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Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Equestria in Dustin's Adventures hosts an array of creatures that have a counterpart in both mythology and fantasy, some of which are far more removed from their realistic counterpart than usual animals. A few creatures, like dragons and Diamond Dogs, have speaking roles and display sapience when interacting with the protagonists. Others behave more like animals and neither speak nor display sapience. While most beings are from real-life known myths and legends, others are completely original and made up for the show. There are more than just creatures in Dustin's Adventures since its a crossover. Some creatures I own, others i don't. Credit goes to the ones that have their Link URL in parenthesis.

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Equines (Equus Sapiens): Despite popular belief, Unicorns, Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Alicorns aren't the only form of Equine found of Terra, but they are the most widespread, with several less known variations also existing. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/204382/the-convergence-multiverse/thread/126749/races-equine-races

Terestrial Equines:

Unicorns (Equus sapiens magicae):

Lyra Heartstrings: Lyrist, Cryptozoologist and more recently Equestrian ambassador in the stead of Prince Nova
Unicorns are the one of the more long lived race of Equines, with the average age between 100 and 150. All Unicorns possess Magic that they actively use to manipulate and alter objects around them, as well as manipulate elements (unless an individual suffers from some form of inherited condition)

Earth Ponies (Equus sapiens fortis):

Applejack; apple farmer and the current bearer of the element of Honesty
Capable of powerful natural magic such as Geomancy (Earthbending), Necromancy, and Druid magic, earth ponies are among the strongest and longest-lived equines to exist, with an average lifespan of up to 200 years. they have also existed for the longest besides Alicorns, with some Earth Pony fossils dating back 2 million years, by comparison Pegasi and Unicorns only appeared between as early as 1.5 million and as late as 500'000 years ago.
Earth Ponies do the manual jobs in society, such as farming and building.

Pegasi (Equus sapiens aerium):

Pegasi are winged ponies, able to fly, whose affinity for weather allows them to control it. Though native to Equestria, they can be found almost anywhere. However, unlike the other pony races, the pegasi have several cloud cities and settlements that non-fliers are unable to reach without the aid of magic or flight. They are more inclined to eat meat than unicorns or pegasi as they actually need a reliable supply of protein to sustain their flight muscles.
Pegasi have an affinity to the weather, giving them the ability to control wind and weather, as well as permit them to walk on and move clouds, and in some cases, control lightning.

Alicorns (Equus sapiens deus)

A number of Alicorns known to exist: Fantasia (Center-top), Princess Twilight Sparkle (Center Bottom), Princess Celestia (Top left), Nightmare Moon (Pre-regression, Top right), Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Bottom left) and Princess Luna (Bottom right)
Alicorns are the oldest and most powerful race of Equines known to exist, with some reaching god-levels of magical power and prowess and most are immortal (The exception being some 'ascended' individuals such as Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza). Alicorns are more common than one would first assume, but most are in hiding until they are needed.

Crystal Ponies (Equus sapiens fortis crystallum):

A sub-species of Earth Ponies, Crystal Ponies, or Crystallions to use the translation of their name in their native tongue, are the descendants of a group of earth ponies led by Chancellor Level Head (called "Puddinghead" as an insult by the other tribe leaders), who sought an alternative form of earth pony magic, resulting in the Crystal Heart.
Crystal ponies have "emotional camouflage," meaning they turn dull when sufficiently frightened or depressed, thus making them harder to spot.

Steel Unicorns (Equus sapiens magicae ferrum):

Steel Unicorns hail from the mountains near the Crystal Empire. Their thick coats protect them from the cold. As their name suggests, they are skilled in forge and metalworking based magic, and red-horned individuals are incredibly adept at magic.

Thestrals (Equus sapiens aerium chiroptus):

A Thestral Night Guard of the Equestrian Royal Guard
Thestrals are a race of pony with bat-like wings and ears, and cat-like eyes, hailing from the dark mountainous regions of Equestria and Trotsylvania. Their fangs are used like a changeling's... for tearing into fruit they grow in their orchards. They have excellent night vision and echolocation, and are stronger and faster than normal pegasi, but cannot manipulate weather as well as their pegasi cousins.
Thestrals live in large townships called Colonies, which are matriarchal and located in caves. it is not uncommon for them to crowd together when sleeping.

Stirrupean Unicorns (Equus sapiens magicae stirrupus):

Fleur De Lis: A well known Stirrupean Unicorn
Originating from Prance, located in the large island of Sturrup found between Equestria, the Crystal Empire and the Griffon Kingdoms, they are now found throughout the Island in the countries of Prance, Germaney, Trotsyvania and Stalliongrad. They are not much different from ordinary Unicorns, the largest difference being they have a much more slender frame.

Wheeler (Equus sapiens aerium gyratorius):

Perhaps THE MOST unusual race of equine, the legs of these beings have degenerated into little more than tiny stumps. However, they have gotten around this because in a unique feat of magic evolution, their hooves have become wheels, complete with specialized muscles for propulsion. They are set in a unique joint allowing for full rotation of the apparatus.
Mischievous and often bullying at first, the fact is that Wheelers only act tough because they have few defenses.

Pavo (Equus sapiens aerium muticus)

Hailing from Neighjing, these ponies have feathered tails similar to those of peacocks, being smaller in the females.
The Pavo were among the first races to discover gunpowder, and are the most famous for it. With the invention of gunpowder, there came Neighjing's famous fireworks... as well as their war rockets, and the earliest cannons in recorded history.

The Pavo were also the inventors of the feather blade, now a common weapon among nearly all feathered races.

Valkyrie (Equus sapiens aerium angelus):

Valkyries are a secretive race in the skies of northern countries, especially Vannerhalla. Unlike many pegasi, they have three sets of wings, fairly thin bodies and even their ears take on an almost wing-like shape. In fact, their wings could seem to be quite cumbersome on the ground, as apparently these pegasi never land any lower than the lowest cloud. Some even don't seem to realize the ground exists at all, believing all the world is nothing more than the dark thick clouds forever above their home. In the air they are very graceful, swift fliers, and legends abound about them being able to fly all the way to heaven itself. Indeed many a Fluffy pony regard them as 'angels' almost. Valkyries are some of the best aerial fighters, having evolved to a life almost entirely spent in the air.

Fluffy Pony (Equus sapien minor)

The most well known fluffy pony is called Fluffle Puff, created by Mixermike622, who was the original inventor of the race. Fluffle Puff is a pink female fluffy pony. Fluffle Puff has also received her own spin-off tumblr. A game has also been designed featuring her by Mixermike622 titled GO FAST. Fluffle Puff Tales, a series of animations featuring the character, can be found on his YouTube account under the username FluffyMixer.

Physical description
In common portrayals, fluffy ponies stand out from normal ponies by their smaller size and thicker fur. They are depicted in many different ways; the variety being their size, which can vary from a few inches to as much as four feet, and their thickness of fur, which can vary from leaving the neck exposed to as much as the only parts visible being the ends of the hooves and the face. How they are portrayed is up to the author's or artist's discretion.

Fluffy ponies are explained as having been bred for maximum cuteness and fluffiness; in gaining that, they lose most of their intelligence, putting most fluffy ponies at the mental level of an infant or toddler. When given dialogue, fluffy ponies typically have oversimplified, fragmented speech patterns, very similar to those of a small child.

They also possess childlike motor-skills, meaning most fluffy ponies tend toward clumsiness and poor coordination; their underdeveloped mental abilities also result in poor recall and reasoning, meaning fluffy ponies are not always aware of the consequences of their actions, which increases their mortality rate drastically. As such, they usually perish in unforeseen and silly ways, the most common of which is by drowning.

Similar to young children; they are known from some stories to be very selfish creatures and will potentially betray thousands of their own kind if it means they don't so much as fall over and get a bruise on their nose.

House-trained fluffy ponies
House-trained fluffy ponies are characterized as essentially a cross between a common house pet and a small child. They act similarly to common house pets in the sense that they are treated the same in terms of nourishment, exercise, and mentality, while they are similar to small children in terms of speech.

Usually in stories, they are obtained from adoption centers, which in turn obtained them from breeding farms, and both most often have poor living conditions for the fluffy ponies.

Fluffy ponies as house pets coexist not only with humans, but with normal, more intelligent ponies as well. In either case, the normal ponies are significantly smarter and less prone to dying. These stories often have the fluffy ponies being treated as "second-class citizens" in comparison to the non-fluffy ponies.

Feral fluffy ponies
Feral fluffy ponies are essentially the wild version of house-trained fluffy ponies. They are known from several stories to be more adaptable to the outside environment than their counterparts who reside in houses. They are also almost always known to travel in groups of around ten or more, which are led by a fluffy pony with rare leadership qualities. These leader ponies are usually described as "smarty friends" by the other herd members.

The herd is mostly lured into a false sense of security as fluffy ponies are known to have poor offensive or defensive capabilities. This means that if the herd in were to come under attack or face danger, they would usually puff their cheeks out and berate the danger with insults. If the attacking force were to perish, a section of the herd the remainder would 'hide in plain sight' and cover their eyes with their hooves; the mentality being that if they can't see the attacking force; it does not exist and will not attempt to harm them.

Feral fluffy ponies ones originally were house-trained fluffy ponies that escaped from breeding farms, adoption centers, houses or were originally strays from urban areas that found their way into non-urban environments. Over time, they were able to adapt to the environment and more were originating from the offspring that these strays produced.

Reproduction is important to the feral herd as it provides a stable source of replenishment for any of the herd members that may have perished. Because of this, pregnant mares are usually guarded by the strongest members of the herd, but are immobile because they have swollen up for pregnancy and so must be rolled around with the herd.

The dung of feral fluffy ponies is prized by humans as an extremely potent fertilizer; the grass eaten by the herd grows back quickly after they poop on it. Several humans, mostly farmers and gardeners, have taken advantage of this by allowing feral fluffy ponies to poop on their crops in exchange for either food for the fluffy ponies or nothing at all.

Fluffy ponies is sexual, with the male pony dying shortly after conception. The female lives on and delivers three-to-twelve young naturally. Young are helpless at birth.

Aquatic Equines
Freshwater Aquatic Equines

Kelpies (Equus sapiens aqua):

Kelpies are the Carnivorous counterpart to the Equestrians, and can most commonly be found in the Minotuaria-Trottingham bay and Minotaurian sea, though they also trade with other nations and species via sea and airships
Each species of Kelpie speaks a language which, whilst similar, still have their differences, these languages share parallels with Celtic languages of Earth such as Irish-Gaelic, Scots-Celtic and Welsh.
Kelpies can be found working together on merchant airships from the northern continent to the New Altero republic, the southern lands and storm valley, leading to them being quite widespread
All Kelpies are renowned for their harmonic singing and shanties

Capall Uisce/Sea Kelpie (Equus sapiens magicae aqua):

'Top o' the mornin' to ya'
Capall Uisce [Kap-all Ish-ka] are the Kelpie equivalent to the Unicorn, and feed on small animals and fish found in the Minotauria-Trottingham bay, they are much more mild mannered than the Freshwater Kelpie, but they can be rather confrontational if insulted or threatened. They are also capable of light and water based magic. In addition to speaking Northern Equestrian/Earth UK-English, Capall Uisce speak a language identical to Earth Irish-Gaelic, known as Sea-Kelpic.

Freshwater Kelpie (Equus sapiens fortis aqua):

'Is that the best ye can do, ye nae-guid doaty balloon!?'
hailing from the large island of Glascolt; located in the Scoltland Isles off the east coast of Northern Equestria. Freshwater Kelpies are the Kelpie's equivalent to Earth ponies, and can be found dwelling in freshwater pools and lakes. In addition to having the strength, stature and endurance of a large Earth Pony, they are pugnacious, rude, and stubborn, and have roughly 31 words that just mean "stupid," as well as a rich amount of other insults. In addition to speaking Northern Equestrian/Earth UK-English, Freshwater Kelpies speak a native language identical to Earth Scots-Celtic, known as Freshwater-Kelpic
A selection of Freshwater Kelpie words for stupid:
Backahast a sub-species of freshwater Kelpie native to the Griffin Kingdoms, they are virtually identical to their Scoltish cousins, the only difference being their Griffonic accent

Ceffyl Dŵr/Mountain Kelpie (Equus sapiens aerium aqua)

'Aevahlai fod i difroaeth in aeick plaid' - phonetic transcription of a traditional Ceffyl Dŵr greeting meaning 'May the waters be in your favour'
Ceffyl Dŵr [Kaefil Dur] are the Kelpie equivalent to Pegasi, and can be found on the Minotauria coastline, it's associated islands and Trotland. as a result of this they speak an offshoot of the Minotaurian language, but the pods located towards the south of their habitual territory speak Northern Equestrian/Earth UK-English as well, although their Minotaurian accent is prominent.
Ceffyl Dŵr posses fin-like wings that are mostly used to help guide them through the water, but can also be used for short flights over the mountains and hills of their native islands as well as the hilly Minotaurian terrain. However, their wings aren't big enough or strong enough for long haul flights, the strongest individuals can only fly a few miles at a time. Their front hooves have opposable claws, allowing them to hold and manipulate objects
However, those that are found in Trotland and its surrounding waters tend to be just as rude, if not ruder than Freshwater Kelpies
A selection of colourful Scoltish Ceffyl Dŵr sayings/insults
'Go home, you ugly c**t!'
'Shut your face and sit on this!'
'Teats like the mountains of Minotauria'
'Shut your b***ing face, uncle b***er!'
'My tooth is bigger than that little excuse that you call a c**k'
'Go and play with the sharks you ugly c**t!'
'Don't bull***t me, you stupid, smelly idiot!'
'You're a pathetic little excuse for a Kelpie!'
Ceffyl Dŵr speak a Variation of Minotaurian, identical to Earth Southern-Welsh and called Minotaurian-Kelpic. Minotaurian on the other hand, is identical to Earth Northern-Welsh, their aren't many differences between the two types of Welsh, but there are enough for them to be labelled as separate languages. it's mostly differences in spelling and pronunciation, as well as different terms, much like Earth-US English and Earth-UK English

NIXIE (Equus sapiens aqua flexibus):

Omnivorous equines native to Equestria, these lake dwellers are often confused with Kelpies, and can not only swim and breath water, but control it, cause it to flow and warp, and even freeze it solid they choose to.
Sea ponies (Equus sapiens oceanus): Sea ponies are found swimming the waters of the northern continent.

Hippocampi (Equus sapiens fortis oceanus):

Hippocampi differ little from their land dwelling cousins-the Earth Ponies- beyond physical appearance, and are industrious workers, having developed the mechanical legs they use to walk around on land.

