi decides to join we'll have a changeling that is also a flier.
I could always go for Beidge Blitz, as the guy is pretty hefty on the teleportation department.

Group Admin

5196304 So we only know of the Ponies we are as we arrive? No distraction rooted in our Earthern past there.

Then we have a total of Four counted members arriving in close proximity to the intended home base? With Four Ponies, we split up what we have and search the surroundings for what we have, where we are and where to sleep.

When we are building up the plot, asking the included members what they would do in a certain situation? You mentioned One to Three options.

Of course we all have to know the characters in the group. While it may be a good idea to postpone the writing of the characters until we have a reasonable grasp of the place where we are to arrive.
5196320 That will make it distant and sound more like a Manual or Users' Guide.

The original Elements were made by and for Ponies.

The Crystal Pony certainly counts as a Pony, how the Changeling counts could be up for the Toss. A Chaos Pony for the Elements kind of goes against the purpose of the Elements as such?

We do have numerous Pony types to choose from already, where it may be possible to ad or invent a few more. The three standard types can't be avoided, since we are bound to see them every step of the way. The Alicorn and the Crystal Pony are also likely to be seen at one point or the other. Some others like the Sea and the Mer Pony could be common in Rivers and Lakes, where we could find them and communicate with them.

Of course, the Alicorn and the water Ponies are less than convenient for our personal Ponies. Depending on when we are, and the general mood towards them, I could see a Changeling in the group.

Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5197283 Well, I hate awkward situations born of misunderstanding. It's better to know abaut Equestria and when somepony asks - we're misplaced dimensional travelers - end of story, honest and simple.

Actually, going by the comics - Changelings descent from ponies and are counted in. As for the Chaos Pony - Harmony means a balance between Order and Chaos. You can't have Harmony without Chaos. Evryone forgets it all the time.

Well, I have a character that is one of a unique sort. A werepony of sorts but instead of becoming half-wolf he becomes half-bear instead.

Well - what abaut Jacs, Buffaloos, Gryphons, etc.? You forgot to mentation nonpony species which could make the cut. If we would have more than six ponies in the team, we could have the rest of the players be non-ponies and instead of Elements of Harmony get Ancestral Relics as 7th super quality items.

Well Geboren
Group Admin

I think your seeing what I'm seeing, but we have six member's. Crystal may not be commenting, but she's still in the group. And we have a new member, go and follow him.

When we are building up the plot, asking the included members what they would do in a certain situation? You mentioned One to Three options.

One answer for surprises, like how you react to something the first, second and three'd time; three that you can decide from for which to use in the plot of your arc.


Group Admin

5197992 If you refer to the one I think you are talking of, I just read a comment by her.

Too many options would be pointless and brobably only confusing.
5197921 Certainly explains why you are so active in these threads, studying your new map so vigorously.

If there is anything hinting towards the Ponies and Changelings have a shared ansestry and history, that is something I can appreciate and enjoy.
I think I had it in a few stories here and there.

Kind of like the Yin/Yang coin? Neighter side is inherently bad. Neigher favour any Pony.

I have a problem in seeing it as a unique type, you just flip between two states. Of course one side of your coin is a Pony here, and if the other is a Bear/Urse wouldn't make all that much difference. While you need to define how this will change how you act. You need to know when and why you change, even if your character may be ignorant to oblivious of it in the clasical sense too.

Well - what abaut Jacs, Buffaloos, Gryphons, etc.? You forgot to mentation nonpony species which could make the cut. If we would have more than six ponies in the team, we could have the rest of the players be non-ponies and instead of Elements of Harmony get Ancestral Relics as 7th super quality items.

Calling the Ansestral Relic may be convenient. That would wash the original confusion off of the board.
If we have one Relic for each Type/member of the group, this should be quite simple and straight forwards. Each with its one special powers and capabilities, linking to the greater unity and then granting the full power.
Would we find all these in one go, or one at the time and spread out over the entire adventure?

Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5198155 I'm trying to think outside of maps but with remembering more-or-less what the general areas are. And anything else is in account of the fact I have a vision on how to do stuff.

