Equisverse 66 members · 25 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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What is the read order, there is one on meeps page, but its not including everything, what goes were? the timeline thing is unfinish and the og one is unavailable.

The buck?

Reading them in the order they were written usually works pretty well, unless they specifically say that there is a prequel or a sequal.

Group Admin

The read order on Meep's page is complete for what is canon and part of the main-series Equisverse-Beta. Some side stories that include useful background information are not included, and not all of Meep's stories are in the Equisverse. I would recommend reading How do you do it? after Horseshoes, inserting Nightmare: An Equestrian Tragedy between Lyra-7% and Exile's Journey, and right after that but still before Exile's Journey you should read The Chambermaid.

I hope she finishes it.

Also one of those is not listed in the bata section of this group, why?

Okay, so...part of the reason that several setting stories are in the alpha folder is due to them being set in alpha, but most of what happened in them being canon to both timelines.

Bridesmaids is the starting point and is (mostly) canon to both timelines.
The (Almost) Right Stuff and The Luna Problem would come immediately after, but are canon only to the retgoned Alpha timeline.
Horseshoes is next and canon to both.
Dinner at Ravenloft is next and canon to both timelines.
Across the Sea of Time was next, then Upon the Sea of Sky and Beneath the Sea of Sand concurrently, with the Alpha timeline ending there. Bad Things happened and made Meep cancel those stories and kill the Alpha timeline. Everything else is in order and canon only to the Beta timeline.
The Queen is Dead
Lyra 7%
How Do You Do It? and Nightmare: An Equestrian Tragedy can go here, they're more world building than critical story, so their placement is fluid.
The Chambermaid is happening concurrently with these stories, but stays mostly separate so when you read it isn't too important as long as it's before the next one.
Exile's Journey
On the Era of Harmony
Bat's Academy
End Game

Meep hasn't written anything further into the Equisverse yet, nor has anyone else though she says a couple people have asked if she was serious about having other people write in her setting.

Okay, so what, the reason that timeline got runned was due to jack ass's or perverts?

Is that why she merged them?

'Jackasses' and 'perverts' are two terms that are a couple magnitudes too nice...but I don't think Meep would want me to say exactly what was going on, so let's just say that there were a couple absolutely awful people that caused it.

So she dropped the two concurrent stories altogether and took about a month off before even starting working on The Queen is Dead.

That sucks balls. I hate pepole like that. sorta hope one day she will finish them, but I doubt it, yah?

Right now Meep's fully focused on her FO:E stories. I don't know if she'll revisit the Equisverse, but if she does it'll be after she's done there.

Umm you guys forgot flesh and bones

Group Admin

Flesh and Bones, while technically within the Equisverse, is wholly unrelated to any other work in it.

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