Styxians (Equus sapiens magicae oceanus):

Styxians (Night Sea Ponies, Abyssals) are an offshoot of sea ponies who have developed horns and nocturnal habits. they are faster and more magically adept than normal sea ponies, and are usually better fighters.

Carcharos (Equis sapiens turpis):

Credit to Prince_Staghorn for the picture
Native to the waters and seas around Minotauria, Carcharos, as their name suggests, are very similar to sharks (it's actually derived from the latin name for shark; Carcharodon), they are exclusively carnivorous and they live in a society rife with crime and violence, however, since the convergence they have started to band together with the Hippolanteans, who are themselves allied with the Equestrian Union

Hippolanteans (Equis sapiens hippolantis):

Credit goes to azume-adopts deviantart
Native to the Hippolantean sea and residing in a city/continent known as Hippolantis. They are technologically advanced, have vehicles capable of sflight, and advanced medicine that can even cure cancer. They relief on special crystals that heal wounds and provide energy and power as well as magic. They are a very intelligent species that their intellect even surpasses the grea apes. They're e equivalent t Earth Atlanteans.

Reptilian Equines (Equus sapiens draco):

Qilin (Equus sapiens magicae draco):

Not to be confused with Kirins, the hybrid of a dragon and a pony, Qilin are reptilian equines who hail from the Island of Jockpan, located to the far west of the Northern Continent, and are also native to Neighjing. The don't have any cities, instead living in small towns, with a conurbation located in the lush jungle region acting as a capital of sorts. In addition to Qirin, the Pavo are also native to the large island, and a sizable number of Matoran and Agori form a minority on the island, assisting in manual labour as well as trading with the rest of the world.
Qilin aren't as colourful as Equestrians, but they do range in colour from green, to blue, to grey and in some cases, even white. All Qilin are gifted with Nature based or elemental magic.

Atqueans (equus sapiens fortis draco):

originating from the Atquean Empire located in the far south of Equestria, through sheer luck, they have developed a language identical to Common.
Atqueans are the main diplomates of the Saurian region of Equestria, and are often in charge of settling disputes between the other three saurian countries.
Atquean military is similar to that of the old Roman Empire of earth, with silver-clad centurions forming the mainstay of law enforcement in the empire.

Dovahkiin (Equus sapiens aerium draco)

Descendants of a cursed pegasus bloodline (according to legend), Dovahkiin appear normal from a distance, though closer inspection reveals the head, right foreleg, upper body, mane, and cutie mark of a pony, and the spines, hind legs, tail, and left foreleg of a dragon.
Found throughout the northern continent, they are fierce, and have quick tempers, as well as fiery breath. they are herbivorous, but capable of eating gems.

Draconic Alicorns (Equus sapiens deus draco):

Also known as Alikirrins, Kirrin Alicorns or Dovahcorns. Draconic Alicorns are a carnivorous subspecies of Alicorn, and are very rare, as few as a few hundred to a thousand individuals could be in existence, with only a few ever being widely known.
extremely powerful and skilled in pyromancy and offensive magic, they not only share their biology with Alicorns, but also Dragons, specifically firebreathing and the use of Thu'um. Their physical appearance can vary, from something as simple as an ordinary Alicorn with a fiery mane & tail and scales in a few areas such as the back, muzzle and legs,, to an almost fully Draconic appearance.
Known individuals include Prince Nova, on the more Equine end of the spectrum in terms of appearance, and Lord Eclipse (Pictured above). The latter is Celestia, Luna & Nightmare Moon's biological father (Though they didn't inherit any of his physical traits), and is currently in exile in the far Frozen North

Carnivorous ponies (Equus ferus fortis draco):

Found in the deserts, forests and mountains of the world, these feral, fire breathing, carnivorous ponies live mostly solitary lives, but are to still be avoided at all costs , it is not known if they are sapient or not, but the Spherus Magnans and Stonecutters have found use for them in their arena games.

Feline Equines (Equus sapiens felis):

Shedu (Equus sapiens felis parvus):

An Shedu spy
These hybrids have the head, wings, body & lightweight bone structure of a Pegasi and the tail, legs & stature of a large domesticated cat, they are small, only about 2.5 foot tall at the most. They are found in most cities of the northern continent, and can even be found working in the Equestrian Military, where their small stature make them perfect as spies, saboteurs, and reconousers.

Sphinx (Equus sapiens aerium felis):

Sphinx posses the body, head & wings of a Pegasus, and the legs and tail of a lion. Sphinx can be found in Cantero, where they are often used as guards and sentries for nobility.

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Sagittariforms (Centaurs and their relatives) https://www.fimfiction.net/group/204382/the-convergence-multiverse/thread/168002/races-sagittariforms-centaurs-and-their-relatives

Centaur (Homo sagittarius):

Tirek was an atypical Centaur. highly magical and megalomaniacal, he differed from his tribal, nomadic roots.
The Minotaurs are a xenophobic and defensive species that live in the middle continent (Zebrica, Sauria and the Atquian Empire). They are said to hunt in large herds, trampling anything in their paths, though some have supposedly been encountered alone.
though most only posses magic on par with the average unicorn, some learn to absorb the magic of others, and can possess a power on par with alicorns

Magnataur (Homo sagittarius loxodonta):

Native to Zebrica and the Crystal Empire, Magnataurs stand 18-20 feet tall. Little is known about them, but what is clear is that their numbers are few.
Most magnataur never learn to read or write, including many of the shamans, and thus there is little written culture left behind from the rare instances where they have set up small civilizations. Their buildings are simple wooden structures at best, and while a few cave paintings have been found, they create little art. Generally, abandoned weapons, dishes for eating, and simple beds are the most intricate works left behind in their settlements.
Most magnataur live much of their lives alone, and as such, no formal society exists among the majority of them. A small number of tribal groups exist, and in these cases, they are held together by their mutual fear of their shaman leader. In most cases, these small tribal groups end with the assassination of their leader, but a few shamans have been strong enough to hold a tribe together for a number of years. The only system of rank that magnataur understand is dictated by power, and thus, a larger or more combat-worthy magnataur is always considered superior. The race as a whole is not formal enough to have an elite group of warriors, though small groups of powerful shamans do exist; these shamans are considered the leaders of the magnataur as a whole, although they lack any formal institution of this leadership.
Male and female magnataur differ only in that females have a slightly greater obligation to care for their children for a few years after childbirth.

Cephalotaur (Homo sagittarius araneae):

also known as Spider apes or, more jestingly, "Spider-monkeys", Cephalotaur are nomads by nature that roam the forests of the middle continent, they are almost exclusively solitary, though temporary settlements will crop up from time to time, and some individuals settle in villages, working as shamans and healers, as their semi-arachnid nature makes them inherently knowledgeable in venom and poisons.
Despite their appearance, most have a soft and protective temperament, and they will often defend smaller sapient species on the spur of the moment. Due to their body weight, they cannot climb like spiders can, but they can shoot out a web

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

"My dear inquirer, there is one simple rule to tracking primates: you don't. speak all you want of greased pigs and cats not wanting to be caught, but manage to find a primate in its own habitat, and you can call yourself a master tracker. Primates know the minute you're looking for them, and you'll only see them when they want you to see them"- V.V. Argost, Cryptozoologist, World-famous celebrity (Terra-10), creator of Weird World, and recently discovered to be a yeti.

Great Apes https://www.fimfiction.net/group/204382/the-convergence-multiverse/thread/160337/races-primates

"Sir, I am an ape, and I will remind you not to call me a monkey again unless you're happier with one less limb"

Orang-Utang (Pongo Borneo Sapiens)

A race of arboreal apes native to south Zebrica, Neighjing and New Damhi, the Utangs are the most culturally and technologically advanced of the three ape species that they share both a common ancestry and their forest homes with. The utan race is bulky, with arms longer than they are tall and a thick pelt of orange-brown hair covering their entire bodies. Male utans can grow as tall as five and a half feet, and tend to dominate their society. Females are shorter, and are usually subservient to the males.
Utans are excellent capitalists, and when Equestrian explorers first discovered the Utangs, the utans first and foremost established trade with the ponies, exchanging rubber, lumber, and rare ores for processed textiles and cultural artifacts.
The orang-utans generally regard themselves as religiously agnostic, and thus do very little in the way of religion. Utangs, like many other ape races, hold a general disdain for their close relatives, especially the non-sapient pendeks.

Chimpanzee (Pan Troglodytes Sapiens)

Whenever the word "ape" is mentioned, often the first mental image one brings up is that of the playful chimpanzee.
However, most of those who imagine a chimpanzee as being playful and fun-loving have never actually met a chimpanzee. Chimps have one of the most sophisticated forms of government in the world, something that they call a "parliamentary legislation", wherein representatives are chosen from bodies of population to debate important political issues and often taking months to send a petition or potential law through dozens of votes and subcommittees to hammer out the details. This horribly inefficient system is led by a "Prime Minister", who is selected by the greater body of chimpanzee society. Chimpanzees often take a conservative stance on their political issues, usually preferring that outsiders like zebras keep their striped noses out of their business.
Religion is one of the most important aspects of chimpanzee life, but their religion does not resemble the spiritualistic religions of most other apes. Chimps believe that a divine creator sent down its one true representative, an unknown creature collectively called the "Allgood". The Allgood taught the chimps about civility and reason before ascending back to wherever the Allgood came from.
They are also master tacticians and hunters able to come up with complex plans and adapt a plan quickly mid-hunt, they mostly hunt the non-sapient colobus monkeys in teams of five, each with different roles.

Bonobo (Pan Paniscus Sapiens)

Close relatives of chimpanzees, bonobos have a culture that is far more free-spirited than that of the chimps. Bonobos follow the same religion as the chimps, but have different interpretations of the Allgood's lessons.
Politically, bonobos occupy a position on the moderate to far left of their spectrum, making them dyed in the wool liberals. While chimps prefer isolationism, bonobo politicians often push for stronger ties between the apes and neighboring races. While a chimp representative will be quick to retaliate if their land is threatened, a bonobo representative will often push for a more diplomatic solution. At a personal level, bonobos tend to solve issues with sex, sex, and more sex. These "love apes" are known to engage in any kind of sexual encounter with just about anything, including non-apes. The chimps usually regard this as indecent and quite the sin in the eyes of the Allgood.
the Bonobo's "make love, not war" policy has also led to a very peaceful society. Two males want a female? sex, releasing tension and strengthening friendship. a female hits a baby and the mom chases her? sex. a male's really mad? a female grabs him, and, you guessed it, sex.

Gorilla (Gorilla Gorilla Sapens)

While chimps and bonobos divide their beliefs based on species, gorillas are much more tolerant of different ideas, and have a society that has many different sets of ideals. They too worship the divine teachings of the angelic Allgood and her sisters, but they are not nearly as "in your face" about it as chimps or bonobos.

More aggressive than bonobos, but not nearly as temperamental as chimps, gorillas prefer to keep to themselves, and to this day they are the least understood of the civilized apes.

Sasquatch (Magnus Bipes Sapiens)

Large and hairy apes native to the forests of Equus, sasquatches possess the ability to use magic, usually in the form of elementalism and minor illusions. Sasquatches are not like other apes in that they prefer absolute solitude over any kind of sociability. And above all things, they prefer peace and quiet in their forest homes.
But the few sasquatches that communicate with the world outside of their forests say that they are never alone; they are always surrounded by their brothers and sisters. It took years of philosophical ponderings and questioning of the sasquatches to finally learn the truth: they consider the trees themselves to be family. A common behavior among sasquatches is to knock on the trunk of a tree with a branch or antler, and this has been revealed to be a form of communication with the trees themselves or a form of long range communication with other sasquatches that is passed along by the network of trees. Any time they eat a nut, a leaf, or a berry, it is a gift of life from the forest itself, and all a part of their worship of their great goddess of earth. The only time a sasquatch ever expresses anger or acts violently is when an outsider attacks his family, and even then the sasquatch is hesitant to use his most potent weapon: a spell that animates many of the trees in his forest into living elementals which beat any invaders into pulp.

Yeti (Mons Montis Homo Sapiens)

Living high in the Krystallion mountains, the Yeti are among the most secretive of the sapient primates, living in nomadic tribes led by an elder female. they are also the rarest, and may be dying out.
they are capable of powerful illusion magic, as evidenced by one V. V. Argost of Terra-10, who crafted a mask that allowed him to disguise himself as an earth pony

Old World Apes:

Baboons (Papio)
Among the sapient monkeys, none are so infamous as the Baboons.
The Baboons, also known among themselves as the Tongani (oddly not distinguishing between species) and known among the various Zebrican tribes as bobbejaan, əntər, adaka, Babūna, daanyeer, nyani, Babūn, Inaki, and imfene, are social monkeys, and most are nomadic, traveling in moving towns of up to 250 individuals, meaning when two or more meet, they form a small city.
Baboons are polytheistic, but only worship one of three gods:
Babi is considered a dark god, a red baboon symbolizing aggression and war, but also symbolizing safety and victory
Thoth is a neutral god of wisdom, often portrayed as a yellow baboon or an ibis, a sacred animal to the baboons.
Finally, there is Hapi, a black baboon who has the role of fertility and river god, but who also guards the underworld.
Baboons are divided into the following species:

Hamadryas (Papio Hamadryas Sapiens)

The northernmost of the Zebrican baboon tribes, the Hamadryas are also fairly good sailors, and are common in Saddle Arabia. They are also known as "Cliff Baboons" because of their preferred terrain.
The hamadryas are unusual among baboon species in that their society is strictly patriarchal. The males limit the movements of the females, herding them with visual threats and grabbing or biting any that wander too far away. Males will sometimes raid harems for females, resulting in aggressive fights. The hamadryas believe in strict rules for ritual combat: no tools beyond one's teeth and fists are allowed.
However, they will often raid nearby zebra villages, using bone and rock weapons.

Recently, many young hamadryas have actively joined Terran Union forces as foot soldiers. In battle, they are fierce, attacking with as much savagery as a Chimpanzee fighter.

Gelada (Theropithecus Gelada Sapiens)

Among the least aggressive of the baboons, the Geladas keep to themselves, travelling in groups in the Zebrican highlands. However, they are still fierce fighters. Unfortunately, they are secretive, so little is actually known about their culture.

Mandrill (Mandrillus Sphinx Sapiens)

Mandrills are jungle dwellers who live in live in large, stable groups called "hordes". Hordes often number in the hundreds, possibly averaging around 620 individuals and reaching as many as 845. They share good relations with the Gorillas and Bonobos, but keep their distance from Chimpanzees.