Go read FIENDship is magic; the issue of Queen Chrysalis. It's one of those comics that represent some quality, so we could use that.

Yes. Nothing is inheritly bad. It works also in the other way - nothing is purely good. Each element of order can get out of swing, get corrupted or try to dominate.

Actually it's a piece of a story there but it's essencially a pony werewolf but with a bear. Bears are also cannines and I figured that a licantrope can be of any kind of canine: wolf, dog, jackal, fox, coyote ...bear.
Actually he was a scholar but when he get into his bear side - well, let's say his inteligence drops below an idiot when he is a beast. He still can talk broken equish and isn't overhelmed by his emotions [none of the expected animal fury here] but gets immence phisical strengh and size. It's a trade-off between inteligence and power.

Considering this relic idea I may keep the gryffon. But at this point I need to think abaut it.

Well Geboren
Group Admin

Hm, you may be right, that's why I put this up for debate.

Sniff sniff I smell Hulk nearby.


Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5198986 Fag. Never saw that connection. Curse you, Bruce Banner! Yet Hulk is powered by furry, while Mumbling only becomes stupider. He still fully controlls his emotions and trying to get him into anger is a futile attempt.

Read my new blog entry.

Group Admin

I like the concept of Ancestral Relic(s)—it’s similar to the Elements of Harmony, but it’s easier to tie in with the five types (though we have seven? people in this group…), and it’s not limited by what’s established in canon. When you mentioned ‘special powers and capabilities’, I can’t help but muse about the individual relics being weapons in their own right. Well, not traditional weapons, but like magical gems (gems that can apply a magical spell), like freezing gems that apply within a certain radius, illusion gems that can disguise a pony as somepony else, etc. But since the ARs are one of a kind, they’ll need to have attributes that sets them apart from ‘ordinary’ magical gems.

A question: will the EoH also exist in the universe we’re writing in, or will the Relics serve as a replacement?

(to everyone who hasn’t already read the comics, you should do so :raritywink:)
So from FIENDship is Magic #5 the origin of changelings would be:
Carnivorous tree + magic pond under a cemetery + housefly-like insect = changelings, unintentionally set free from the tree by Starswirl.

The idea of changelings being a fierce, deceptive conquering race is appealing.
On the downside, this same idea makes it hard to justify a changeling royal family—why would Queen Chrysalis want to have royal offspring, when they run the risk of usurping her throne?

I’m still working on my first ponysona, and haven’t decided if it’s going to be royalty or a drone. Having my ponysona as royalty is terribly overpowered, so I’ll go with the other.

Also, sorry if this is personal, but what happened to The Authority Knight?

Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5199721 You're on a roll Chrys.

Actally changelings had two more ingredients to them - the toxic swamp and blood of Star Swirl himself as the bug bitten him before the tree consumed it.

Actually it's up for our headcannon. I think Changelings are allowed to live in Equestria as normal citsens and are peaceful but when Chrysalis is around she takes over their minds and something like Canterlot Invasion happens. Thinking so - it wasn't Chryssy's first try at this stuff as she done it regularily through the ages.

Maybe she just scored some stallions and it happened? And she wouldn't kill her offspring. She's cruel but not to this extend. So she has a small swarm of royal children that she purposely not teaches in magic, so she's save.

A young changeling prince(ss) wouldn't be terribly powerful. It would be exetremenly versitile but if you don't make him/her a trained mage then it'll be fine.

I don't know the whole story but from what I know - he was banned after making the group as we thought out the thing with him. For now we wait for him to eather get unbanned or join us back in a new account.

Group Admin

5198255 I'll grab the comic first chance I get, along with the rest of them. Sadly, they are hard to come by around here, or I am just not looking in the right shop? While there is the chance I have been lazy on the matter, since I currently don't buy any books due to my old favourite authors being dead by now.

Pure Good/Bad is a false fiction from fairytales delivered in ancient religious scripture. Positive and negative, but they are commonly sides of the coin, as in Yin and Yang.

