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Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Here is a link URL where this information is found. I only added some things. http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Everlasting_Dragons

During the Age of Ancients, the Dragons were the everlasting rulers of the Equestria until the Great Lords rose from the Dark and challenged them. During this the Dragons sided with the Great Dark Lords. The result was a catastrophic war that destroyed much of Equestria. In the end the Dragons were vanquished and the World began a new era known as the Age of Fire. The Dragon’s are the children of Eris, the goddess of Chaos and one of the Great Dark Lords.

Age of Ancients:
Not much is known about Equestria at this time; only that the World was unformed and shrouded by fog, filled with grey crags and arch-trees, and that the immortal Dragons held dominion over land and sea.

War of Fire
With the advent of the First Flame, the Great Lords challenged the Dragons for dominion of the World. During the war, Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight used his powerful bolts, peeling their stone scales; the Witch of Izalith and her Daughters of Chaos wove great firestorms; Nito, the First of the Dead unleashed a miasma of death and disease; and Seath the Scaleless, who sought the immortal scales of the dragons, betrayed his own kind. And the other Great Lords fought against their allies the Great Dark Lords.

Age of Fire
The aftermath of the war made the lands barren and lifeless. But despite all this, the Lords and the Humans and other races of Equestria rebuilt the World and brought the Age of Fire, a golden era of the new world. While the Ancient Dragons appear to be all but extinct, the race has many descendants, some greater and some lesser.

Ancient Dragons: (I named them after the Latin words for the dfferent elements of Magic used in Dustin's Adventures)
• Nocto: The Dragon of darkness with Obsidian scales.
• Lumino: The Dragon of light with Moonstone scales
• Necro: The Dragon of Death with Onyx Scales
• Naturo; The Dragon of life with Quartz scales
• Hydro: The Dragon of water with Lapiz Lazuli scales
• Pyro: The Dragon of fire with Garnet scales
• Aero: The Dragon of air with Clay scales
• Geo: The Dragon of earth with Basalt scales
• Electro: The Dragon of lightning with Lodestone scales
• Chloro: The Dragon of nature with Jade scales
• Cryo: The Dragon of ice with Turquoise scales
• Litho: The Dragon of crystal with Rhodonite scales
• Chemo: The Dragon of acid/nuclear/chemicals (basically anything that deteriorates the body) with Uranium scales
• Lecano: The Dragon of sound with Granite scales
• Anthropo: The Dragon of blood with Bloodstone scales.
• Kovino: The Dragon of metal with Silver scales
• Nihilo: The Dragon nothingness with Marble scales
• Dactylio: The Dragon of divinity with Tourmaline scales
• Chrono: the Dragon of time with Azurite scales
• Info = knowledge (doesn't seem all that powerful but try saying that when an infomancer makes you forget how to breath) with Amethyst scales
• Gyro: The Dragon of gravity with Welded Tuff scales
• Seath: The only albino without the scales of the Everlasting Dragons

Descendants of the the Everlasting Dragons:
• Gaia: The Dragon of the mountains of Minotuaria
• Vulcan: The Dragon of volcanoes in Otoko
• Taiga: The Dragon of winter and snow in the Crystal Empire
• Neptune: The Dragon of the Oceans
• Moore: The Dragon of the Deserts
• Persephone: The Dragon of the Jungles of Okoto
• Kelpie: Dragon of the waters of Okoto
• Terra: The Dragon of the mountains of Okoto
• Koori: The Draon of ice in Okoto
• Geos: The Dragon of the cliffs in Okoto.
• Metamorpho: The Dragon of Changelings
• The Draconequus: Dragon-like creatures that represent a fusion of multiple animals
• Spike: The young Dragon who’s Twilight Sparkle’s assistant and friend.

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