Unusually for most baboons, they share relatively good relations with equines, particularly zebras, often trading and sharing valuable medicinal knowledge.
Mandrills a well known for being very peaceful and inventive, as well as fun-loving and wise.

However, Mandrills have just as much a capacity for violence as other baboons, as shown with the two battling shamans above. Mandrills are also more likely to use tools in these fights, as well as strategically planning moves.

they can also be skilled combatants, with a martials arts-like fighting style

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Spherus Magnans (Perantiquus Entibus): https://www.fimfiction.net/group/204382/the-convergence-multiverse/thread/157039/races-spherus-magnans

Spherus Magnans are the oldest racial groups inhabiting Equestria, they came before the Equines, before the Gods, before the Saurians, infact, they came before any other forms of life, 400'000'000 (4 hundred million) years before any other life forms in fact. Spherus magnans are incredibly varied in their appearance, but they are all Biomechanical and possess extraordinarily long lives, for a Sperus Magnan 100'000 years is merely elderly. Spherus Magnans are divided into three major groups:
Bara Magnans: well adapted to deserts and barren lands
Aqua Magnans: suited for industrial living
Bota Magnans: Suited for lush jungles

Aqua Magnans
Matoran (Robustus paganum):

Vakama during his days as a Ta-Matoran, his type of build is the most common variation of Matoran found throughout the mid to lower band of Terra
The Matoran were the first beings created by the Great Beings for the Matoran Universe (the Mata Nui robot, now residing underground near Appeloosa). The first to be created served as prototypes for the others - the Av-Matoran. Because they were the first ones, they had abilities to channel their innate light powers and transform into Bohrok. Eventually, the other types of Matoran were created. The Matoran were brought into existence even before Mata Nui, and were helping in his construction, though they didn't know what exactly they were building. Some Matoran, that showed particular promise, were allowed to go to the Artakha refuge and work in the light. After the Universe was built and Mata Nui awakened, the Matoran spread across the universe. They made their homes in many different environments and had many different styles of living. Some Matoran came to rely completely on the technology and inventions for work and protection, others grew completely independent, with no help from Toa, Turaga,or other beings. The Matoran's purpose after the universe was built was to do their work, to keep the universe in balance. now however, they work as traders, 'handymen' and builders, among many other things.
Settlements: Matoran usually tend to live in groups by elements, and in areas with climates that best suit their preferences; for example, water-loving Ga-Matoran chose to live together near the seas of Ga-Wahi, while the heat-resistant Ta-Matoran chose to live together in fiery places like Ta-Wahi. In hostile places like Voya Nui, however, Matoran of different types often had to live in the same area, regardless of whether or not it suited their environmental preferences. Sometimes they also lived alongside other species, like on Stelt. In most cases, Matoran settlements were led by Turaga, but when no Turaga were around, the Matoran either chose an alternative (like the Matoran of Mahri Nui formed the Mahri Nui Council and the elected Leader of the Mahri Nui Council), or remained leaderless.
Beliefs: The Matoran usually serve the Great Spirit Mata Nui and the Great Beings. The Turaga often tell them the Legend of Mata Nui, how he was sent from "Paradise", to give the Matoran a purpose. The Matoran have a work-based culture and uphold many virtues, primarily Unity, Duty and Destiny.
Sports: The Matoran often engage in sporting activities. For example, a major sport in Metru Nui before the Great Cataclysm was Akilini. When the Matoran of Metru Nui migrated to Mata Nui, they invented a new game, called Kolhii. While on Mata Nui, the Turaga organized a Kolhii Tournament between the six Koros on the island. Of course, these two games weren't the only games the Matoran knew.
Matoran are classified by whichever Element they are affiliated with. Each type have a job, based on their attributes, to help keep the universe in balance. Although several were identified, there are more in existence.

Ta-Matoran, the Matoran of Fire, have a natural resistance to extreme heat and tend to value diligence and responsibility. All Ta-Matoran have red as the primary color of their armor, though they are often orange, yellow and black as well.

Ga-Matoran, the Matoran of Water, have a greater lung capacity than other Matoran, and are more agile underwater than other types of Matoran. They are generally peaceful and friendly. Their armor is always in shades of blue.

Le-Matoran, the Matoran of Air, have heightened agility and reflexes. Le-Matoran are often daring and lighthearted, tending to take crazy risks and enjoy a good practical joke. Their primary colors are shades of green, with some having turquoise as a secondary color.

Po-Matoran, the Matoran of Stone, have great physical strength. They frequently tend to be down-to-earth and practical, not putting too much stock in what they can't see and touch. Their primary colors are generally brown, tan, dull orange, black and sometimes yellow.

Onu-Matoran, the Matoran of Earth, have increased strength and night vision, but can be easily blinded by bright lights. They often have a great respect for the past. Their armor is primarily black, with purple, tan, dark grey and occasionally orange as secondary colors, and they always have green eyes.

Ko-Matoran, Matoran of Ice, have a natural resistance to extreme cold. They tend to be quiet to the point of being antisocial, and spend a lot of time pondering the future. All Ko-Matoran are primarily white, with grey and shades of pale blue. Their eyes are also always light blue

Av-Matoran, the Matoran of Light, were the first type of Matoran to be created. They have the ability to change their armor color and can shoot small light bolts from special energy swords. Their natural color scheme is white and gold.

Shadow Matoran were Matoran of other types who had their light drained, either by a Shadow Leech or a Kanohi Avsa. Shadow was not a natural Matoran element. They were always aligned with Makuta, and had the limited ability to launch shadow bolts. Their colors were black and a murky shade of their previous colors, and their eyes were always red. This type of matoran is no longer in existance

Fe-Matoran, the Matoran of Iron, have enhanced endurance, and are frequently skilled in metallurgy. and have armor in burnt orange and metallic colors. Many of them are called the Nynrah Ghosts.

De-Matoran, the Matoran of Sonics, are extremely sensitive to sound, preferring to live in quiet places. Their primary color is gray.

Ce-Matoran, the Matoran of Psionics, are resistant to all mental attacks. Their primary colors are blue and gold.

Ba-Matoran, the Matoran of Gravity, are resistance to high-gravity pressure. They are purple and black in color.

Su-Matoran, the Matoran of Plasma, are resistance to heat and sunlight. They are orange and white in color.

Vo-Matoran, the Matoran of Lightning, are resistant to electrical shocks. They are blue and white in color.

Fa-Matoran, the Matoran of Magnetism, have a better sense of direction. They are gunmetal gray and black in color.

Bo-Matoran, the Matoran of Plantlife, have a better understanding of plant attributes such as poisons. They are green and blue in color.

Toa (Fortis bello):

Toa Lhikan: Leader of the Toa
Some Matoran are predestined to do great things, these Matoran become Toa. They each have power over a specific element element, and they wear Kanohi, Masks of Power that provide them with additional "powers".
Toa each has a specific destiny that they have to try to fulfill in their lifetime. However, they are not predestined to fulfill a certain destiny, and they could fail trying to complete their destiny. Most Toa also hold a moral code that upholds justice and kept one from killing opponents, those who betrayed such codes are no longer considered "Toa".
Each Toa has a destiny to fulfill in their lifetime, though whether or not they fulfill it depends on the indevidual. For the most part, members of Toa Teams all have the same destiny, but in some special cases, such as Matoro, Lhikan, and Lesovikk, a certain Toa has a very different destiny than the rest of his or her team, which usually results in all of the team dying or becoming a Turaga before this Toa or the Toa dying or becoming a Turaga before the rest of his team.
Toa traditionally work in teams of six, with each member controlling a different element. However, Toa have been known to work alone (such as Lesovikk) or in larger groups when necessary (such as in the Toa/Dark Hunter War).
Toa are usually transformed from Matoran, but some of the early Toa (namely Helryx, Orde, and the Toa Mata) were created as Toa by the Great Beings. After fulfilling their destiny, Toa will become Turaga for the rest of their lives.
The way a Matoran looks when they became a Toa depends on their idea of how a Toa looks--Takua the Av-Matoran imagined Toa to look like the Toa Nuva did, and thus looked like a Toa Nuva when he became a Toa. The Toa Metru imagined Toa to look like Lhikan, and thus looked like him. (The Toa Inika, because they believed Toa looked like Toa Nuva, would have looked like Toa Nuva, except for their unique transformation by means of the Red Star)
Neu Toa:
Unlike normal Toa, who are either built as Toa or start out as a Matoran. Neu-Toa can start as any species and once changed they resemble 7-8ft. tall, bipedal versions of their original species with biomechanical implants. In addition to whatever elemental powers they earn they also Retain any traits from their original species such as weather manipulation, shape shifting and magic.
The elemental power of a Neu-Toa is often affected by their original species, for instance pegasi, Hippolanteans & Griffins have a higher chance of becoming Neu-Toa of Air, Water or Lightning do to their weather manipulation, aquatic and flight abilities. but this isn't always the case, other factors such as personality and even profession can play a part in determining the elemental power. and example of this would be Vinyl Scratch, before she became a Neu-Toa of sound she worked as a D.J. in a nightclub and produced her own music. But sometimes it can be totally random and even ironic at times, one example of this would be Echo; a warrior cast changeling who became a Neu-Toa of lightning, in essence becoming a walking Bug-zapper.
Siblings also have a higher chance of all becoming Toa, and example of this would be Autumn Skies (Neu-Toa of Iron - power most likely influenced by her past history as a royal guard and their use of iron in weapon making); soon after she became a Neu-Toa, her older brother and younger sister became Neu-Toa's of ice and fire respectively.
Neu-Toa have a moral code, but it isn't as strict as with true Toa. Whilst they won't kill unarmed, surrendering or innocent people, due to the common use of lethal force amongst their enemies. Neu-Toa will adopt lethal force against armed opponents that have tried to kill them and show no signs of surrendering or retreating, this also extends to opponents that try to kill any family or relatives deliberately; an example of this would be the case where a warrior class changeling attempted to kill the adoptive son of Toa Nova Blast, permanently injuring him in the process and forcing him to use a prosthetic arm for the rest of his life. Reports are unclear as to the fate of this changeling but there are rumors pertaining to the use of a large, airtight metal box, a can of 'Zyklon-B' and a bucket of water.

Turaga (Robustus maior):

Turaga Dume
Turaga are typically former Toa who have fulfilled their destiny and given up their Toa Power. Unlike Matoran, Turaga can access the powers of Kanohi, but only those of Noble Masks. They also have weakened Elemental Powers compared to Toa.

Makuta (Obscurum bellator:)

Few species are more infamous than Makuta. But it wasn't always like that, originally they were tasked by Mata Nui with creating new species of Rahi. In time, the Matoran came to wrongly praise Mata Nui for the Makutas work, and this drove them bitter with jealousy. So Teridax overthrew the then leader; Miserix and put Mata Nui into a deep sleep. 400 million years, and one epic conflict later, they are still infamous throughout the world of Terra.
all Makuta poses the following powers:
Accuracy - Could strike the smallest target at a great distance or in any environment or condition.
Adaptation - Instantly adapts to take maximum advantage of any condition or situation.
Anger - Had the power to turn even the Toa Nuva against one another in anger
Chain Lightning - Controlled devastating bolts of chain lightning that leaped between multiple targets.
Chameleon - Had the ability to become completely invisible in any environment.
Confusion - Extended proximity could reduce even a Toa Nuva to mindless babbling.
Cyclone - Had the power to create and control powerful cyclones at will.
Darkness - Had the power to consume all light in a large area; only Takanuva's light was stronger
Density Control - Complete control over own density and that of any object in physical contact
Disintegration - Had the power to reduce even protodermis to dust.
Dodge - Impossible to physically strike, no matter how swiftly or powerful.
Elasticity - Could stretch incredible lengths in the blink of an eye.
Electricity - Powerful electrical field could be controlled to surround or stun distant objects or creatures
Fear - Had the power to bring fear to the hearts of even the Toa Nuva.
Fire Resistance - Strong enough to withstand the heat of Tahu Nuva’s magma swords
Gravity - Used gravity control to crush any object in visual range
Heat Vision - Powerful long-range heat vision that could ignite any object within sight
Hunger - Had enough strength to drain the energy of a Toa Nuva
Ice Resistance - Impervious even to the cold of Kopaka Nuva’s ice blade.
Illusion - Could create and control multiple realistic illusions anywhere within sight.
Insect Control - Powerful enough to control and command an entire hive of Nui Rama.
Invulnerability - Absolutely invulnerable to physical harm of any kind.
Kraata Creation - Could create Kraata at anytime.
Laser Vision - Fired powerful eye-beams that could burn through solid protodermis.
Magnetism - Possessed magnetic powers strong enough to tear a slab of protodermis in two.
Mind Reading - Powerful enough to invade the mind of a Turaga or Toa Nuva.
Molecular Disruption - Had the power to utterly disintegrate any inorganic object with a touch.
Plant Control - Had total control over any plants in the area.
Plasma - Had the power to instantly melt any object into vapor.
Poison - Dangerously toxic even to a Toa Nuva.
Power Scream - Could shatter stone and could be heard all across the island.
Quick Healing - Almost indestructible;could be used to heal the injuries of others.
Rahi/animal Control - Had absolute control over every living Rahi or animal in the near area.
Shattering - Could reduce even Protodermis to rubble.
Silence - Aura of silence was powerful enough to temporarily deafen a Toa Nuva.
Sleep - Had the power to instantly put an entire village into deep sleep.
Slowness - Able to rob even a Toa Nuva of all speed as long as it remained nearby.
Sonics - Blasted distant objects with powerful waves of sonic force.
Stasis Field - Had the power to freeze a creature in near-permanent stasis through eye contact.
Teleportation - Had the power to teleport itself through any wall or other structure.
Vacuum - Had the power to create gale-force winds or instantly reverse their flow.
Weather Control - Could manifest powerful, dangerous thunderstorms and blizzards at will.
if an original Makuta is removed from his/her armour, they can only access their mental powers, they need a physical body to access the rest

Skadi (Pugnes fratres):

The Skakdi are a very brutal species originating from the island of Zakaz. They are tall and powerful, wearing what appears to be a permanent, bestial smile. They also have organic spines that extended from the back of their heads to their upper arms, which end In claws. The most well-known Skakdi are the Piraka.
The Skakdi were once quite a peaceful race, but when Spiriah, the Makuta assigned to their home island, visited Zakaz, he saw the potential for them becoming troops that would be able to serve the Brotherhood. He tampered with them, giving them many powers and abilities, so they could serve the Brotherhood of Makuta.
He then left Zakaz with a number of Visorak to watch over the island and to keep the Skakdi from evolving until he returned to deal with them, but the Skakdi killed the Visorak, and started a war against each other, fighting over "any three rocks put together".
The fighting got so bad that both the Brotherhood of Makuta and the Order of Mata Nui agreed to quarantine the island, this is the first (and only) time that they have both agreed on something.
After the Skakdi were tampered with, they developed vision-based powers, such as heat vision and impact vision, and also elemental powers, but they can only be activated when two Skakdi used them together. They also had the ability to use Kanohi powers as Vezon has demonstrated. Some Skakdi had additional abilities as well.
There are female Skakdi, but they are even more violent and brutal than the males

Steltians are actually two separate species:

Higher Steltians (Callidus bellator)

Intelligent, nimble and cunning, Higher Steltians are one of the species that form the nobility of the Spherus Magnans, as wells as being skilled warriors and excellent at bartering

Lower Steltians (Qui sequitur):

Unintelligent, hulking behemoths, Lower Steltians seemingly lack any form of common sense whatsoever:
Prince Nova - "You just stumbled into a canyon filled with dragons, one at the top of the canyon has spotted you and you are about to be the guest of honour at a barbeque. What are you going to do?”
Lower Steltian - “Smash him?”
Prince Nova - "He’s up there, You’re down here“
Lower Steltian - "He’s not up there. Did he run away?”
Prince Nova - “No, but why don’t you?”
Lower Steltian - “Because I like it here”
However, they aren't as stupid as they first seem, and once befriended can be extremely loyal, even willing to put their life before that of their friends. Although aggressive towards their enemies, some are known to have quite gentle temperaments towards allies.