Like the Queen of a Hive of Bees or Ants, she is still reliant on her ofspring. Producing the Princess is in her blood and nature, she can no more repress or refute it, than she can refute consuming Love and nurishment. Anything else is a quick and very painfull death. The brunt of her Cruelty is towards the once in her way, mainly Ponies in this case. I like to paint her in the light of the Emperor of Japan of OLD.

She also produce a select few Prtinces. He is required in order to set the new Queen on her path towards leading a Hive. The new Hive will run out of Subjects/Workers, and fairly quickly if the Queen can produce no ofspring.

I think we can leave it at that. If he can manage to return, he can let us on on the deal. Until such time, the question would rather be moot and irrelevant. We benefit little to nothing from the details at this point. That would merely slow us down in the discussion of where we are going. If he does come back, he can read up on the progress and we can fill him in on our details.
5199721 This would make them unique to our story. We can leave the original Elements to the wayside, they belong to other Ponies as long as they are in existence.
Of course they could hold capabilities permitting weaponization as well. While I like the idea that they are separate and unue, in the way they have different qualities to them to link with the individual character in the same manner as the Elements would.
We don't have to invent a new wheel, or steel the old, when we can build a new design that fit our Adventure.

For all intents and purposes, they were never destroyed, so they are still where they were left off last we saw them. The physical item is with the tree, while the bearers can wield the power at will, if and when this is required.

Having the Royal ofspring is in her constitution, and she can't deny it as much as she may want at any given time.
The individual Changelings follow their Queen as per decree, if and when such decree has been pronounced. Otherwise, they would be nice to be around. Kind of like with the Dragons just fooling around as they see fit untill the Dragon Lord shummons them and decree or demands something of them.

Since we established that the Changelings are a type of Pony, the problem with choosing a Royalty lies in the ned for Subjects. The Queen of Changelings is a very rare character, just like the Princesses of the other Ponies. Of course, we no next to nothing of any other Royalöties, aside from that the Yaks of Yak Yakistan apparently do have a Prince.

Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5200087 I once downloaded ALL the comics from piratebays. The sad part is that I didn't read them all.

Well, I'm thinking of her more in lines of the revolutionary leaders of Old Poland. The situation looks so: Poland is occupied by Germans and Russians [no, it's not WW2, it's the 19th century] and there is a lot of people who inspire the masses to rebel, like Kościuszko did after the May Constitution. They rallied people and helped with the passive resistance as well when a revoult burst out they were the leaders and kindda made babies left and right because all the women wanted to be with the hero who is gonna to free Poland. Chysalis is like that - she is the silent revolution that wants to take over and by extension she has to take in pony lovers to harvest stuff. And when she's horny she'll have sex, no matter the estrus - because she won't take any reason to do otherwize. You have to admit it would be her style. Then my headcanon want to give her abaut 30 children of the royal caste [the father can be of any race, the child is always a pure changeling royal with the father genes doing the 2ndary features] but none of them are immortal - long living, like 300 years yes but not immortal because Chryssy is also part alicorn that draws power from her people. That's my take on this stuff.

I was thinking the tree would make new elements symbolising diffrent virtues for out team.

Group Admin

5200032 Ah, I see. His profile page says that he’s been offline for two weeks, so I’m not as hopeful that he’ll return. When/if he does, he’ll need to read up on a lot of replies, just like I did. :P

A young changeling prince(ss) wouldn't be terribly powerful. It would be exetremenly versitile but if you don't make him/her a trained mage then it'll be fine.

If I assume that the changeling prince has as much knowledge on magic as a regular unicorn, it can work—the show got away with having the ruler’s protégée as the most significant protagonist, after all. Whether it would still be terribly powerful or not would depend on what tangentially fighting-related spells a ‘regular unicorn’ would know (likely not a lot, but who knows?).

I think a better way to get around this overpoweredness (for lack of a better term) is by having changeling royalty’s magical capacity increase with age (from birth to its peak at adulthood), so the prince would have its magical capacity limited to unicorn-Twilight–level for the story. This would go against the show’s depiction of Flurry Heart as she had her full magical capacity immediately after birth, but it can always be passed off as a changeling thing.