Vortixx (Mulier operosae):

Originally hailing from the Island is Xia, Vortixx are an incredibly industrious race, on par with Humans in terms of inventiveness and one of the few industrial powers of the Matoran universe. they are best know for making weapons and war machines.
Vortixx are humanoid in appearance, but with certain reptilian characteristics, such as claws and tapered cranial surfaces. The more high-ranking females usually cover up the odd shape of their pate with elaborate headdresses. They, like nearly every other being native to the Matoran Universe, have natural protodermic armor grafted to their bodies. Many also have their claws specially modified for defensive use; Roodaka, for example, developed her claws to catch air-born Rhotuka spinners.
A typical Vortixx is every inch an opportunistic trader, always looking for the profit. They do not typically not seek for control over large groups, but rather attempt to gain wealth and personal glory. Nearly all Vortixx, male or female, are intelligent and calculating, and seek for their own power in any situation, whether or not it yet would directly involve them. This caused several Vortixx to be executed by the Brotherhood of Makuta for performing actions or going places specifically part of Makuta business.

Bara Magnans:

Similar to Matoran. There were originally eight types of Agori: the Fire Tribe, Water Tribe, Ice Tribe, Jungle Tribe, Rock Tribe, Iron Tribe, Earth Tribe, and Sand Tribe. After the disaster that hit Bara Magna in 99,000 BGC (100,000 years before the awakening of Mata Nui), the Sand Tribe reverted to primitive, bestial Zesk. Similar to the Agori but a separate species were the Bone Hunters.
The Agori are very similar to Matoran; in fact, the Great Beings modeled Matoran after Agori. However, the Agori have no innate elemental power. Agori can live to be as old as Matoran or even older, but can eat like humans do. It is unknown how they reproduce, but it is known that they do, unlike Matoran, Agori also are fully organic when they come into being, and choose whether to receive biomechanical implants, and most usually do.
The five tribes have mainly stayed separate. They still fight with each other for resources with the use of Glatorian, but friendships between tribes are not frowned upon.
Before the disaster, Agori were much more advanced, but post-disaster, they were only good at fixing things, not creating new things. Agori like Tarduk and Berix looked for leftover remnants of ancient Agori technology buried in the deserts of Bara Magna. In the 400'000'000 years since then, they have started to return to a level of advancement similar to all those many eons ago, and are now well versed in the use of Airships and other vehicles, and electrical technology such as lights, appliances and televisions (they are on par with 21st century Humans in this regard).


"I Zesk. No talk. Leave me!"
The Zesk were once usual Agori and members of the Sand Tribe. However, the Great Beings experimented with their genes, giving them stinger tails, four eyes, and made them walk on all four legs. After the Shattering, they regressed into little more than beasts. They lived with the Vorox, who had also regressed from Glatorian. The Zesk are protected by the Vorox, as they are not good fighters, instead they are good at stealing food, which the Vorox are not very good at. They speak a primitive, broken dialect of common after they were regressed.


Despite being one of the closest beings to Toa (Matoran/Turaga) they can't use mask powers seeing as they don't use kanohi, instead they wear powerless helmets. Up until Mata Nui's arrival, they couldn't use elemental powers. However, five of them eventually were given elemental powers by Mata Nui, using the Ignika.
The Glatorian were originally the warrior species on Spherus Magna. They live with the Agori in the villages. The Skrall are an off shoot of the main Species that lived with the Rock Tribe. During the Core War, they served as soldiers who fought under the Elemental Lords for the control of Energized Protodermis. When the planet was split into three worlds, a large majority of them were stranded on the desert fragment, which became known as Bara Magna. To avoid conflicts between the tribes that could lead to a second war, Certavus, Tarix and a few other Glatorian came together to outline a new social system. This new society drafted the soldiers as gladiators to decide the outcome of future disputes. Many of these new "Glatorian" were loyal to a single village and would fight solely for that village. Some Glatorian, however, would fight if hired by a tribe for a reasonable price. Those who did not join the system became nomads and bandits out in the wastelands. The Skrall were at one point drafted into the system, generally going undefeated within the arena. Despite being part of the species, the Vorox were not included in this system, due to their devolution into primitive beasts. Nowadays, they still fight in the arenas, alongside many of the Aqua Magnan Species, but it's largely for tradition, and they are, on the whole, united


"We fight. We win. We take. We are Skrall!"
The Skrall are a species of warriors led by a leader class Skrall, particularly Tuma, that lived in the northern parts of Bara Magna until the reformation of Spherus Magna. They are a closely related species to the main Glatorian race, and also participate in New Altero arena matches, though they aren't technically allied with the Glatorians, remaining 'neutral
Skrall society is rather odd compared to Glatorians, most Skrall don't have names, and those that do only received them due to being the best of the best in the arena

Elite Skrall:

These Skrall are stronger and much more bulky compared to their warrior brethren, and much more skilled fighters.

Leader Class Skrall

"Did this pathetic weakling really think he could bring down the mighty Tuma!?"
Practically extinct, this tall subspecies of Skrall is represented by a grand total of one individual - Tuma...who is in exile for losing an arena match

Sisters of the Skrall

The Sisters of the Skrall are the female members of the Skrall species, driven away from the male members of the Rock Tribe.
The female Skrall were long ago given psychic abilities by Annona - an ancient inhabitant of Spherus Magna who would later feed off of the Iron Tribe's minds, causing the Dreaming Plague - and they absorbed knowledge beyond that of the male Skrall. Due to this, the female Skrall were shunned and excluded by the males.
Unlike the males, the Sisters of the Skrall don't wear armor, helmets, or carry weapons. Instead, they carry staffs and wear robes to conceal themselves. They can use their mental abilities to cause pain and cast illusions. They also hate the male Skrall for what they did to them long ago, and see no greater good than having all the Skrall males wiped out. They are also extremely distrusting of males of any sapient races in general, they currently reside in the Appleloosan mountains, just south of New Altero.

Desert Vorox:

Desert Vorox are extremely primitive, driven by basic needs for food and shelter. They have become little more than beasts, but they are extremely skilled hunters with keen senses. Cunning but not very bright, like a beast they are frightened of things like fire and lightning. Vorox make traveling to different places difficult for other species. Most other species find them savage, brutal and strange.
Vorox hunt in packs, with no more than 4-6 Vorox used to hunt small creatures, though 15-20 Vorox are used to hunt large creatures, whilst whole clans could be composed of thousands. Aside from when forced to, the Vorox do not participate in Bara Magna's social system. They can speak a broken version of Common, however. Unlike the Skrall, Vorox have individual names, but these are only used among each other.


Ancient Skrall for "Silent Death", Baterra have the ability to shapeshift in order to camouflage themselves to their environment, and to aid in ambushing their victims. The Baterra are equipped with scythe-like claws, which could be used in melee combat. They only attack individuals armed with weapons, but are to still be avoided at all costs

Element Lords:

"Once I was a warrior, like the ones held here. Then I and five of my brothers were chosen by the Great Beings for the honor of leading the villages of Spherus Magna. We were changed by their power, made one with our elements, and given armor and weapons to defend our people. We were no longer like Agori, or anyone else. We became nature itself, as benevolent, giving, ruthless, and indifferent as that can mean."
The Element Lords were seven extremely powerful beings created by the Great Beings. Until the Shattering, each of them led their respective tribes.
The Element Lords possessed Elemental powers on a scale far greated than that of Toa, although they wielded the same powers. When the Great Beings were creating the Matoran Universe, they based the Elemental powers of the Toa off of those of the Element Lords.
As part of their powers, each Element Lord possesses the power to create, control, and absorb their respective Element. Their control over their element is extremely great, and each are immune to damage inflicted by their own element. In addition to this, each Element Lord can also "possess" their portions of their element, allowing them to animate it from over a great distance. As a side affect of this power, if their essence is damaged or destroyed while possessing their element, then the Element Lord currently inhabiting that substance would be damaged or killed.
Each Element Lord possess their own personality, which fundamentally remained the same after their transformation. However, as part of the transformation, each Element Lord came to possess the traits of their respective Element; eventually, they came to embrace this, and acted accordingly.

The Element Lord of Fire (Pictured), former ruler of the Fire Tribe. Ruled over the Great Volcano and the surrounding area. Curantly resides in the Dragon lands of Equestria.

The Element Lord of Water, former ruler of the Water Tribe. Ruled over the Aqua Magna region of Spherus Magna. Currently resides in the great Ocean between the Southern and Northern Continents.

The Element Lord of Jungle, former ruler of the Jungle Tribe. Ruled over the Bota Magna region of Spherus Magna, Currently resides in New Damhi.

The Element Lord of Sand, former ruler of the Sand Tribe. Ruled over the Bara Magna region of Spherus Magna. Now resides in the Appleloosan Desert.

The Element Lord of Rock, former ruler of the Rock Tribe. Ruled over the Black Spike Mountains, the White Quartz Mountains, and the Skrall homeland. Currently resides in the Appleloosan Desert, waging war with the Element Lord of Sand.

The Element Lord of Ice, former ruler of the Ice Tribe. Ruled over the Northern Frost. Currently resides in the frozen north.

The Element Lord of Earth, former ruler of the Earth Tribe. Currently commands a massive pack of Diamond dogs in Equestria.

Bota Magnans:
Bota Magnans can currently be found in the New Damhi and the Island of Jockpan, living much like they did in pre-reformation days, most of the species that were from Bara Magna are also from Bota Magna, so for the sake of not repeating myself, i shall only focus on races unique to Bota Magna:


Kaitiaki are the villagers of the Bota Magnan races, much like Matoran and Agori. They are advanced enough to use energy weapons, such as ranged weaponry, but they also posses energy blades.
Noho: The Noho are a subspecies of kaitiaki, but differ from their ground dwelling relatives by being completely adapted to life in the trees.
In appearance they resemble a cross between an Orang Utang and a sloth, with broud shoulders, long arms and ape like proportions, and four "hands", one at the end of each arm and leg, which they use to swiftly traverse the vine covered trees of New Damhi. These hands lack opposable thumbs, instead having just two long, blade-like digits, these claws can sometimes reach up to a foot in length, making the Noho rather ungainly on the ground
Also known as the Skull Army, they are currently they only group on Equestria that is actively against the Terran Union Alliance. though they are so far, only a mild annoyance to the alliance.

Forest Vorox:
Forest Vorox are much more intelligent that their Desert dwelling brethren, and are one of the active tribes alongside the Bota Magnan Glatorians

Forest Zesk:
Like Forest Vorox, Forest Zesk did not regress during the shattering and are also villagers, just like the Bota Magnan Agori


Mutated by Visorak, Hordika-kind can be any species, from Toa to Makuta. there is a society of those that have been mutated and shunned living in Hordika Valley, they all posses an animalistic drive, as well as enhanced senses and reflexes, and are usually equipped with natural weapons such as blades permanently fused to their right arms

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Alien species:


The highest caste in the Covenant, the San'Shyuum, or "Prophets" as they are known by humans, led the Covenant and exerted complete control over all religious and political affairs. Though physically weak, Prophets wielded power through absolute command of the Covenant and through scavenged Forerunner technology, leaving the task of conquest to the Sangheili and the other races. Along with the Sangheili, the San'Shyuum had members on the Covenant High Council.


The Sangheili, or "Elites" as they are known by humans, served as the military leaders of the Covenant before the Great Schism. Along with the San'Shyuum, the Sangheili were one of the two founding races of the Covenant, and were the only race other than the San'Shyuum to have members on the High Council. The Sangheili are the only race within the Covenant permitted to build and command starships within the Covenant, though the crews are always composed of a mix of races.


The Jiralhanae, or "Brutes" as they are known by humans, were the most recent addition to the Covenant, and served as soldiers and bodyguards within the Covenant military until their promotion during the Great Schism. Although initially of low status within the hierarchy, the Jiralhanae gained greater prominence within the Covenant prior to the Great Schism, with the Chieftain of the Jiralhanae, Tartarus, answering to the Hierarchs themselves. After the Sangheili were deposed, the Jiralhanae were given command of the Covenant military.

Lekgolo, Mgalekgolo, and Sbaolekgolo

The Lekgolo are a race of worm-like creatures that can combine to form large, intelligent assemblages called Mgalekgolo, known by humans as "Hunters". Clad in nearly impenetrable armor and armed with their trademark Assault Cannon, they served as the Covenant's heaviest ground troops. Many of these creatures joined the Sangheili during the Great Schism.


Hailing from Balaho, the Unggoy, or "Grunts" as they are known by humans, were the most common and low-ranking caste of the Covenant. They breathe methane gas, and thus must wear a large tank on their back full of methane to survive on other planets. Relations between the Unggoy and the Kig-Yar are strained in the best of times. Many of these creatures joined the Sangheili and the Jiralhanae during the Great Schism.

Kig-Yar and T'vaoan

The Kig-Yar, or "Jackals" or "Skirmishers" as they are known by humans, were the scouts and marksmen of the Covenant military due to their superior senses. They were among the lower Covenant castes and are about 6'2" tall.


The Yanme'e, or "Drones" as they are known by humans, are flying, insectoid species that served almost exclusively as engineers in the Covenant Empire. They were eventually replaced by the Huragok, and were used as aerial combatants against the UNSC, who are inexperienced at fighting airborne infantry.


The Huragok, or "Engineers" as they are known by the humans, are an artificial species created by the Forerunners. They only conversed with the San'Shyuum or individuals who learn their language.[81] The Huragok performed the physical labor of excavating and gathering data on Forerunner artifacts. In military terms, they were generally a non-militant race. Many of the Huragok joined the Sangheili during the Great Schism.

Known colonies[edit]
Urs system
Sanghelios – Sangheili homeworld
Qikost – Sangheili colony
Suban – Sangheili colony
Oth Sonin system
Doisac – Jiralhanae homeworld
Warial – Jiralhanae colony
Teash – Jiralhanae colony
Tala system
Balaho – Unggoy homeworld
Buwan – Small Covenant outpost colony
Y'Deio system
Ap'ot – Orbital port city
Eayn – Kig-Yar homeworld
Dal'koth – Kig-Yar asteroid colony
T'vao – T'vaoan asteroid homeworld
Napret system
Palamok – Yanme'e homeworld
Ka'amoti – Yanme'e colony
Oquiu – Yanme'e colony
Svir system
Te – Lekgolo homeworld
Rantu – Lekgolo colony
Rentus – Lekgolo colony
51 Pegasi system
51 Pegasi B
Pegasi Delta – Home to a starship fuel refinery and staging area destroyed by SPARTAN-II

The Crystal Gems and Homeworld Gems

"Gems" are an extra-terrestrial species of magical beings. Their origins, history, and culture are at this point not well understood, although numerous small hints throughout the series imply that Gems are an interstellar race which at one point maintained several outposts on Equestria, but suddenly fled and left many of their artifacts to ruin, with the only Gems currently on Earth being the Crystal Gems and the corrupted Gem Monsters.


Rose Quartz
Lapis Lazuli
Yellow Diamond


Rainbow Quartz

Hybrid Fusions:

Forced Fusion:
The Cluster
Corrupted Gems
Centipeetle Mother
Gem shards
Worm Monster
Gem Cave Creature
Big Bird
Heaven Beetle
Earth Beetle
Watermelon Tourmaline
Ice Monster
Invisible Gem Monster
Lighthouse Gem Monster
Tardigrade Gem Monster
The Slinker
Crab Gem Monster
Desert Glass
Unknown Giant Gem Monster

Unnamed Gem Warrior (Sworn to the Sword flashbacks)
Obelisk Gem (Serious Steven)


Gems are characterized by their gemstone, which is embedded somewhere on their body. Each Gem shown thus far is unique (excluding Pearl's/Peridot's gem placement), and the gemstone seems to be analogous to the brain or CPU. So far we have only seen gems take a feminine humanoid form but are capable of taking any form they want to, with their palettes mirroring the color palettes of their gemstone.

Gems have the ability to customize their physical forms, which are made of hard light, at will, with their only constant feature being their gemstone and color palette. Because of this, all Gems are inherently sexless. While the species lacks sexual dimorphism, they choose to manifest with feminine physical forms, with the only exception thus far being Steven, due to his half human parentage. Gems' physical forms mimic all attributes to the human body, including major vital organ systems. They, however, do not need to eat and sleep to survive.

Gems have numerous abilities, such as weapon-summoning, fusion, the power to 'store' material in their gemstones (it is unknown if this ability has a limit), and the ability to conjure bubbles. It should be noted that not all Gems are capable of summoning a personal weapon: Lapis Lazuli replaces this ability with hydrokinesis (the ability to manipulate water). All Gems seem to have the ability to harness/transfer energy through their weapons, such as Garnet using her gauntlets to charge Greg's van, Pearl firing an energy blast from the tip of her spear, and Amethyst sending bursts of energy through her whip(s). In addition, many Gems have specialized abilities as well, such as Lapis Lazuli's ability to manipulate water, and Pearl's ability to manipulate sand.

Gems are functionally immortal, unable to die from aging or food-poisoning, but they can still die if their gemstone is destroyed. When a Gem's physical body is badly injured, they will retreat into their gemstone to regenerate. The regeneration time depends on the individual Gem. Pearl's regeneration lasted two weeks, but Amethyst's have taken mere seconds, although she did suffer physical deformities as a result. It seems that when a gemstone is bubbled, it prevents regeneration from taking place. Furthermore, Gems are superhumanly strong and durable. For example, in "House Guest", Garnet effortlessly lifts up Greg's van, and in "Keep Beach City Weird", Ronaldo hurts his hand when Pearl blocks his punch with her open palm.

Gems can shape-shift into a perfect copy of anything they wish, albeit with a gem and their color scheme. This is different than a regeneration in the fact that it takes place instantly and the Gem's body does not retreat into its gemstone. While regeneration is a semi-permanent way to alter a gem's body, it, unlike shape-shifting, cannot be instigated, instead, a gem must have damage to their form to cause it. Shape-shifting is not permanent and cannot be sustained for long periods of time.

If their gemstone is damaged, a Gem may go through glitch-like deformities. It is also noteworthy that a Gem's gemstone can be used as a power source, even if damaged. Gem Shards function similarly, which appear to be the remnants of a shattered gemstone and, as described by Pearl, were used by other Gems to create "drones" and could grant rudimentary sentience to their containers. Gem Shards that have also been fused together over time of compression will also regenerate and glitch into The Cluster.


>There are two known groups of Gems: Homeworld Gems and Crystal Gems.
>The Homeworld Gems wished to exploit Earth and established a foothold on the planet, by which they used to create new Gems, known as a Kindergarten. The "Homeworld Gems", whose agents include Peridot, Jasper, Lapis Lazuli and their currently unseen superior known as Yellow Diamond, are hinted to be a hostile military that invades planets, bleeds their natural resources dry, and leaves them for dead.
>The Crystal Gems are a group of rebels who chose to join Rose Quartz in the fight against Homeworld in order to defend Equestria. The only Crystal Gems that remain are Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven, whose mother was Rose Quartz.
>Over five thousand years before the start of the series, Rose Quartz organized the Crystal Gems to oppose the Homeworld Gems. The Crystal Gems won, as stated by Pearl in "Rose's Scabbard", and the Homeworld Gems were driven from Earth, leaving behind many relics and temples.
>To this point, all Crystal Gems gemstones are rounded, while the Homeworld Gems gemstones are pointed.
>Gem civilization is very advanced, capable of creating spaceships, pocket dimensions, and teleporters.
>Gem culture is quite different from human culture, given the Crystal Gems' confusion over seemingly everyday human cultural practices, such as birthdays and video games.
>The Gem culture is an ancient one, predating all known human civilizations.
>Gems have their own written language, which is inscribed on many of their temples.
>Gem architecture can be seen scattered across the Earth in the form of the structures, such as the Lunar Spire, the Communication Hub and the Galaxy Warp.
>While there has never been mention of Gems practicing any form of spiritualism, the existence of the Moon Goddess Statue, along with the Sea Shrine and the Pyramid Temple, imply some sort of belief system.
>While Gems are incapable of reproduction, romantic relationships do exist in their society, such as that of Ruby and Sapphire.


>Typically, Gems do not have genders.
>Gem culture doesn't have a gender binary or a concept of gender.
>Gems refer to each other using feminine pronouns, but have no particular reason for doing so beyond arbitrary convenience.
>In their default state, Gems typically appear feminine by human standards, and they can use their shapeshifting abilities to deliberately assume
overtly gendered forms.
>Steven is an exception because he is half-human.
>Stevonnie's precise canonical gender is currently unspecified, however Matt Burnett has stated that Stevonnie uses gender-neutral they /
them pronouns.

>While Gems don't typically have gender identities, an individual Gem could identify as male or female.


It has been confirmed by Rebecca Sugar that Gems don't naturally reproduce and lack reproductive organs by default.

It is revealed that Gems from the Gem Homeworld used what is now a canyon on Equestria, referred to as "Kindergarten", to create new Gems; and that Amethyst was one such Gem. The methods used to accomplish this involved the large Injectors planting Gems in the holes they drilled in the Earth's surface, such as the hole which Amethyst claims, "This is where I was made." As they incubated, the planted gems would leach away the life from the ground. This made the process very invasive to the environment and deadly to the point where, if it were allowed to continue, it would lead to "the destruction of all life on Earth". Amethyst refers to all the Gems created through the process, herself included, as "parasites".

While biological reproduction is an alien concept to Gems, it is not impossible for them; while Gems can't reproduce with each-other they can create Gem-hybrid offspring. Through shape-shifting, they can perfectly replicate reproductive organs of organic beings for their "human constructs" in order to reproduce.[14] Rose Quartz, so far, is the only Gem to have done this as she did so in order to give birth to her son, Steven. This resulted in her gemstone being passed down onto her son; an action which also caused the destruction of her physical form, "killing" her.

Corrupted Gems

Pearl states, "All Gems aren't necessarily good". Gem Monsters are in fact either "corrupted"/"broken" Gems which, presumably, were unable to maintain humanoid form and sentience.


>It is established that Fusions are capable of further fusing with Gems.
>Fusions tend to highly exaggerate whatever personality traits are shared amongst the majority of the Gems comprising the Fusion. Sugilite inherits her impulsive and irrational behavior from Ruby and Amethyst, while Sardonyx gets her haughty and self-absorbed personality from Sapphire and Pearl.
>Fusions created by Gems with opposing personalities tend to exhibit little to no personality of their own, remaining silent for extended periods,
or flipping between the personalities of the constituent Gems. Opal and Alexandrite are examples of such Fusions. Garnet herself has a strong-
but-silent personality, and has occasionally lapsed into schizophrenic speech during stressful situations.
>When Gems in a given Fusion have incompatible personalities, or have conflicting motives for fusing, and for whatever reason do not (or can not) terminate the Fusion, it results in an Unstable Fusion. When this happens, the constituent Gems risk losing touch with their individual personalities the longer the Fusion persists.
>Sugilite is the first example of Gems remaining as an unstable Fusion for too long. It can be surmised that this case arose because Ruby and
Amethyst have many similarities in personality, while Sapphire's personality strongly contrasts with both. Sapphire's presence was enough to
cause instability, but not enough to "outvote" Ruby and Amethyst and cancel the Fusion.
>Malachite is another example. At the end of "Jail Break", Jasper is clearly trying to escape the Fusion. Either Jasper has very low willpower (not
unlikely, considering her barbaric personality), or Lapis Lazuli has a great deal of mental fortitude, or a combination of both.
>The majority of known Gem weapons are medieval: Garnet's gauntlets, Pearl's spear, Amethyst's whip, Steven/Rose's shield, Opal's longbow, Sugilite's flail, Jasper's crash-helmet, Ruby's gauntlet, and Sardonyx's war hammer.
>Some Gems are connected to birthstones (by month).
>Garnet - January
>Rose Quartz - January (alternative)
>Amethyst - February
>Jasper - March (alternative)
>Diamond - April
>Pearl - June
>Alexandrite - June (alternative)
>Ruby - July
>Peridot - August
>Sardonyx - August (alternative)
>Sapphire - September
>Lapis Lazuli - September (alternative)
>Opal - October
>Tourmaline - October (alternative)
>The gems themselves correspond with the Gems' personalities.
>Amethyst is a stone associated with love. The stone itself is associated with Dionysus, the god of wine and intoxication. Amethyst is not a clear
thinker, but is fun-loving.
>Pearl is a stone associated with purity. Pearl is mature, wise, and perfectionistic.
>Garnet is a stone that protects from evil. Garnet is the most powerful of the Crystal Gems and often saves the day. She is also the leader of the
Crystal Gems.
>Rose Quartz is a stone associated with love and joy. Steven is the most caring, and upbeat of the Gems, and Rose Quartz was very loving and
had a joyful personality.
>Lapis Lazuli is a stone associated with gods and power. She is a powerful Gem, nearly capable of defeating the Crystal Gems, in the midst of a
cracked gem.
>Peridot is a stone associated with the heart chakra, bringing balance and relieving stress. Peridot is shown to be level-headed and calculated, if
not passionate about her work.
>Jasper is a stone associated with compassion and maternity, ironic considering Jasper's savage and aggressive temperament.
>However, the gemstone is also associated with fire, so this could lead to Jasper's ill-temper.
>Their gemstone placement seems to correspond to their personalities, actions, and how they think.
>Amethyst's gem is over her heart; she tends to be fun-loving, and often does whatever she wants.
>Pearl's gem is on her forehead; she tends to over-think things, a perfectionist mindset, as well as being very intelligent.
>Garnet's gems are on her hands; she tends to not talk often and respond through action instead.
>Steven's gem is over his stomach; he tends to go with his gut instinct and is often hungry, and like his mother he is very loving and caring.
>Lapis Lazuli's gem is placed over the center of her spine; she sprouts wings from her gem and has been shown to be very vulnerable
>Peridot's gem is on her forehead; she is shown to be very intelligent (a trait she shares with Pearl) and dedicated to her mission.
>Jasper's gem is placed over her nose; she is very self-centered and primal.
>The process for each Gem to summon their weapons depends on a different state of mind for each of them.
>Amethyst places little effort or concentration, claiming that it "just happens" when she needs to summon her weapon.
>Pearl claims that her process as being perfect and calculated, using the science of a flower petal dancing in the wind to describe how hard work
and dedication can help master the properties of one's own gemstone and "perform their own dance".
>Garnet claims that she summons her gauntlets by linking her mind with the energy of all existing matter, channeling the collective power of the
universe through her gem(s), matching her calm and meditative temperament.
>Steven's means of summoning his shield is still unknown, though it is thought to be caused when he experiences pure joy, having first activated
his gem after taking a bite of his favorite ice-cream sandwich, his ability to summon his weapon can also be attributed to the feelings of love and
the desire to protect. According to Mr. Gus in "Say Uncle", Steven's powers are maternal, meaning his powers react to his emotion, although this
is questionable as the episode is considered to be non-canon.
>Jasper may be able to summon her weapon when under a berserk mindset.
>Ian Jones-Quartey has stated that Steven is the first Gem to use masculine pronouns.
>Rebecca Sugar and Ian Jones-Quartey have stated that Gems use female pronouns by default.[15]
>Gems are said to be genderless, but in their human forms they are anatomically constructed as women and referred to as such.
>This is demonstrated as Pearl called Lapis "she."
>Pearl also referred to Rose Quartz as "she", while reminiscing in "Rose's Scabbard".
>Garnet, Pearl, and Steven referred to Peridot as "she".
>Garnet referred to Jasper as "she".
>Gem's physical bodies are capable of producing bodily fluids, such as saliva, tears, mucus etc. Furthermore Pearl can be observed to have scrapes on her "skin".
>Each individual Gem seems to have a blood color that matches their own color palette, with Pearl's blood being a light-blue, and Amethyst's
blood being a dark-purple. This is observed based on the color of a Gem's blush.
>Pearl referred to their bodies as "human construct(s).
>Ian Jones-Quartey has stated that Gems do possess DNA, and that Rose Quartz was able to pass her traits on to Steven, although this would contradict Pearl's implication that Gems are inorganic.
>Gem-hybrids can fuse with humans, such as Steven did with Connie to form Stevonnie, but it's unknown if hybrids can fuse with Gems.
>Gems cannot fuse with humans.
>Thus far, all Gem regenerations have reflected how their last body was destroyed.
>Pearl has a large ribbon wrapped around her waist, much like a bandage, from when she was stabbed.
>Garnet's color scheme is split down the middle of her, much like how she was diffused.
>Amethyst's design is more tightened, reflecting how she was squeezed to retreating.
>When a Gem is reduced to it's Gemstone, it can be bubbled or trapped in an object making it impossible to reform.
>It is hinted at that there could be multiple gems with the same type of gemstone
>Both Jasper and Pearl herself have referred to her as "a Pearl", implying there are more.
>It is unknown if the placement and shape of a gemstone is a choice, or a default.
Gems' skin tones are always related to the color of their gemstones, however they don't always match precisely, for example Rose Quartz's skin tone has a lighter, peachier shade than her gemstone.
>A Gem's physical form's size may correspond to their strength. For example, Rose Quartz, Jasper, and Garnet are extremely strong Gems, and their forms are larger than most Gems seen so far. Peridot and Pearl are also about the same size and strength, and are the "standard" Gem size.
>Pearl has been shown the absorb objects into her gem and has gotten sick when she absorbed too many objects into her gem, it's unclear whether other gems can do this.
>It is Implyed that Gems either don't need to breathe, can hold their breath for long periods of time, or breathe differently from humans.