Since we live in entirely different countries, I can’t give any advice about physical comics, but if you don’t mind having them in a digital format instead, you can get every comic released so far literally right now at Humble Bundle. Some are available at pay-what-you-want prices, whilst FIENDship is Magic and the rest are unlocked at $15.

The individual Changelings follow their Queen as per decree, if and when such decree has been pronounced.

The brunt of her Cruelty is towards the once in her way, mainly Ponies in this case.

While it reflects Chrysalis’ actions in the show and in the comics, this would be troublesome interesting with both a changeling and ponies in the same cast. Should Chrysalis, hypothetically, decide to invade Equestria again, the changeling (i.e. me, at the moment), by decree, would be forced to do very bad things to your (plural ‘your’) ponysonas. This can be used to sow seeds of distrust between our ponysonas, knowing that my ponysona could turn his/her/its back on the group in a heartbeat. Interesting.

Or, alternatively, we could opt for another route. Maybe Chrysalis still has a grudge against ponies, but now focusses on espionage and low-key activities? Not as exciting as the above, but works.

5200125 That ad- and pop-up infested site? :pinkiesick: As a torrenter, to shame. There are far better torrent sites out there.
For anything pony-related, YayPonies has better quality. (of course, I don’t condone copyright infringement)
I was going to reply to the other part of your response as well, but since I’m very slow at writing comments, I’ll put it in another comment.

Group Admin

Some thoughts I forgot to mention in my other comment:

I like to paint her in the light of the Emperor of Japan of OLD.

My knowledge of Japan’s history is solely from this video; would that be able to give sufficient context?

Like the Queen of a Hive of Bees or Ants, she is still reliant on her ofspring. Producing the Princess is in her blood and nature, she can no more repress or refute it, than she can refute consuming Love and nurishment. Anything else is a quick and very painfull death.

Oh. That’s a very strong motive to have royal nymphs. :rainbowderp:
These ideas are fantastic; keep them on coming.

Like a dandelion spreading its seeds everywhere?

Chryssy is also part alicorn that draws power from her people

Since alicorns combine the traits of earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns, would Chryssi be 1/6 of each of the three, and half changeling?

Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5200146 You have to admit - reading all of this is a small adventure in imagination alone. This stuff is gonna make so much fun in the summer when we get to it. I just hope I'll have some time for the cooking lessons but as you guys sleep when I'm awake - I belive it'll be not a problem.

Well, I have a bit of headcannon - as always - to how it would work. My theory is that only unicorns can bind magic in spells, that are matrixes that can modyfy their magic, so they can manipulate magic and give it attributes that they essencially want. Thats why unicorns are so powerful - they can get the most of magic they posses - but they have very little magic as they fuel themselves from energies they sap from the sorroundings. Changelings have a lot of resident magic they can freely change in nature what is an instinctual task that is as natural to them as Pegasi flying. So even without any training they can change and mimic other races with ease, but anything outside of those powers is hard. Chrysalis on the other hand knows a lot of stuff, like for example she can create a spell matrix as she's a kind of alicorn and knows tricks to use the fires of change as an offensive weapon.
You could use that explanation to give yourself desent magical capabilities early on and in the later phases you can learn something from Chrysalis, once we captured her.

5200152 A bit yes.

Actually she isn't a classic example, so no. Normal alicorns have their own personal magic [like Luna's dream magic], alicorn magic, as well of magic of all pony races in egzistance - earth, unicorn, pegasi, seapony, crystal, umbrum and even changelings. Chrysalis does posses only alicorn magic, changeling magic that really behaves like all the other magics and Royal Changeling magic that is treated as her personal magic as nobug else had it before. Your character chould take some in due time but that would be risking becoming an egomaniac...

Group Admin

5200166 I know that Twilight used dark magic on Zecora’s white potion back in the Season 4 première. Would this be the umbrum magic you’re referring to?