The Galvan are a species of small bipedal frog-like amphibians.

Galvan are about five inches tall on average. Their bodies consist of soft and flexible bones, allowing them to squeeze into tight spaces or quickly escape from danger.

The Galvan have large, bulbous, green eyes with thin lines for pupils. Unlike humans, Galvan eyelids close horizontally and from both sides of the eye. Galvan from Dimension 23 have blue eyes.

Infant Galvan look like tadpoles; they have tails and lack legs, but they grow legs and shed their tails at a time they call "wisdom feet".

Female Galvan grow thin tendrils on their head. Male Galvan don't until they are adults.

The Galvan originally had no empire to speak of, instead they were being first kept as pets and then employed by other species as industrial technicians, spies, and saboteurs once their intelligence became known.

The Galvan were smart enough to keep the best secrets for themselves, eventually amassing enough knowledge to build a powerful empire of their own, based on the technology that they kept from the rest of the universe.

According to Professor Paradox, most of the Galvan are known as technological geniuses.

Powers and Abilities
The Galvan are naturally extremely intelligent, and can enter complex machines and operate them from the inside. This allows them to understand and operate virtually any machine, even if they've never seen it before. Their intelligence also allows them to understand intricate codes and languages.

When the situation requires it, the Galvan are able to jury-rig or improvise weapons and emergency repairs, using whatever materials that they have on hand, (ie: loose change, belt buckles, shoelaces, etc).

With the microscopic pads that cover their bodies, the Galvan can stick to almost any surface. Their slime makes them equally difficult to grab.

Not built for combat, the Galvan can evade and outsmart their enemies, rather than fight them head on.

The Galvan have extremely long life-spans, with Azmuth himself already several thousand years old.

The Galvan have teeth sharp enough to produce a painful bite.

Similar to frogs, the Galvan have long sticky tongues , which they use to capture insects for food.

According to Derrick J. Wyatt, the Galvan have gills and are amphibious.

A Galvans' main brain has the appearance of a glowing green sphere, which is able to survive completely separate from their body and speak. Celestia and Pearl explain that Galvans also possess a pre-brain, which handles basic bodily functions, much like the medulla oblongata does for the human brain. However, this pre-brain is simplistic and childish.

The Galvan are insectivores.

Azmuth also has a liking for smoothies.

The Galvan are the creators of much of the great technology and made many discoveries in the universe, such as:

Potis Altiare (by the Ancient Galvan)
Ascalon (by Azmuth)
Omnitrix (by Azmuth)
Unitrix (by Azmuth)
Prototype Omnitrix (by Azmuth)
Ultimatrix (by Azmuth, modified by Albedo)
Galvanic Mechamorphs through Helix (by Azmuth)
Null Guardians
The Null Void
Anti-Gravity Projector
Primus (by Azmuth)
Voliticus Biopsis (by Azmuth)
Universal Translators
Mechamorph Armor (by Azmuth)
Rebuilt Galvan Prime (Galvan Mark II)
Proto-Tech Armor
Galvan Jetpack
Life-Form Lock Microchip (by Blukic and Driba)
Shrink Ray
Galvanian Skeuomorph (by Azmuth)
Digitrix (by Azmuth)

Notable Galvan:

Azmuth, a Notable Galvan
Grey Matter (the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Galvan)
Grey Matter (RAT Timeline)
Azmuth (Dimension 23)
Albedo (true form)
Galvan Teacher
Galvan Major

Notable Galvan Hybrids:

Diamond Matter (½ Petrosapien)
Kevin 11 (1/11 Galvan)

Evolved Galvan:

Evolved Galvan have huge heads, with their brain pushing outwards. They have noticeably small arms and legs, and as such require a hovercraft just to move and support their head.

Evolved Galvan have a third eye in the middle of their head. Like normal Galvan, evolved Galvan eyelids close horizontally and from both sides of the eye.

Only a male evolved Galvan has been seen, so it's unknown what female evolved Galvan look like.

Powers and Abilities
Evolved Galvan can fire a powerful energy beam from their middle eye.

Like regular Galvan, evolved Galvan have sharp teeth.

Evolved Galvan can predict multiple scenarios and plan for each one.

Notable Evolved Galvan
Ultimate Albedo (the recreated Ultimatrix's evolved Galvan)

The name Galvan is a play on the word "galvanization" which is a process used to prevent iron from rusting.

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin


Digimon, short for "Digital Monsters", are mysterious lifeforms that were discovered in the Computer Network in 1997. The word "Digimon" is typically invariable in the plural, though there are some cases where the term is pluralized as "Digimons". Digimon include almost all the creatures that reside within a parallel universe called the "Digital World." There are many different species of Digimon, as well as unconfirmed and new generations of Digimon yet to be revealed. The rate of new Digimon species continuously increase as the Digital World expands each year.

Digimon hatch from eggs called Digi-Eggs. They age via a process called "Digivolution" which changes their appearance and increases their physical powers. Some Digimon act feral, like wild animals. Most, however, possess human intelligence, speech, and personality traits. It was mentioned that, if a partner Digimon were to be separated from their partner, then they would start to become weaker.

They age in a similar fashion to real living organisms, but do not die under normal circumstances because they are made of reconfigurable data. Old Digimon and Digimon who receive fatal wounds dissolve into infinitesimal bits of data. The data then recomposes itself as a Digi-Egg, and the Digimon goes through its life cycle again. Digimon who are reincarnated in this way will sometimes retain some or all their memories of their previous lifespan. However, if a Digimon's data is "downloaded" or if the data is completely deleted or destroyed, it will permanently die. In special cases, some Digimon do not get reincarnated despite their data still existing. A famous example is the Wizardmon, whose data remains in the Real World following his death and thus is not reconfigured.


Digivolution is a legendary power, and the process by which a Digimon "ages" and grows up into larger and more powerful forms. Although the word "Digivolution" is a portmanteau for "Digital Evolution", Digivolution is in fact more similar to metamorphosis in that Digivolution changes a Digimon from one form to another, sometimes wildly disparate form, very quickly.

Digivolution for Digimon is similar to aging for humans—it is generally a one-way journey whereby a Digimon will grow into a new form as they age and gain battle experience and data. However, moving from one form to another becomes progressively more difficult. Therefore, very few Digimon will ever naturally digivolve into their final most powerful forms.

However, for the Digimon who are partnered with human allies such as Tamers or DigiDestined, Digivolution becomes far more flexible. Digimon who form bonds with a human are able to digivolve more easily, generally through the use of a Digivice owned by the human. In such cases, the Digimon is channeled large amounts of energy and is therefore able to instantaneously digivolve to a higher level. However, these Digimon will generally de-digivolve or degenerate back into a lower form after a fight. Digimon partnered to humans are also commonly able to use special forms of Digivolution not naturally available, giving these Digimon many different forms. These include Armor Digivolution and Biomerge Digivolution.

In some cases, Digimon have also been granted the ability to digivolve into higher forms by other, very powerful Digimon. Impmon is able to digivolve into his Mega form by using power given to him by Zhuqiaomon. Calumon is also able to help Guilmon, Renamon, and Terriermon digivolve, and with the help of the DigiGnomes he was even able to trigger the Digivolution of Digimon throughout the entire Digital World in order to prepare for the upcoming fight against the D-Reaper, because he is the the concept of Digimon, the "Digi-Entelechies", given form.

During Digivolution, a Digimon's appearance changes, and many of its other classifications (such as attribute and family) also sometimes do. The Digimon's fighting ability increases significantly, and the resulting Digimon is considered to be of a different species. However, Digimon species which are connected through Digivolution are generally similar in appearance. For example, Agumon is a small dinosaur-like Digimon; one of his Digivolved forms is Greymon, a much larger fully-grown dinosaur, and then MetalGreymon, a large armored and winged dinosaur. However, Digimon can sometimes digivolve into forms that appear very different. Salamon is a dog-like Digimon but can digivolve into Gatomon, a cat-like Digimon. Gatomon is able to further digivolve into Angewomon, a bipedal winged angel.

There isn't any real difference between how gender works for humans and for Digimon. Digimon couple and reproduce sexually, form romantic relationships between genders, and have distinct physical genders. When both male and female members of a species appear, they are either depicted with obviously different designs between males and females, as with Beastmon or Mervamon and Ignitemon, or they lack secondary sex characteristics altogether.

The name of a Digimon species is usually based on its form, and may be a pun. For example, Hyokomon's name and design are derived from the Japanese onomatopoeia for unsteady steps (「ひょこひょこ」 "Hyokohyoko"?), as well as the Chick (Gallus gallus domesticus) (雛 Hiyoko?). The species's name always ends in "-mon".

Digimon are generally not given individual names, and are instead simply referred to by the name of their species. So the word "Agumon" actually refers to a Digimon species, and not a single individual Digimon.

When a Digimon digivolves and assumes a new form, its name changes to match the species of its new form. However, it is still the same individual, despite having a different name. Some Digimon are given names or nicknames separate from their species, such as Zeromaru from Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01.

Digimon species are given many different classifications. With the exception of level, these are generally only important in the Digimon card game, and play a very small role in Digimon anime.

Digimon species are classified by their "digivolution level".

Digimon generally hatch out of Digi-Eggs as Fresh level Digimon, the lowest and weakest level, roughly equivalent to human infants. Most Digimon of this level are small and do not have well-defined body parts.

Eventually Fresh Digimon digivolve to the In-Training level, a slightly bigger and more complex form that generally still has undefined body parts.

Most Digimon encountered are of the Rookie or Champion level, with Ultimate and Mega-level Digimon being progressively rarer. Digimon of one Digivolution level are generally far stronger than Digimon of the previous level. There are exceptions where a Digimon has been able to defeat an opponent of a higher level. There are also cases, such as with Lucemon and Arukadhimon, where a Digimon is far more powerful than what its actual Digivolution level would imply.

For most Digimon, there are six Digivolution levels:

>Fresh or Baby

In some media, there is a level beyond Mega named "Super Ultimate".

There are also levels which run parallel to the standard progression, the most notable being "Armor" and "Hybrid". The "Armor" level appeared in the Digimon Adventure 02 series, and is reached when a Digimon uses a Digi-Egg to digivolve into an Armor Digimon. The "Hybrid" level contains several sub-levels and is exclusive to the Digimon Frontier series for Digimon who are formed by "Spirit Evolution".

The "Xros" level for Digimon who are the result of DigiFuses.

The "Jogress" level is given to any Digimon obtained through Jogress Digivolution.

Mode Change
There are some Digimon species who have multiple "modes", and are able to "Mode Change" between them. Often, this involves going from their normal form to a special mode that is more powerful in some way. For example, Beelzemon and Beelzemon Blast Mode. A Digimon's different modes are generally very similar in appearance (in this case, Beelzemon Blast Mode is simply Beelzemon with a giant blaster on one arm, green eyes instead of red, and two pairs of wings (two large, two small)). Another example is Gallantmon and Gallantmon Crimson Mode where Gallantmon Crimson Mode is Gallantmon with red armor, a spear and sword, and the cape being replaced by angelic wings.

Different modes of a Digimon are generally considered to be the same species. This is because a Digimon who goes through a Mode Change remains at the same Digivolution level (Imperialdramon Dragon Mode, Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, and Imperialdramon Paladin Mode are all Mega level Digimon in all appearances, despite going through two Mode Changes), and retain the same name (except with a suffix giving the name of the new mode).

Although Mode Changing does not result in a change in a Digimon's species or level, it is considered a form of Digivolution. There is but one exception to this, Lucemon. In Digimon Frontier, the Mode Changes Lucemon goes though alter both his form and level; going from his regular Rookie level, to an Ultimate level in Chaos Mode, and then to Mega Level in Larva and Shadowlord Mode forms.

Most Digimon species are classified into five attributes—Data, Vaccine, Virus, Free, and Variable. Most Digimon fall into the first three categories, with "Free" being rarer and "Variable" exclusive to Hybrid Digimon. Some Digimon either have their attributed by unidentified or lack them entirely.

The main three attributes have a Rock, Paper, Scissors arrangement where Virus is generally advantaged against Data, Data is advantaged against Vaccine and Vaccine is advantaged against Virus.

Digimon are also classified into different "Digimon families", a concept derived from the Digimon Pendulums.