Celestia’s and Luna’s control of the Sun and the Moon… it’s one of the elements of the show that’s hard for me to justify as simply a powerful version of good old unicorn spells, so I can’t think of any other possibility than alicorn magic. Alicorn magic would then have subsets like celestial magic (for controlling the Sun and the Moon), dream magic, etc.

Your character chould take some in due time but that would be risking becoming an egomaniac...

Ooh, royal changeling magic corrupts? :pinkiehappy:

As for the rest of the comment (incl. changelings), I’m afraid I’ll have to get to it tomorrow; it’s getting a bit late at night again. So g’night for me, and good morning for you. :twilightsmile:

Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5200204 Umbrum magic is once again something gray - a tool that isn't really good or bad, but it favors dominance. It fits their war-like society that is working a bit like the mongols. Not really evil, just dominative and destructive.
But the purple-green stuff is something that is up for consideration. In my headcannon Sombra was engineered and it's his unique magic the unicorns can duplicate with their spells. This magic in in Sombra's case mixed with dark magic [the green part], so he is one of a kind. The Umbrum mixed a unicorn, an umbrum and a cristal pony, and Sombra is the result - he has a crystaline part to him that enables him to control the dark crystals, he has a horn so he can cast spells and he is mostly an Umbrum, so he is a simbol of their freedom. A mockery of an alicorn is a way. Would make sence that Celestia in the comics has the hots for him.

Spells are only so powerful with unicorn magic. But when you use alicorn magic to fuel them - hohoho, it's a whole diffrent story. In my headcannon alicorn magic is a package that can generate unlimited ammounts of energy as it is restored as quickly as it is relised. It's because a source of alicorn magic is always interconnected with some hiperpowerful celestial body from which it replenishes energy - Sun, Moon, ...Uranus, etc. Alicorns are only limited to the ammount of power they can channel through without destroying their own body. They can re-manifest if the body is destroyed but the actual alicorns don't know that. Yet.

We can't blame evrything on Chryssy, can we? She's just a psyco because she's been living with that magic for a thusand years, scince her "birth" and holds a grude against Celestia for trying to eradicate the changelings after they were created and stuff.

Good night.

Group Admin


My theory is that only unicorns can bind magic in spells, that are matrixes that can modyfy their magic, so they can manipulate magic and give it attributes that they essencially want.

Spell matrices. I like it.

Thats why unicorns are so powerful - they can get the most of magic they posses - but they have very little magic as they fuel themselves from energies they sap from the sorroundings.

So they’re like changelings, but instead of sapping emotions (which in my headcanon, is converted to magic), they sap ambient magic?

Changelings have a lot of resident magic they can freely change in nature what is an instinctual task that is as natural to them as Pegasi flying. So even without any training they can change and mimic other races with ease, but anything outside of those powers is hard.

Interesting… I’m thinking about how this can be incorporated into my existing headcanon on changelings. Hmm.
To clarify, would changelings be able to freely change the resident magic they contain, or their bodies (as in shapeshifting)?


Would make sence that Celestia in the comics has the hots for him.

Reflections universe Sombra, you mean. I believe Sombra’s a regular unicorn in that AU.

In my headcannon alicorn magic is a package that can generate unlimited ammounts of energy as it is restored as quickly as it is relised.

What celestial body is Chrysalis connected to? Wait… she could, through her connection to the hive, have access to the emotions in every changeling. Unfortunately, if the entire hive is low on emotions, she would have barely any alicorn magic to use.

Well Geboren
Group Admin

5200243 5201254
:facehoof:O'k :ajbemused:look's like i'l have to repost something from another thread, please take note of what it say's as your working on those haedcannon's of your that we may be using in the story.:moustache:

It has been 900 years sense Equestria was born, and while it's not the bast their going strong. The other nation's are going strong as well, you could say all was normal. But then Discord arrives, and rains over all for 90 years. And during this time he makes several other races thru combining others together, these races are minutores, griffons, Centaurs, gargoyles, changelings and seaponies. This also includes all sorts of monsters, but he's not the only one to do this.
In need of some way to stop Discord, star swirl makes and casts the ascendance spell on hes own twin daughters. And after several attempts at fighting him directly, they make the tree of harmony using crystal alchemy and runic enchantments. Which in turn gives them the key to stop discord,ending hes rule and freeing all.
After that, all the races of equues agree to a 30 year non aggression pact. For during those 90 years a lot of knowledge was lost, so to regain some of it they send out explores and so on to find it. During this time Luna and celestia are giving charge of Equestria, along with the resources to build their castle. Not long after they receive the first editions of the books made with the regained knowledge, these are the same books we will find and use in the first arc of the story.
Not 5 years after the end of the non aggression pact ends, Tirek attacks. 60 years after that, Sombra is banished and the crystal empire cursed. 50 years to that, and we see Luna moving a herd of foals south ward and continuing to do so for three years. After three years Luna is finely consumed by the darkness within her, becomes nightmare moon and is banished for 1000 years.


Group Admin

5202062 Okie-dokie-lokie. I’ll keep it in mind.

Well Geboren
Group Admin

Thank you, and also, try keeping this stuff to the/a thread that it belong's in.

Note; I am tired as hack right now, so please excuse my bluntness.


Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5201254 It's a way to explain spells in a logical manner.

Exactly. But returning to changelings - in my headcannon they eat magic and emotions are just a "straw" or a "tunnel" through which they pull the magic from their victim/friend/lovvvur. Changelings use the gained magic like vitamins that keep them healthy, help them impersonate the type of pony they feed on and increse the ability the sapped magic specialies in - like magic from unicorns or flight from pegasi. I also imagine that once they sap a unicorn that saps magic from the sorroundings all the time - well, the magical gain would be both big and continous.

I belive that the changeling magic can changelitself depending on will of the Changeling and the phisical changes comes with the magical change. So the answer is both but both changes happen at the same time.

In one of the later comics Sombra is shown to become a unicorn after he becomes good. We can assume it was what happened to the alternate SOmbra as well.

Well, chryssy seems to be connected to the hivemind which saps energy of other beeings. You could say she's a parasitic alicorn without a celestial body, but you could specuate she has some controll over something we didn't seen yet and she keeps it as a backup plan.

5202062 This bit is wierd. Discord couldn't rule Equestria for 90 years. The continent would phase out of egzistance at some point. The idea of Equestria surviving more than 10 years udnder his "rule" is impossible.

Well Geboren
Group Admin

He's mad, not immoral (to a degree), I believe he gave it thought and didn't want he's play thing's to die off.

Also, I'm making it cannon in this story that all race's for sure can live upwards to 300 year's old, granny smith comes to mind in making said judgment.


Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5202108 I'm thinking Earth Ponies are very long-lived and unicorns too, but the active usage of magic gives them a high cancer chance.

Group Admin

5202098 How about we continue this in World Building - Book 1 and the Compedium respectively? I’ve put my replies in those two places; hopefully you’ll still get a notification for them.

Well Geboren
Group Admin

Read's post and does a double take Finely someone who get's it, thank you!!:yay::twilightsmile::ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2::moustache::raritystarry::pinkiehappy:


Group Admin

5202134 Well, you’re the group leader, after all. :moustache:

Well Geboren
Group Admin

5202136 5202137
Crosses arm's and look's at dragon Indeed:moustache:


Well Geboren
Group Admin

Returns that with Steve Austins bionic eye zoom

No really, my dad say's that's what I look like when I give the lazy eye.

Well Geboren
Group Admin

No really

That's what I look like.


Slavenger Karl
Group Admin
Well Geboren
Group Admin

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:Me gone nuts right now!


Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5203832 I know, I have that ridiculous eyelashes.

Well Geboren
Group Admin

So that is you:rainbowhuh:, also, it was more of how close the shot was when you toke it and how it. Dam, I wish I had a camera to do the same right now.


Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5203847 Well, the photo is 3 years old and I also ussully have glasses. With them I look like a boss.

Well Geboren
Group Admin

I'l take your word for it, you think we'v taking enough room on this thread yet?


Slavenger Karl
Group Admin

5203859 it'll create a new page in 2 comments. I'd continue.

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