Each Digimon family have a different colored background. For example, the Dragon's Roar family consists of Digimon who resemble dragons.

List of Families

Nature Spirits

The Nature Spirits family, abbreviated as "NSp" and originally translated as "Spirits of Nature" on, consists of members who are generic animal or monster-like Digimon, or those who dwell in desert-like areas. Members of this family are generally of the Earth element, and are weak to the Fire.

Deep Savers

The Deep Savers family, abbreviated as "DS" and originally translated as "Savers of the Deep Blue", consists of generally aquatic or polar Digimon, or those who dwell in marine areas. Members of this family are generally of the Water element, and are weak to the Steel.

Nightmare Soldiers

The Nightmare Soldiers family, abbreviated as "NSo" and originally translated as "Soldiers of Nightmares", consists of generally demonic or undead Digimon, or those who dwell in haunted areas. Members of this family are generally of the Dark element, and are weak to the Light.

Wind Guardians

The Wind Guardians family, abbreviated as "WG" and originally translated as "Guardians of the Wind", consists of generally avian or flying Digimon, or those who dwell in grassy or lofty areas. Members of this family are generally of the Wind element, and are weak to the Thunder.

Metal Empire

The Metal Empire field, abbreviated as "ME" and originally translated as "Empires of Precious Metals", consists of generally mechanical or mutated Digimon, or those who dwell in urban areas. Members of this family are generally of the Steel element, and are weak to the Water.

The Unknown family, abbreviated as "UK" and originally translated as "Group of the Unknown", consists of generally mutant or uncategorizable Digimon, or those who dwell in the desert. Many of its members were added to the Metal Empire family.

Dark Area
The Dark Area family, abbreviated as "DA", consists of generally demonic or evil Digimon, or those who dwell in the titular Dark Area. Many of its members were added to the Nightmare Soldiers family.

Virus Busters

The Virus Busters family, abbreviated as "VB", are generally sacred or angelic Digimon, or those who dwell in holy areas. Members of this family are generally of the Light element, and are weak to the Dark element.

Dragon's Roar

The Dragon's Roar field, abbreviated as "DR", consists of generally draconic Digimon, or those who dwell in volcanic areas. Members of this family are generally of the Fire element, and are weak to the Earth.

Jungle Troopers

The Jungle Troopers field, abbreviated as "JT", are generally insectoid or vegetation Digimon, or those who dwell in tropical areas. Members of this field are generally of the Thunder element, and are weak to the Wind.

D-Reaper Zone
Members of this field are forms and Agents of the D-Reaper.

Some Digimon also lack families altogether.

As another form of classification, all Digimon species are given a "Type". A Digimon's type is a loose categorization based on general characteristics such as physical appearance--e.g., Agumon is a "Reptile Type" Digimon.

A Digimon species is usually classified into only one "Type". Some types, such as "Insect Type", include dozens of Digimon, whilst others, such as "Ancient Insect Type" are unique to only a single Digimon (in this case, AncientBeetlemon).

List of Digimon Types:
9000 Digimon‎
Ability Synthesis Agents‎
Alien Digimon‎
Amphibian Digimon
Ancient Animal Digimon‎
Ancient Aquatic Beast Man Digimon‎
Ancient Beast Digimon‎
Ancient Bird Digimon‎
Ancient Bird Man Digimon‎
Ancient Crustacean Digimon‎
Ancient Digimon‎
Ancient Dragon Digimon‎
Ancient Dragon Man Digimon‎
Ancient Fish Digimon‎
Ancient Insect Digimon‎
Ancient Mineral Digimon‎
Ancient Mutant Digimon
Ancient Mythical Animal Digimon‎
Ancient Ore Digimon‎
Android Digimon‎
Angel Digimon‎
Animal Digimon‎
Ankylosaur Digimon‎
Antiaircraft Attack Agents‎
Aquatic Beast Man Digimon‎
Aquatic Digimon‎
Aquatic Mammal Digimon‎
Archangel Digimon‎
Armed Reconnaissance Agents‎
Artificial Fallen Angel Digimon‎
Baby Dragon Digimon‎
Base Defense Agents‎
Beast Digimon‎
Beast Dragon Digimon‎
Beast Knight Digimon‎
Beast Man Digimon‎
Bewitching Beast Digimon‎
Bewitching Bird Digimon‎
Bird Digimon‎
Bird Man Digimon‎
Braun Digimon‎
Bulb Digimon‎
Ceratopsian Digimon‎
Cherub Digimon‎
Chick Digimon‎
Composition Digimon‎
Crustacean Digimon‎
Cyborg Digimon‎
Dark Animal Digimon‎
Dark Dragon Digimon‎
Dark Knight Digimon‎
Dark Warrior Digimon
Demon Beast Digimon‎
Demon Dragon Digimon‎
Demon God Digimon‎
Demon Lord Digimon‎
Demon Man Digimon‎
Devil Digimon‎
Dinosaur Digimon‎
Dragon Digimon‎
Dragon Man Digimon‎
Dragon Warrior Digimon‎
Earth Dragon Digimon‎
Enhancement Digimon‎
Evil Digimon‎
Evil Dragon Digimon‎
Evil God Digimon‎
Exalted Beast Digimon‎
Exalted Knight Digimon‎
Fairy Digimon‎
Fallen Angel Digimon‎
Festive Digimon‎
Fire Digimon‎
Flame Digimon‎
Flame Dragon Digimon‎
Food Digimon‎
Ghost Digimon‎
Giant Bird Digimon‎
God Beast Digimon‎
God Man Digimon‎
Grappling Agents‎
Ground Combat Agents‎
Guide Digimon‎
Holy Beast Digimon‎
Holy Bird Digimon‎
Holy Dragon Digimon‎
Holy Knight Digimon
Hybrid Digimon‎
Icy Digimon‎
Imaginary Digimon‎
Incarnation Digimon‎
Insect Digimon‎
Insect Digimon cards‎
Insectivorous Plant Digimon‎
Insectoid Digimon‎
Intelligence Gathering Agents‎
Invader Digimon‎
Larva Digimon‎
LCD Digimon‎
Legendary Warriors‎
Lesser Digimon‎
Light Dragon Digimon‎
Machine Digimon‎
Machine Dragon Digimon‎
Magic Warrior Digimon‎
Major Digimon‎
Mammal Digimon‎
Military Commander Agents‎
Mine Digimon‎
Mineral Digimon‎
Mini Angel Digimon‎
Mini Bird Digimon‎
Mini Devil Digimon‎
Mini Dragon Digimon‎
Minor Digimon‎
Mollusk Digimon‎
Monk Digimon‎
Mother Ship Agents‎
Musical Instrument Digimon‎
Mutant Digimon‎
Mythical Animal Digimon‎
Mythical Dragon Digimon‎
Ogre Digimon‎
Ophan Digimon‎
Ore Digimon‎
Parasite Digimon‎
Perfect Digimon‎
Pixie Digimon
Plant Digimon‎
Plesiosaur Digimon‎
Power Digimon‎
Pterosaur Digimon‎
Puppet Digimon‎
Rare Animal Digimon‎
Reptile Digimon‎
Rock Digimon‎
Sea Animal Digimon‎
Sea Dragon Digimon
Sea Man Digimon‎
Seed Digimon‎
Seraph Digimon‎
Shaman Digimon‎
Shellfish Digimon‎
Skeleton Digimon‎
Sky Dragon Digimon‎
Slime Digimon‎
Small Dragon Digimon‎
Smoke Digimon‎
Spirit Digimon‎
Spy Agents‎
Stegosaur Digimon‎
Synthetic Beast Digimon‎
Tathāgata Digimon‎
Toy Digimon‎
Tropical Fish Digimon‎
Unbalanced Digimon‎
Undead Digimon‎
Unidentified Digimon‎
Unique Digimon‎
Vegetation Digimon‎
Virtue Digimon‎
Warrior Digimon‎
Weapon Digimon‎
Wizard Digimon‎
Zombie Zinger Digimon‎

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

A Pokémon, also known as a Pocket Monster, is any of the 721 documented types of creatures inhabiting Equestria with an innate connection to element-based supernatural powers. Pokémon are commonly captured and trained by humans, primarily for companionship and/or to be used in popular fighting competitions. Nearly all Pokémon are able to manipulate energy or matter through paranormal means, with the specifics of these abilities determined for each Pokémon largely by their elemental "type".

Most Pokémon physically resemble animals, though some resemble mythical monsters, machines, ghosts, fungi, or plants with animal-like facial and other features. It is not clear whether most Pokémon constitute natural living things, though they are often treated as living organisms; however, some are clearly artificial creations (such as Porygon) or even mystical spirits (such as Arceus), with much apparent overlap and uncertainty between these categories (such as the ambiguous Magnemite).

Pokémon come in an enormous variety of shapes and sizes, with some nearly identical to normal animals, such as Rattata's very similar appearance to an everyday rat, while most others take more unusual forms, such as Exeggutor, which resembles a coconut tree with animal facial features and feet. Other Pokémon share no resemblance to any known animals, plants, or fungi, and a few even have machine-like forms, such as Registeel. Others, such as Mr. Mime and Jynx, very closely resemble humans in their appearance.

Life Process
Normally, Pokémon will start their life from Pokémon Eggs through breeding process, but there are a few cases in which a Pokémon is not born through hatching methods, for example with the Legendary Pokémon.

After Pokémon hatch from an egg, they become known as Baby Pokémon, which are the "pre-evolved" forms of a Pokémon. By having proper training from their trainer, the Pokémon will receive experience points and level up. Upon reaching a certain level or happiness rating, or when given an Evolution Stone, or certain Held Items, most base-level Pokémon will metamorphose into an advanced new form, giving them a changed appearance and new abilities their previous form may not have possessed. In the Pokémon World, this transition is called Evolution (which is not related to the biological concept of evolution by natural selection). Sometimes after evolution it could change into pure type into dual type like Charmeleon evolved into Charizard.

Most Pokémon, though not all, have one of two genders, determining whether the Pokémon is male or female (in the Pokémon video games). Some Pokémon have a greater chance of being one gender than another, such as Blastoise which has a 87.5% chance of being male, but only a 12.5% chance of being female. Some Pokémon can only be one gender, such as Froslass and Hitmontop. There are also moves that will only work when Pokémon are certain genders.

In certain cases, some Pokémon are classified as genderless, such as machine-like Pokémon and most Legendary Pokémon.

Relationships with Human Beings
In the world of Pokémon, human beings have strong relationships with Pokémon, particularly as Pokémon Trainers, who capture and train the creatures in their spare time or as their main career. Successful Pokémon Training is considered a highly prestigious and labor-intensive calling in the Pokémon World, and some enter into Training with dreams of achieving the title of "Pokémon Master."

Relationships with Warriors
In Pokémon Conquest, Warriors (the Trainers in the side-game) would link with Pokémon to catch them and would be restricted from linking with some due to types of the Pokémon itself or its evolved forms. They would also only be able to reach a specific link with the Pokémon. In a case where the link can reach 100%, that Pokémon is the Warrior's perfect link. Warriors and Pokémon would be in sync with each other during this time.

Types and Attributes
There are multiple types of Pokémon, which determine the strengths and weaknesses of different Pokémon species. They lay the foundation of a complex yet mostly logical "rock-paper-scissors" or "balance of powers" system that applies to every Pokémon and their respective moves. Some advantages and disadvantages are based on common sense (e.g. Fire-type Pokémon being weak to Water-type attacks), while others are not as obvious (e.g. Fire-type attacks being strong against Steel-type Pokémon, possibly because fire melts metal when at high temperatures).

Pokémon Types

Credit goes to ILKCMP for picture

Generation World
Pokémon world Other planets
1. Ancient Pokémon Legendary Pokémon Extraterrestrial Pokémon
2. Current Pokémon
3. Artificial Pokémon

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Ahuizotl (Canis manus):

Ahuizotl is a dog-like creature with an elongated dog-like head, except for his eyes, which are positioned over his nose at the end of his snout. He walks on all fours, with dog-like hind limbs and ape-like forelimbs, and a long monkey-like tail with a hand on its end. Ahuizotl has a tuxedo-style coat, having dark blue fur over most of his body, while his stomach, lower jaw and limbs are of a lighter blue. Ahuizotl wears golden colored jewelry, such as a necklace, a single ear ring, and three bracelets, one for each foreleg, and one around his tail's wrist.

In Aztec mythology, the Ahuizotl bears an appearance similar to that of a canine. It has waterproof fur often clumping up to create spikes and an additional hand on its tail.

Arimaspi (Aresian monoptica):

Arimaspi is a giant, one-eyed monster who appears in The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone. He resembles a dark gray goat with a humanoid upper body, similar to a minotaur, and he wears golden jewelry on his body.

In Greek mythology, the Arimaspi were a race of one-eyed people who warred with griffons over their gold.

Breezie (Equus sapien faeus):

Breezies are a group of which Fluttershy and her friends assist in migrating home. Fluttershy describes them as "the rarest, tiniest, most adorable magical creatures in all of Equestria." A notable member of the Breezies is named Seabreeze.

Bugbear (Uras arthropodae):

It is a large creature with the upper body, arms, and legs of a panda bear and the antennae, wings, and stinger of a bumblebee.

The bugbear was captured and imprisoned in Tartarus some time ago by Sweetie Drops, a member of a secret anti-monster agency in Canterlot. After it escaped, the agency was disbanded, and Sweetie Drops went into hiding under the assumed name "Bon Bon". When the bugbear attacks Ponyville, the Mane Six spend the episode fighting it off, eventually defeating it off-screen.

In real life, a bugbear is an imaginary creature designed to scare disobeying children, similar to the bogeyman. It is also a general term used to describe an ongoing annoyance.

Cerberus (Canis Tricephalus):

Cerberus is a giant three-headed dog that resembles that of a black bulldog. He has red pupils and a spiked collar on each neck. As with the hydra, the three faces do not show the same expression; when Twilight first calls out to him, the heads glance at each other, and they later look up at different times when she calls out again.

In Greek and Roman mythology, Cerberus, or Kerberos, was a three-headed dog-like beast with a serpent's tail that was responsible for guarding the gates of Hades and keeping the dead from leaving. Heracles was sent to capture Cerberus as one of his twelve labors.

Changeling (Equus sapien mimic):

They have a pony-like appearance along with insect features. They have sheer insect-like wings, fangs, horns used for magic, and holes in their legs.

The changeling queen explains that the changelings feed on love; Changelings in folklore would take advantage of the love given to them by their unwitting caretakers.

Chimera (Felis tricephalus):

It is a fearsome creature with a tiger's front body and head, a goat's hindquarters and head on its left shoulder, and a snake for a tail. Apple Bloom encounters the monster in the Flame Geyser Swamp on her way to deliver apple pies to a faraway town for Applejack. The chimera can be with a snake-charming flute, a lion tamer's chair, and a hunk of ricotta cheese. The three heads address each other as siblings, and suggest a history of bickering with each other, claiming they can never agree on what to eat, and fighting over who should be in charge.

In Greek mythology, the chimera is a monstrous fire-breathing creature with the body and head of a lion, a goat's head rising from its back, and a tail ending in a snake's head.

Cockatrice (Avius draco)

A cockatrice a fearsome, dangerous creature that have the "head of a chicken and the body of a snake."

Cockatrices are mentioned in legend from antiquity to the Middle Ages.

Cragadile (Crocodilius terra):

Its name is a play on "crocodile" and "crag." As the name suggests, the cragadile's design mostly resembles that of a crocodile, but its hide is covered in rocks and rock spires.

Demon (Homo sapien luciferius):

Dmons were once humans that have committed sins and vices and thus gained flame-like hair, tattered bat-like wings capable of flight, four clawed fingers, pointed ears, sharp teeth with elongated fangs, and forked tongues. Their clothing also changes, from female wearing flame-patterned frock and boots to males wear similarly patterned tunics and leggings. However, Sunset's demon form appears more monstrous: she increases in size, her voice deepens, her skin turns a reddish color, her ears are more jagged, the whites of her eyes become black, her nose shortens, her mouth is more stretched out, and she gains a flame-like tail and hair.

In various real-life cultures, demons are evil creatures that are often controlled by more powerful, malevolent beings, or have the power to control other beings themselves. They are commonly depicted in Western cultures as having red skin, wings, and horns.

Diamond Dog (Canis sapien):

Diamond Dogs are dog-like creatures that have one motif, mine for riches. Their manner of speaking is reminiscent of Smeagol from The Lord of the Rings.

The map of the south of Equestria from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #2 bears the mention "Appaloosan[sic] Mountains (beware the poachers, they call them the Diamond Dogs)" near the top.

Draconequus (Equus draco):

A draconequus is described as a creature with "the head of a pony and a body of all sorts of other things."


Dragons are a species of giant fire-breathing reptilian monsters, based on European lore, predominantly out of Scandinavian mythology. Spike is a baby dragon, and one of the main supporting cast.

Fruit bat (Chiroptera):
Strawberry fruit bats (Chiroptera ichigo)

Fruit bats ,unlike real-life fruit bats, these bats come in the colors of the rainbow and resemble fruit, the midsections of red fruit bats in particular resembling strawberries; they also appear to have leaves for ears.

Vampire fruit bat (Chiroptera vladis)

Relatives of fruit bats called vampire fruit bats. Unlike their more colorful counterparts, vampire fruit bats come in dark colors such as black and brown, and have red eyes and long fangs.

Gargoyle (Capricornus chirpotera)

In a legend recounted by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, he and his brother Tirek come from "a distant land" with the intent of stealing Equestrian magic. However, Scorpan comes to appreciate the ponies' ways and befriends a young Star Swirl the Bearded. When Tirek remains resolute in their plan despite Scorpan's urges to reconsider, Scorpan alerts the princesses of his brother's intentions, resulting in Tirek's imprisonment in Tartarus. Afterward, Scorpan returns to his homeland.

In French folklore, a gargoyle is a hideous creature with a dragon-like body, bat-like wings, a long neck, and the ability to breathe fire.

Griffon (Leo avius):

Griffons are creatures that have the body of a lion, and the front claws, head, and wings of an eagle.

The griffin is a mythical creature dating all the way back since ancient Persian and Greek folklore.

Hydra (Draco quadrocephalus):

A hydra residing in Froggy Bottom Bogg chases the main characters in Feeling Pinkie Keen. The hydra has four heads on snake-like necks and a large, orange, dragon-like body, with only two legs and no wings or arms. The ponies note a smelly gas that envelops it as it rises from the bog, and a tick-like insect can be seen on its neck during this scene. Before chasing the ponies, it roars and licks its lips. The heads sometimes display different expressions and even laugh at each other's misfortunes. One head is noticeably slower to react than the others.

The hydra is a monster from Greek mythology, a giant multiheaded serpent which grew two heads whenever one of them was chopped off.

Jackalope (Leporidae ungulus):

Jackalopes are rabbit like creatures with antlers and vibrant in color. As opposed to its vampiric counterparts, this kind is depicted as being passive.

Vampiric jackalope (Leporidae ungulus vladis):

Unlike the regular jackalope, vampiric jackalopes have brighter colored coats such as pink, blue and yellow as well as sharper teeth, black antlers and eyes that turn red when aggressive. They are carnivorous and are the natural enemies of the Chupacabra.

Manticore (Leo draco):

A manticore has the body of a lion, a scorpion's tail, and a pair of dragon-like wings.

In Persian mythology, the manticore is a creature with a red lion's body, a human-like face, a mouth with shark-like rows of sharp teeth, and a voice like a trumpet. Additional features such as a scorpion-like tail, bat-like wings, and the ability to launch poisonous spines at its enemies depend on the story. It is considered a man-eater, often leaving no remains, not even bones or clothing.

Minotaur (Bovuus sapien):

The Minotaurs are a race of creatures resembling ahropomorphed bulls. A minotaur called Iron Will appears in Putting Your Hoof Down. He is a muscular, bipedal, therianthropic ox-like character who claims that he teaches "assertiveness techniques" to "pushovers." He works as a self-help instructor for ponies who show low self-esteem, often offering them advice via catchy phrases.

In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a therianthropic (humanoid) monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man. The word Minotaur derives from the Greek words minos, meaning king, and tauros, meaning bull, giving it the literal translation as either "king bull" or the "kings' bull."

Orthros (Canis bicephalos):

A dog with two heads called an orthros appears to have one head is that of a Saint Bernard, the other head appears to be a generic mutt.

In Greek mythology, Orthrus – or Orthros – is a two-headed dog and a brother of Cerberus.

Parasprite (Dipteran pixis):

Parasprites are small, round, flying creatures that quickly become problem. Parasprites are capable of multiplying very quickly, and soon they become a destructive infestation.

Phoenix (Avis helios):

Phoenixes appear to be a race of birds that are vibrant red with golden-lined wings. Princess Celestia explains that phoenixes need to renew themselves by shedding all of their feathers and bursting into flames.

The Phoenix is derived from Greek mythology, often associated with the sun. According to Greek lore phoenixes are aviary beings that have survived for prolonged life-spans, measuring up to thousands of years. They accomplish this feat by bursting into flame during old age and then arise from their ashes into an earlier, youthful, stage of their lives. Phoenix is also one of the 88 modern constellations, it is named and modeled after the same mythical bird. The mythical fire-bird appears frequently in popular media and has been referenced several times in pop culture.

There are also several other mythological birds from different cultures that share similar properties with the phoenix.

Quarray eel ( Anguilliformes claustros)

Quarray eels, named and seen in May the Best Pet Win!, are large burgundy-colored eels that live in holes in the side of Ghastly Gorge.

Sea serpent (Draco ophidius)

The sea serpent has a long serpentine body, reminiscent of an Asian dragon, with fish fins instead of ears, purple scales and orange hair, eyebrows, and mustache. Their hair is arranged in a pompadour style.

Sea serpents are a common type of monster that originates from several mythological sources, most notably from Greek and Scandinavian lore, as well as from the Bible. The moustache also makes the serpent seen in the pilot reminiscent of the East-Asian mythological river dragons.

Siren (Equus sapien sirenis)

Sirens are seen in the film My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. Three sirens named Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze originally roamed Equestria spreading disharmony among ponies with their siren's songs. They fed off the ponies' negative energies to make their voices and magic more powerful with the intention of conquering Equestria. They were punished by Star Swirl the Bearded and turned them human, where he surmised they would do no harm since there would be no magic in thier human forms, unaware that later, Equestrian magic would let them retain their powers..

The Dazzlings use their songs to control the Great Lords and frule Equestria. They are eventually defeated by Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and the Team Arbiter when their gem pendants are destroyed and they are stripped of their powers.

Thehe sirens' appearance is more similar to that of a hippocampus, another mythical sea creature, rather than a traditional siren. In the human world, the Dazzlings' anthropomorphic forms possess translucent fins on their backs, like those on their true forms' front legs. Their siren forms are summoned as astral projections from their pendants and are used to battle, and ultimately weaken, Team Arbiter.

The were then refomed and became close friends with Dustin and his friends and became a part of Team Arbiter.

The sirens come from Greek mythology, where they are depicted as creatures who resemble human females and often cause shipwrecks with their songs.

Star spider

Star spiders mostly resemble regular spiders, but they also bear star-shaped symbols on their abdomens.

A number of star spiders appear in the Castle of the Two Sisters, and Fluttershy mentions to Rarity that it is star spider season.


The Tantabus is a dream creature that resembles an amorphous creature of blue starry smoke that infests and feeds on ponies' dreams, turning them into nightmares. According to Princess Luna, the Tantabus gets stronger with each additional pony's dreams it infects. With enough power, it could potentially escape into the real world.

The name "Tantabus" is a corruption of "tantibus", a Latin word for "nightmare."

Tatzlwurm (Annlida major):

A Tatzlwurm is a subterranean worm-like creature with a tripartite jaw and a maw containing black tentacles that can reach out and grab its prey. It also has scales and a red mane-like structure behind its head. It appears to be vulnerable to offensive unicorn and Alicorn magic. The creature's sneeze transmits an unknown disease to others, such as Discord.

The Tatzlwurm is named after the Tatzelwurm of Alpine folklore, though this version of the creature more closely resembles a "Graboid" from the movie Tremors.

Timberwolf (Canis lupus chloro)

Their name is a play on a real-life breed of wolf, the Gray wolf, which is also known as the Timber Wolf. Their bodies are comprised of twigs, logs, and leaves.

Twittermite (Diptera electro):

Twittermites are small, winged insect-like creatures. They have round bluish-gray bodies, large purple eyes, short black claws, fibrous wings, and bright blue lightning bolt-shaped antennae and stingers. They shoot bolts of electricity at unsuspecting victims, and launch larger bolts when in a swarm.

Ursa (Ursa sapiens):
Ursa minor (Ursa sapien omega)

Ursa major (Ursa sapien alpha):

Ursa minor and ursa major appear in Boast Busters as gigantic magical bears with fur that looks like the night sky, and are partially translucent.

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are constellations seen in the northern hemisphere; the ursas in the show have unusually long tails for bears, much like their constellation namesakes. Their mother-and-child relantionship mirrors the Greek origin myth of the Ursa constellations, where Zeus turned the nymph Callisto and her son into bears and placed them in the night sky.

Carmilla by GENZOMAN
Count Dracula by GENZOMAN
Count Orlok by GENZOMAN
Elizabeth Bathory by GENZOMAN

Vampires are anthropophagic blood-sucking immortal humans, such as Dracula and Count Orlok. They are always described as pale skined, red-eyed, fanged, super fast, super strong, capable of turning into a bat, a wolf, or a cloud of fog. They are immortal beings but can be killed by a stake through the heart. their weaknesss are garlic, holy water and divin objects.

Windigo (Equus sapiens cryos)

The windigos are explained to be winter spirits that feed off fighting and hatred; the more hate the spirit feels, the colder things become.

The windigos resemble ghostly and translucent horses.

In the mythology of the Algonquian people, the Wendigo, or Windigo, is a malevolent, anthropophagic supernatural spirit or deity being strongly associated with the winter, the North, coldness, as well as famine and starvation. It has been thought to be an ice-giant that eats people whole. The word windigo is also often used to describe or name people who have gone mad or are thought to be cannibals, such as in Louise Erdrich's Love Medicine.

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Moonlight Butterfly (Papillos luna)
Belongs to Dark Souls and FromSoftware

A race of magic giant butterflies made by Seath the scaleless. These creatures are capable of magic.
They lurk in forested areas and the crystal caves all over Equesria. They are very docile unless provoked. They have no need of sustenance or any need of sleep my like Gems.

Frog-Ray (Amphinbia manta)
Belongs to Dark Souls and FromSoftware

A weird race of amphibious creatures that resemble a mix between frogs and manta rays.

The Frog-Rays are red, black spotted amphibian creatures. Rarely are they threatening but will occasionally attempt to ambush their prey. They have edible meat mostly used in backwoods quisine.

Giant Clam (Bivalvis gigantis)
Belongs to Dark Souls and FromSoftware

They have the appearance of giant clams with red spikes sticking out of their heads. Their mouths are littered with blue skulls.

While not particularly powerful, Giant Clams have plenty of attacks that knock anyone on the floor which can be done in succession, effectively stunlocking the victim to death. This becomes much more evident when they attack in groups.

Pisaca (Homo qwasimodus)
Belongs to Dak Souls and FromSoftware

The Pisacas were created by Seath the Scaleless, through experiments performed on women collected by his Channelers. Now they are the result of punished evil-doers.

They reproduce by laying eggs and they feed off of the souls of their victims, mostly animals. They produce acidic bile as a defense mechanism. Sound is what triggers them in a berserk noise as it very well agitates them. They also can move very fast even they can outrun a wheeler.

Chenneler (Homo magius)
Belongs t Dark Souls and FromSoftware

They appear slightly larger than the average man, donning protective robes of peculiar design and utilizing a mystical Trident. Channelers are capable fighters and may cast powerful Soul Arrows from afar. All Channelers can perform a unique martial arts dance that stirs nearby allies into a bloodthirsty frenzy. Channelers may teleport around and they are invulnerable during the animation.

The damage of the surrounding enemies, as well as the Channeler's, are greatly increased after the dance is performed. Each individual displays lines of blue magic to indicate the effects of the dance.

Belongs to Dark Souls and FromSoftware

Giant guardians of Anor Londo. Sentinels wear the Giant Set and wield the Giant's Halberd and Giant Shield. They are highly susceptible to poison; three poison arrows is sufficient to kill them, enabling the player to hit them at a safe distance and simply wait for them to die. The six Sentinels encountered near the first bonfire in Anor Londo can be farmed easily and safely at a distance, using poison arrows.

Royal Sentinel
Belongs to Dark Souls and FromSoftware

Royal Sentinels appear even larger than regular Sentinels and don a tabard. They are capable of using Miracles, mainly Great Heal if their health becomes critically low, and Wrath of the Gods if the player gets too close.

They bear the Giant Set and wield the Giant's Halberd and Giant Shield.

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